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27 FALL: 掉下;倒下;陷入;成為…的狀態(tài);變得





27 FALL: 掉下;倒下;陷入;成為…的狀態(tài);變得


1. fall all over oneself / fall over oneself ** 煞費苦心,不遺余力

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:在自己身[上(over)][完全(all)]倒下

例 I could tell I was a valued visitor by the way they fell all over themselves to please me.

2. fall all over sb. ** 多加關注;極力表示好感或贊揚

解 習語;詞義溯源:在某人身上[完全(all)]倒下

例 It's not good to fall all over a baby like Tom and Anne do.

3. fall apart / fall to pieces *** 破碎;解體;完全壞了

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[分塊(apart)]掉下;參照go to pieces

例 We used it so much that within a year the photocopier had fallen to pieces.

4. fall apart at the seams ** 破裂;開縫;失敗,崩潰

解 習語;詞義溯源:[縫(seams)]成為[分開(apart)]的狀態(tài)

例 The suit fell apart at the seams soon after it was made.

It appears the coalition is about to fall apart at the seams.

5. fall asleep ** 睡著

解 習語;詞義溯源:掉入[睡眠(sleep)]中

例 I went to bed around ten, but didn't fall asleep until well after eleven.

6. fall back from sth. / fall back *** 后退;撤退

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:從某物上下來掉在[后面(back)]

例 The boys fell back when they heard the howl of wolf in the distance.

Mounting casualties forced the general to order his troops to fall back.

7. fall back on sb. or sth. *** 轉而依靠,求助于

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:向[后(back)]倒在某人或某物[上(on)]

例 If his business venture failed, he planned to fall back on his carpentry career to make a living.

8. fall behind in 〔on〕 sth. *** 拖欠;拖延

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:做某事時掉在[后面(behind)]

例 If you fall behind in your mortgage payments, the bank can foreclose on your house.

9. fall 〔drop〕 by the wayside ** 中途退出,半途而廢

解 習語;詞義溯源:倒[在(by)][路邊(wayside)];比如在長跑比賽中因為體力耗盡而沒法完成比賽

例 Of the original fourteen presidential candidates, all but three have fallen by the wayside.

10. fall down on sth. ** (在工作等中)失??;沒有完成

解 習語;詞義溯源:做某事時倒[下(down)]

例 He fell down on the job too often and was fired for incompetence.

11. fall flat on one's face / fall on one's face ** 臉朝下跌倒;徹底失敗

解 習語;詞義溯源:[完全(flat)]用[臉(face)]觸地倒下

例 Their poorly planned marketing strategy fell flat on its face.

12. fall for sb. or sth. *** 愛上;相信

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[因(for)]某人或某物陷入

例 Clinton had many girlfriends, but Hillary is the only one he admits falling for.

I told him the meeting was cancelled and he fell for it!

13. fall in *** 排隊,集合;陷落,坍塌

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:掉[入(in)]某物;參照fall in line和fall out

例 Before each meal the prisoners are ordered to fall in to be counted.

The plastic cover had fallen in and crushed the plants it protected.

14. fall in 〔into〕 line ** 排隊;采取一致觀點

解 習語;詞義溯源:成為[一排、一列(in line)];參照fall in和line up

例 As a soldier Graese had gotten quite used to falling into line.

When faced with a national tragedy, all of the various factions will fall into line.

15. fall in love with sb. / fall in love ** 墜入愛河,對某人鐘情

解 習語;詞義溯源:因某人陷入[愛情(love)]

例 They fell in love while attending the same school in Canada.

16. fall in 〔into〕 place ** 條理清楚,井井有條

解 習語;詞義溯源:掉落到[原位、合適的地方(place)]

例 The first several months were total in confusion, but by the end of the first year things had fallen into place and went smoothly.

17. fall in with sb. or sth. *** 偶然遇見;與某人或某事牽扯在一起;同意

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:與某人或某物[一起(with)]掉入

例 Mary fell in with an interesting man on her trip.

His mother worried he might fall in with some gang and get in trouble.

The President warned the Republicans to fall in with his policy or face a veto.

18. fall into one's 〔the〕 trap ** 掉入陷阱

解 習語;詞義溯源:掉入[陷阱、圈套、騙術(trap)]中

例 We realized we were being ripped off, but we had already fallen into his trap.

19. fall off *** 衰退;減少

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:掉[落(off)]

例 Construction of new houses fell off a bit in the third quarter.

