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6 BEAT: (反復(fù)地)打,擊;碰撞,撞擊;發(fā)出;踏出,開辟;搶先;避 免,逃避





6 BEAT: (反復(fù)地)打,擊;碰撞,撞擊;發(fā)出;踏出,開辟;搶先;避 免,逃避


1. beat a dead horse ** 做徒勞無益的事;白費(fèi)力氣

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:打“死馬”,引申為做徒勞之事

例 Look, you're beating a dead horse. This issue was settled in last night's meeting.

2. beat a path to one's door ** 拜訪者絡(luò)繹不絕,門庭若市

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:某人的家門前已經(jīng)被踏出了一條[路(path)]

例 Tom thinks he is so famous now that agents will be beating a path to his door to get a contract with him.

3. beat a retreat ** 逃避,退卻

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:發(fā)出[撤退信號(hào)(retreat)]

例 Several students scaled the embassy's gate, but beat a retreat when armed riot police came after them.

4. beat around 〔about〕 the bush ** 顧左右而言他,旁敲側(cè)擊,繞圈子

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擊打[樹叢(bush)][邊緣(around)]

例 Politicians are notorious for beating around the bush when they want to avoid answering a question.

5. beat one's brains out * 猛烈毆打,打死

解 俚語;詞義溯源:連某人的腦子都要打[出來(out)]了;常用于武力威脅時(shí),不能輕易使用

例 Greg's father warned him that if he ever caught him using drugs he would beat his brains out.

6. beat one's gums * 長(zhǎng)時(shí)間地嘮叨,說沒有重點(diǎn)的話

解 俚語;詞義溯源:反復(fù)碰撞[牙齦(gums)]

例 While the speaker was beating his gums, half of the audience got up and left.

7. beat 〔bang〕 one's head against a brick wall ** (為完成一件完全沒有希望的事情)浪費(fèi)時(shí)間,徒勞無益

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:用頭撞擊[墻壁(brick wall)]

例 Go ahead and try if you want to, but I think you're just beating your head against a brick wall.

8. beat 〔knock〕 sb. down to size / beat sb. down ** (通過打等)讓某人變謙遜,滅某人的氣焰

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:打某人,讓其氣勢(shì)[下降(down)]到一定[程度(size)];參照cut sb. down to size

例 I wish someone would beat that arrogant guy down to size someday.

9. beat sb. to the punch 〔draw〕 ** 搶先行動(dòng),搶先下手

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:搶先某人[出拳、打擊(punch)]或[獲得有利地位(draw)]

例 His company beat the competitor to the punch by introducing the new technology in their mobile phones six months ahead.

10. beat sb. up / beat up sb. *** 痛打, 毆打

解 短語動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:[重重地(up)]打某人

例 First Walter beat Ed Smith up for saying something bad, then Ed's older brother beat up Walter.

11. beat sth. into one's head ** 灌輸,重復(fù)某事使某人記住

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:將某事捶打[入(into)]某人的腦中

例 What do I have to do to make you understand? Do I have to beat it into your head?

12. beat the band ** 快速地,迅猛地

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:打一幫人,引申為迅猛的

例 My secretary typed the letter to beat the band, finishing it in less than five minutes.

13. beat the gun ** (在結(jié)束前)設(shè)法完成

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:搶先于[槍聲(gun)];原來是體育用語,表示在比賽結(jié)束幾秒前得分

例 The deadline for filing the report is 2:00 o'clock tomorrow. If we work on it all night tonight, we might just beat the gun.

14. beat the living daylights out of sb. ** 毒打,狠打

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:把某人的[生命力(daylights)]打出體內(nèi)

例 Mother used to beat the living daylights out of us if she caught us fighting each other.

15. beat the pants off sb. ** 猛烈地毆打某人

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:把某人打到其[褲子(pants)]都已經(jīng)[掉落(off)]的程度

例 Heavyweight champion Stuart Vogel is going to beat the pants off Boris Ivan.

16. beat the rap * 逃避懲罰,逍遙法外

解 俚語;詞義溯源:避免、擺脫[犯罪嫌疑、刑事責(zé)任(rap)]

例 High-priced lawyers helped Mr. Simpson beat the rap, and so another celebrity murderer had escaped punishment for his crime.


1. 你看,你這是在白費(fèi)力氣。這個(gè)問題在昨晚的會(huì)議上就解決了。

2. 湯姆覺得自己現(xiàn)在這么出名,經(jīng)紀(jì)人肯定會(huì)爭(zhēng)先恐后地到他家來跟他簽合同。

3. 一些學(xué)生爬上了大使館的大門,但是在武裝防暴警察追過來之后就撤退了。

4. 眾所周知,政客們?cè)谙胍乇苣骋粏栴}的時(shí)候都喜歡繞圈子。

5. 格雷格的父親警告他,如果抓到他吸毒,就要打死他。

6. 演講者說的都是空洞無物的話,所以一半聽眾都起身離開了。

7. 如果你愿意的話就去試試吧,但是我認(rèn)為你只是白費(fèi)力氣。

8. 我希望有一天有人能夠滅了那個(gè)傲慢的家伙的氣焰。

9. 他的公司先下手為強(qiáng),比競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手提前六個(gè)月推出手機(jī)新技術(shù)。

10. 先是沃爾特因?yàn)榘5隆な访芩拐f了一些不好聽的話而暴打了他一頓,然后埃德的哥哥又把沃爾特揍了一頓。

11. 我怎么才能讓你明白呢?是不是得把它塞到你腦袋里?

12. 我的秘書打字非??欤坏轿宸昼娋桶研糯蛲炅?。

13. 提交報(bào)告的最后期限是明天凌晨2:00。如果我們今天晚上熬夜做的話,到時(shí)應(yīng)該可以正好完成。

14. 如果媽媽發(fā)現(xiàn)我們?cè)诖蚣艿脑?,她?huì)狠狠地揍我們。

15. 舉重冠軍斯圖爾特·沃格爾要把鮑里斯· 伊萬打個(gè)落花流水。

16. 辛普森先生花重金聘請(qǐng)律師幫自己逃脫了刑事責(zé)任,于是,又一個(gè)名人殺人犯逃脫了法律制裁。


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