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> 英語語法 > 英語語法新思維 >  第242篇







1.There is a popular saying _______________.(Family instability causes social instability.)
2.No one knows exactly _______________. (Is there life on other planets?)
3.No one knew _______________. (Would interest rates rise?)
4.I am interested in the question _______________.(Will people live on the moon someday?)
5.No one knows for sure _______________. (Will the gains be greater than the losses?)
6.My question is _______________.(Do we have enough time to go to the movies?)
7.September 11, 2001 started out as an ordinary day, but _______________ will be forever etched in our memories. (What happened that morning?)
8.___________________________ is a wholly new kind of police force. (What do we need?)
9.Children often ask _______________. (How do bears survive winter?)
10.____________________________________ is true. (What did he tell you?)
11.____________________________________ has not yet been decided. (Who will chair the meeting?)
12.____________________________________ has not yet been decided. (When is the meeting to be held?)
13. _______________is still a mystery. (Why did he refuse to cooperate with us?)
14.____________________________________ is more important than what his fate is. (How does a person master his fate?)
15.Could you tell me _______________?(Where is the post office?)
16.We don't know _______________.(Why didn't he come yesterday?)
17.This is _______________.(Where does our basic interest lie?)
18.My question is _______________.(Where are we going to have our holidays?)
19.It is obvious_________on more important things.
A. which the money should we spend
B. what the money should we spend
C. that the money should we spend
D. that we should spend the money
20. _________hard water does not mix well with soap.
A. That is a well-known fact
B. That is a well-known fact in which
C. It is a well-known fact that
D. It is a well-known that
21. _________every magnet is surrounded by a magnetic field.
A. It believes that
B. It believed that
C. It is believed that
D. It's believing that
22. _________was to return to school.
A. That really interested him
B. What really interested him
C. Which really interested him
D. That interested him really
23. _________your men have been on my land without permission.
A. It seems that
B. There seems to be
C. That seems
D. It seems for
24. _________I have made no arrangements to deal with such cases.
A. It appear that
B. That appears
C. They appear that
D. It appears that
25. _________that the first cheese was probably made more than 4,000 years ago by nomadic tribes in Asia.
A. The belief
B. Although they believe
C. It is believed
D. Believing
26. _________to space travelers is high acceleration or deceleration forces.
A. That can be dangerous
B. What can be dangerous
C. They can be dangerous
D. It can be dangerous
27._________ unstable and explodes as a supernova is not known.
A. For a star to become
B. How a star becomes
C. A star becomes
D. That a star is becoming
28. _________composed traditionally has been a subject of debate among scholars.
A. Where ballads how
B. Ballads were how they
C. How ballads that were
D. How ballads were
29. _________that the professor's strictness with him is not to punish a careless student but to teach him how to be precise.
A. Joseph was dawned
B. It was dawned on Joseph
C. It dawned on Joseph
D. Joseph dawned it on
30. _________was not our concern.
A. No matter how he might pass the examination
B. Whether he passed the examination or not
C. Though he might pass the examination
D. While he passed the examination
31.He asked me_________I intended to do after my graduation.
A. that what
B. what
C. that
D. which
32.Listening carefully to_________in class means less work later.
A. what does the teacher say
B. what the teacher says
C. that the teacher says
D. which the teacher says
33.John didn't say_________he would return, but I presume he'11 be back for dinner.
A. that when
B. when
C. if or not
D. where
34.After the accident, I opened my eyes slowly and realized _________I was still alive.
A. that
B. whether
C. what
D. which
35.No one knows exactly _________.
A. how did the speech begin
B. how the speech began
C. how the beginning of the speech
D. of how beginning the speech
36.He wondered _________.
A. what will be his wife's reaction
B. what would his wife's reaction be
C. how would be his wife's reaction
D. what his wife's reaction would be
37.A popular belief_________radio and television have homogenized the language of the United States.
A. states that
B. that is stated
C. that states
D. stating that
38.I don't care_________we are invited to the dinner.
A. if or not
B. whether or not
C. what
D. that
39.The professor made_________clear that there would be no pass until his students handed in satisfactory dissertations.