20. fall off sth. / fall off *** (從…上)掉下

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:從某物上[分離(off)]掉下

例 Several paintings fell off the wall during the earthquake.

21. fall out *** 產生,發(fā)生;結果是;掉隊;解散

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:掉到[外面(out)];參照fall in

例 A decision to buy more safety gear fell out of the accident.

After disseminating the day's orders, Sergeant Smith ordered his men to fall out.

22. fall out with sb. over sth. *** 因某事與某人發(fā)生糾紛

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[針對(over)]某事陷入與某人的[不和(out)]

例 ABC has reportedly fallen out with its partner, QBX, over royalty sharing.

23. fall over backwards to do sth. / fall over backwards *** 努力或費心做某事

解 〈口〉短語動詞;詞義溯源:為了做某事[向后(backwards)][翻轉(over)]倒下;參照fall all over oneself

例 At the Hotel Furama our staff falls over backwards to serve you.

24. fall over sb. or sth. / fall over *** 被絆倒;摔倒;倒下

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:倒在某人或某物之[上(over)]

例 The statue fell over and crushed the 12-year old boy instantly.

Don't leave toys on the floor where someone might fall over them.

25. fall short of sth. / fall short ** 缺少;沒能達成目標

解 習語;詞義溯源:變得[不足、匱乏(short)]

例 Halfway into the way into the job, we fell short of paint and had to buy more.

I'm afraid your offer falls short of our expectations for this house.

26. fall through *** 落空;成為泡影

解 〈口〉短語動詞;詞義溯源:[完全(through)]掉下來

例 After the loan request fell through, we met and decided to kill the project.

27. fall to *** 開始做

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:成為[著手(to)]做某事的狀態(tài);參照turn to

例 The boss expects us to fall to as soon as we arrive at the office.

28. fall upon 〔on〕 sb. or sth. *** 攻擊;由某人負擔

解 〈口〉短語動詞;詞義溯源:[針對、向著(upon, on)]某人或某事掉下

例 Rabin's bodyguards fell upon the gunman, but were too late.

Filling in for a missing teacher usually fell upon the principal himself.


1. 從他們想方設法取悅我這一點可以看出,我是他們尊貴的客人。

2. 向湯姆和安妮那樣給予孩子過多關注并不好。

3. 我們用復印機用得太頻繁了,不到一年它就完全壞了。

4. 西服剛做好沒多久就開線了。


5. 我大約10點鐘就上床了,但是過了11點才睡著。

6. 當孩子們聽到遠處的狼嚎時,都撤了回來。


7. 如果公司倒閉,他打算靠做木匠來維持生活。

8. 如果你拖欠抵押貸款,銀行可能取消你對房子的贖回權。

9. 最初的14位總統(tǒng)候選人中,有三位中途退出了。

10. 他經(jīng)常完不成工作,最后因為不稱職被開除了。

11. 他們的營銷策略沒有充分規(guī)劃,結果一敗涂地。

12. 克林頓有過許多女朋友,但是希拉里是他唯一一個承認自己真正愛的女人。


13. 每次吃飯之前,獄警都命令囚犯集合清點人數(shù)。


14. 作為一名士兵,格雷斯非常習慣排隊。


15. 他們在加拿大上同一所學校的時候相愛了。

16. 前幾個月事情弄得一團糟,但是在第一年結束時,事情開始變得有條理,并且進展順利。

17. 瑪麗在旅途中遇到了一個有意思的人。



18. 當我們發(fā)現(xiàn)被騙時,已經(jīng)掉進了他的陷阱。

19. 新建房屋數(shù)量在第三季度有所減少。

20. 地震時,一些畫從墻上掉了下來。

21. 為防止發(fā)生事故,人們決定購買更多的安全裝置。


22. 據(jù)報道ABC與合作伙伴QBX在版稅分配問題上存在糾紛。

23. 在富麗華酒店,我們的員工將竭誠為您服務。

24. 雕像倒下,當場砸到了一個12歲大的男孩。


25. 工作才進行了一半,我們就沒有油漆了,不得不去買了一些。


26. 貸款請求失敗后,我們開會決定放棄這個項目。

27. 老板希望我們從到辦公室那一刻起就開始工作。

28. 羅賓的保鏢對槍手發(fā)動攻擊,但是已經(jīng)太晚了。



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