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LECTURE 109 基本動詞 KEEP 8





LECTURE 109 基本動詞 KEEP 8


1. keep up an act / keep up one's act **掩飾;做作;假裝

解 習語;詞義溯源:[向上(up)]維持[假裝、掩飾(act)]的狀態(tài)

例 Can you imagine the hell she must have lived through having to keep up an act just to please the public? I've heard she never even wanted to marry the prince anyway and that she hated him all her life. But, like I said, she never showed it and always appeared happily married in the public eye.

2. keep up with the Joneses / keep up **與人攀比

解 習語;詞義溯源:與[瓊斯家(the Joneses)]保持同步

例 The new measure of success in keeping up with the Joneses is leisure time. In the past possessions were the measure. But now that everybody has nice things, the focus has shifted to the amount of free time a person can afford to spend enjoying those nice things.

3. keep up with the times / keep up **知道新消息;與時俱進

解 習語;詞義溯源:與[時代(the times)]一起繼續(xù)前進

例 The Ministry of Education has issued a warning to school textbook publishers:“Keep up with the times or you will be replaced. ” The ministry put on display several high school science and biology books which had not been updated since their original editions were published in the early 1990's.

4. keep the ball rolling **使繼續(xù)進行,不中斷

解 習語;詞義溯源:使[球(ball)]繼續(xù)保持[轉(zhuǎn)動(rolling)];參照get the ball rolling

例 The overhead light rail transit system (LRT) was started among an atmosphere of great expectations. Within five years some thirty stations were operating. However, the oil crisis and the resulting economic doldrums made funding difficult and the city was not able to keep the ball rolling.

5. keep your shirt 〔pants〕 on *別激動,冷靜一下

解 俚語;詞義溯源:維持[穿著(on)][襯衫(shirt)或褲子(pants)]的狀態(tài);通常被認為是一種無禮的表達

例 If you can just keep your shirt on, I'll explain everything to you and you'll see that I'm not trying to do a number on you. Okay? So just sit down. Anybody want coffee?


(A) keeping up an act

(B) keep up with the Joneses

(C) keep up with the times

(D) keep the ball rolling

(E) Keep your shirt on

1. A: Hey, I see you've bought a new fishing boat, Greg. Didn't your neighbor Mr. Howser buy a boat just a short while ago? Are you trying to ______? B: Give me a break . I'm not trying to compete with my neighbors by buying nice things. Fishing's my hobby, so a fishing boat is nice—that's all.

2. A: Principal Grant was really a warm and funny man. He wasn't the tough disciplinarian that you all thought he was. He was just ______ because he was the principal. B: And we boys needed a firm principal, right? I see. So he was just acting like he was tough, but wasn't really. He certainly fooled us all.

3. A: Some things should never have to ______ because they're already perfect the way they are. You know what I mean? B: Yes. You mean something like old churches with their beautiful architecture. If they tried to be contemporary or modern they'd lose their appeal.

4. A: We're going to need an additional $475,000 if we are to continue our progress. Any problems with that? B: Yes!You said $20,000 was enough to get the ball rolling and that you wouldn't need any further funding. Now you're asking for nearly half a million dollars just to ______. I have a major problem!

5. A: Just wait!And stop knocking!______ for God's sake! B: I've been waiting 8 minutes already! I've got to go to the bathroom—it's urgent, honey. Can't you dry your hair in another room?


1. (B)

2. (A)

3. (C)

4. (D)

5. (E)


I. 1. 為取悅公眾,她不得不掩飾自己,你能想象她所經(jīng)歷的痛苦嗎?我聽說她根本不想跟王子結(jié)婚,而且會一輩子都恨他。但是,正如我所說的,她從來沒有表現(xiàn)出來,并且在公眾眼中她表現(xiàn)得婚姻美滿。

2. 衡量成功的新標準就是與別人比閑暇時間。過去人們比財產(chǎn),而現(xiàn)在每個人的物質(zhì)條件都好了,因此人們的注意力便轉(zhuǎn)移到了到底一個人可以拿出多少時間來享受這些好的物質(zhì)條件上來。

3. 教育部向?qū)W校教科書出版者發(fā)出警示:“跟上時代,否則將被淘汰?!?教育部還展出了幾本高中的科學和生物書,這些書從20世紀90年代初首次出版以來就一直沒有進行更新。

4. 高架輕軌鐵路運輸系統(tǒng)(LRT)在人們殷切的期望中開始運行。五年內(nèi)大約30個車站使用了該系統(tǒng)。但是,石油危機以及由此導致的經(jīng)濟蕭條使融資更加困難,LRT在城市中無法繼續(xù)運行。

5. 如果大家能冷靜一下,我會給你們解釋清楚所有事情,到時候你們就會明白我并沒有要傷害你們,好嗎?那么請坐。有人想喝咖啡嗎?

II. 1. A:嘿,格雷格,我看到你新買了一條漁船。你的鄰居豪瑟先生不久前不是也買了船嗎?你是想跟他攀比嗎?B:你就饒了我吧,我才不會跟鄰居攀比買東西呢。釣魚是我的愛好,所以買條漁船很合用——僅此而已。

2. A:格蘭特校長的確是個溫和而風趣的人。他并不像你們認為的那樣無情和嚴格。他只是在掩飾自己,因為他是校長。B:我們男孩子就需要一位嚴格的校長,不是嗎?我明白。他只是假裝很嚴厲,實際上并不是這樣。他把我們都騙了。

3. A:有些東西永遠不必與時俱進,因為它們本身已經(jīng)很完美。你明白我的意思嗎?B:是的。你指的是像老教堂這樣漂亮的建筑。如果它們也變得時尚現(xiàn)代的話,就失去了原有的魅力。

4. A:要繼續(xù)的話,我們就需要追加47. 5萬美元。有沒有問題?B:有!你說過2萬美元足夠開始實施,不需要更多資金的?,F(xiàn)在你又說為了維持下去需要將近50萬美元。我有大麻煩了!

5. A:等一下!別再敲了!看在上帝的份兒上,冷靜點!B:我都等了八分鐘了!我要上廁所——很急,親愛的。你就不能去別的房間吹頭發(fā)嗎?


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