A. that
B. them
C. it
D. this
40.He is wondering_________a doctor.
A. whether or not he should see
B. that he should see or not
C. if or not he should see
D. if to see or not
41.The reason for my return is_________I left my keys behind.
A. because
B. it
C. that
D. why
42.The mountain was_________many animals, such as wolves, foxes and rabbits once haunted but now it is so silent.
A. that place
B. where
C. what
D. then
43.The reason we’re so late is _________.
A. because of the car breaking down
B. due the care broke down
C. that the car broke down
D. because the car broke down
44.The reason she failed in the exam was _________.
A. that she hadn't worked hard
B. because she hadn't worked hard
C. why she hadn't worked hard
D. because she was too careless
45.A hinge joint is_________permits the forward and backward movement of a door.
A. what
B. that
C. which
D. where
46.Stopping pouring polluted water into the river is_________the factory has to solve at present.
A. what
B. which
C. as
D. that
47.There are signs_________restaurants are becoming more popular with families.
A. that
B. which
C. in which
D. whose
48.Scientists have reached the conclusion_________the temperature on Earth is getting higher and higher.
A. what
B. that
C. which
D. when
49.An idea came to her_________she might do the experiment in another way.
A. that
B. what
C. when
D. which
50.Obviously there was little certainty_________the chairman would agree to this proposal.
A. which
B. why
C. what
D. that
51.We were all overjoyed at the news_________the experiment turned out a success.
A. which
B. that
C. when
D. what
52.I have no idea_________has happened to him.
A. what
B. that
C. which
D. why
53.The author wishes to call our attention_________modern man has polluted his environment to such an extent that he might destroy himself if he went on like that.
A. to that
B. in that
C. to the fact which
D. to the fact that
54.He didn't live up to_________had been expected of him.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. all what
55.I realized_________I said was not exactly_________I meant to say.
A. what that, what
B. that what, what
C. that which, which
D. that that, what
56.Although Anne is happy with her success, she wonders _________will happen to her private life.
A. that
B. what
C. it
D. which
57.The mere fact_________most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. why
58.One of the qualities_________(that/what/who/why) separate us two-legged animals from the four-legged ones is compassion. It is_________(which/that/what) makes us stand up tall instead of crawling about on all fours. And standing up tall is _________ (which/that/what) frees our arms to reach out to a fellow being and say, "Let me help you.”
59.Change is_________(which/that/what) keeps us fresh and innovative. Change is_________(which/that/what) keeps us from getting stale. Change is_________(which/that/what) keeps us young.
60.If you had told me just_________I was to do they would never have found fault with my handling of the case.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. whatever
61. _________the London Zoo will adopt as a measurement at the critical moment is to try all ways preserving the animals in the zoo.
A. That
B. What
C. It's
D. Whether
62.How close parents are to their children_________a strong influence on the character of the children.
A. have
B. has
C. having
D. to have
63._________ that snow men were often spotted on the mountainside above 7,000 meters by the local inhabitants.
A. It was used to be saying
B. It used to be said
C. It used to say
D. It was used to saying
64.The problem now is_________we can adopt to overcome the difficulties in shortage of funds.
A. what measure
B. that measure
C. measure that
D. measure which
65._________ theories approximate the truth is the day-to-day business of science.
A. Determining how closely
B. How closely to determine
C. How one determines close
D. One is close to determining
66. _________the students think it their duty to study hard has laid the foundation for the university's high reputation.
A. That all
B. What
C. All that
D. What all
67.It's doubtful_________the government of that country can accept them as permanent residents.
A. whether
B. that
C. how
D. what
68.It has always puzzled me_________the old man tied a red silk ribbon on the young tree in his courtyard.
A. that
B. why
C. where
D. what
69. _________was the "curiosity of all mankind to explore the unknown”.
A. That moved the human spirit
B. What moved the human spirit
C. What the human spirit moved
D. Which moved the human spirit
70. _________the mass of the nucleus is slightly less than the total mass of the protons and neutrons which make up the nucleus.
A. It found that
B. It was found that
C. It was found for
D. It finds that
71.His success was due to_________he had been working hard.
