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LECTURE 162 基本動(dòng)詞TAKE 11





LECTURE 162 基本動(dòng)詞TAKE 11


1. take one's time ** 不著急,從容不迫

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:花費(fèi)[時(shí)間(time)]

例 The owner of the restaurant has been pushing the Food and Drug Administration to finish its investigation into the food poisoning case as quickly as possible and issue the restaurant a clean bill of health so that it may reopen. “We're losing $80,000 a day,” said owner Ricardo Pinto. “But they seem to be taking their time!”

2. take pains to do sth. / take pains ** 努力(做某事),費(fèi)盡力氣(做某事)

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:為了做某事而花費(fèi)[努力、心血(pains)]

例 Hong Kong officials have vowed to see to it that all the residents of the area China took back from the territory get a fair shake . “We will take great pains to ensure proper compensation, both from the governments of Hong Kong and Mainland China, is forthcoming,” said government spokesman Christopher Lau.

3. take place ** 發(fā)生;舉辦

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:選擇[座位、坐席(place)]

例 If you hadn't come around and started making a scene the way you did, the fight never would have taken place and my brother would still be alive. I put the blame on you and I will always hold it against you.

4. take root ** 扎根,有一席之地

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:獲得[根、基礎(chǔ)(root)]

例 The first shocking report on the decline of education in America came out in 1979 and the first national reforms were initiated in 1983. While there have been some significant changes in education methods before the 21st century, so-called “new education” is far from taking root in our public schools.

5. take sick 〔ill〕 ** 生病,不舒服

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:得[?。╯ick)]

例 The small bag in the pocket on the back of the seat that's in front of you is for anyone who might take sick while we are in flight. If you're the type who suffers motion sickness when flying, you'll want to keep it handy.


(A) take your time

(B) take pains to

(C) took place

(D) takes root

(E) took sick

1. A: Oh, I forgot to make coffee for you. Wait here, it'll only take a minute. B: Hey, there's no need to hurry. A: But you have to leave in five minutes, right? B: No, I still have twenty minutes. So don't hurry—______.

2. A: Gentlemen, let's not forget how angry the people at Environment Awareness got when we failed to let them have a say in the development of the last city park. Let's ______ involve them this time. B: Yes. Let's make a special effort to do this right this time.

3. A: How long do you think it will take before reserving the special bus lanes on the roads for buses only ______ among drivers? B: That really depends on enforcement. To become a firmly established practice, people have to know they will be punished if they don't respect it.

4. A: I heard your husband ______ at the opera last night. Is he okay? B: Yes, he became ill, but he's okay. Thanks for asking.

5. A: Your Honor, the witness says he heard two gun shots in my client's apartment, yet is unable to say exactly when this happened. B: The witness has given you an approximate time he thinks it ______. That's good enough. Continue your questioning.


1. (A)

2. (B)

3. (D)

4. (E)

5. (C)


I. 1. 這家餐館的老板一直在敦促食品與藥品管理局盡快結(jié)束對(duì)食品中毒案件的調(diào)查,并給餐館開(kāi)具一份無(wú)疫證明書(shū),這樣餐館才可以重新開(kāi)業(yè)?!拔覀円惶鞊p失8萬(wàn)美元,”老板里卡多·平托說(shuō)?!翱伤麄兒孟癫换挪幻Φ?!”

2. 香港官員表示回歸中國(guó)后,香港的所有居民都有公平的機(jī)會(huì)。政府發(fā)言人克里斯托弗·劉表示:“我們將竭盡全力,確保盡快獲得香港和中國(guó)內(nèi)地政府的合理補(bǔ)償。”

3. 如果你沒(méi)過(guò)來(lái),沒(méi)像那樣大吵大鬧,爭(zhēng)斗就不會(huì)發(fā)生,我的弟弟就應(yīng)該還活著。所有的責(zé)任都?xì)w咎于你,我會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)記恨你。

4. 美國(guó)第一份令人震驚的關(guān)于教育水平下降的報(bào)告于1979年公布,第一次全國(guó)性改革于1983年啟動(dòng)。在21世紀(jì)以前,雖然教育方法發(fā)生了一些重要的變化,但是所謂的“新型教育”尚未在公立學(xué)校扎根。

5. 你前面椅子背面袋子里的小包是為在飛行中可能會(huì)不舒服的人準(zhǔn)備的。如果你暈機(jī)的話,就把它放在夠得著的地方。

II. 1. A:呃,我忘了給你準(zhǔn)備咖啡了。在這等著,只需要一會(huì)兒。B:嘿,不用那么急。A:但是你五分鐘后就得動(dòng)身,是嗎?B:不是,我還有20分鐘。所以,別急——慢慢來(lái)。

2. A:先生們,我們不能忘了,上次我們沒(méi)有讓環(huán)境意識(shí)機(jī)構(gòu)的人就城市公園的開(kāi)發(fā)發(fā)表意見(jiàn),他們有多不滿(mǎn)。這次我們努力確保讓他們也參與。B:是的。我們這次要格外努力,把事情辦好。

3. A:你覺(jué)得需要多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間,才能讓司機(jī)們記住不占用公路上的公交車(chē)專(zhuān)用道?B:這確實(shí)取決于實(shí)施力度。要讓它成為慣例,人們就必須知道,如果他們不遵守,就得受到懲罰。

4. A:我聽(tīng)說(shuō)你丈夫昨晚在歌劇院生病了,他還好嗎?B:是的,他生病了,不過(guò)現(xiàn)在好了。感謝你的關(guān)心。

5. A:法官大人,目擊者說(shuō)他聽(tīng)見(jiàn)我委托人的公寓中傳出兩聲槍響,但是不清楚具體是什么時(shí)間發(fā)生的。B:目擊者已經(jīng)給出了他認(rèn)為槍響發(fā)生的大概時(shí)間。這樣就夠了。繼續(xù)問(wèn)吧。


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