A. that
B. the fact which
C. the fact that
D. the fact of
72. _________makes mistakes must correct them.
A. What
B. That
C. Whoever
D. Whatever
73.He works too hard. That is_________is wrong with him.
A. that which
B. that what
C. what
D. the thing what
74. The reason why I plan to go is_________if I don't.
A. because she will disappoint
B. that she will be disappointed
C. because she will have been disappointed
D. for she will be disappointed
75. — What is that building?
—_________the garden equipment is stored.
A. There's in which
B. That's where
C. The building that
D. That's the building which
76.You can take_________room you prefer.
A. to what
B. whichever
C. that
D. who
77.Free movie tickets will be given to_________comes first.
A. whoever
B. whomever
C. whichever
D. whatever
78.We agreed to accept_________they thought was the best tourist guide.
A. whatever
B. whomever
C. whichever
D. whoever
79.Yet no firm evidence had come to light_________the men arrested were actually responsible.
A. which
B. as
C. what
D. that
80. _________that as both birds and mammals become larger, their metabolic rates per unit of tissue decrease, and they generally live longer.
A. The truth
B. It is true
C. If true
D. To be true
81. _________is the center of our planetary system was a difficult concept to grasp in the Middle Ages.
A. It is the sun and not the earth
B. Being the sun and not the earth
C. The sun and not the earth
D. That the sun and not the earth
82.It is a widely held theory_________the ancestral prototype of the flowering Astereles was a woody plant, perhaps a small tree.
A. where
B. until
C. while
D. that
83. _________that his story may be a fabrication?
A. Was it ever dawned upon you
B. Have they ever dawned upon you
C. Do they ever dawned upon you
D. Has it ever dawned upon you
84. _________he was the assassin.
A. It had never occurred to me that
B. He had occurred that
C. To him occurred that
D. What occurred to him was
85.The question is_________can be put into practice.
A. how you have learned
B. how that you have learned
C. that why you have learned
D. how what you have learned
86. _________the trainer wanted to tell is_________Asian elephants are easier to tame than African ones.
A. That, those
B. What, that
C. What, the
D. That, which
87.When reports came into London Zoo_________a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.
A. what
B. as
C. which
D. that
88.Prof. Lee's book will show you_________can be used in other contexts.
A. that you have observed
B. that how you have observed
C. how that you have observed
D. how what you have observed
89.The quantum theory states _________, such as light, is given off and absorbed in tiny definite units called quanta or photons.
A. energy that
B. that it is energy
C. it is energy
D. that energy
90.In the fourteenth century,_________that glass coated with silver nitrate would turn yellow when fired in an oven.
A. the discovery
B. it was discovered
C. with the discovery
D. if it was discovered
91.The early feminist leader Susan B. Anthony became increasingly aware through her work in the temperance movement_________the same rights as men.
A. women were not granted that
B. that women were not granted
C. not granted women that were
D. that were not granted women
92.The early years of the United States government were characterized by a debate concerning_________or individual states should have more power.
A. whether the federal government
B. either the federal government
C. that the federal government
D. the federal government
93.When I try to understand_________that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes.
A. why it does
B. what it does
C. what it is
D. why it is
94.Fossils records indicate_________existing in the past have become extinct.
A. that many species of organisms
B. many species of organisms that are
C. many species of organism are
D. there are many organisms
95.According to some educators, the goal of teaching is to help students learn what_________to know to live a well-adjusted and successful life.
A. do they need
B. they need
C. they are needed
D. as they may need
96.Nutritionists(A) believe what(B) diet affects how(C) one feels physically(D) and emotionally.
97.Is there any proof(A) which(B) the food of the plant differs(C) from that of(D)animals?
98.A man cannot be really happy if that(A) he enjoys doing is ignore(B)d by society as of(C) no value or importanceD().
99.More and more people have realized(A) such(B) a fact of(C) heart diseases are related to(D) the way people live.
100.Widely acknowledged as a great(A) and important playwright, Eugene O’Neill brought to the United States stage it(B) was probably his first really(C) serious drama(D).
101.We consider necessary(A) that(B) the instrument should(C) be adjusted each time(D).


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