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LECTURE 89 基本動(dòng)詞 HAVE 10





LECTURE 89 基本動(dòng)詞 HAVE 10


1. have egg on one's face **出丑,丟臉

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:臉上有[雞蛋模樣的東西(egg)]

例 Rather than admitting he was wrong, Principal Dorn kept trying to prove he had made the right decision when he changed the students' dress code so that any kind of clothes would be allowed. By the end of the month the school had egg on its face because of news reports that showed kids coming to school in bikinis. Finally, pressure from the teachers forced him to do an about face and return to the original policy.

2. have eyes in the back of one's head **非常機(jī)警,非常警覺

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:頭后面有[眼睛(eyes)]

例 Isaw that gesture you made, Private Tomlinson. Surprised, aren't you? Son, don't you know Sergeants have eyes in the back of their head so they can catch soldiers like you making disrespectful gestures! Now get down on the ground and give me fifty push-ups!

3. have feet of clay **(強(qiáng)勢(shì)的人)有致命的缺陷

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:擁有[泥做的腳、致命的缺點(diǎn)(feet of clay)]

例 While it's good to know whether a politician has anything really bad in his personal history, Americans are obsessed with showing that their statesmen have feet of clay. The end result of this vicious hunt for faults is a total lack of respect for government officials, which hurts the nation more than it helps.

4. have foot-in-mouth disease **習(xí)慣性說話笨拙;有出言不當(dāng)?shù)拿?

解 〈口〉習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:患上[說錯(cuò)話的疾?。╢oot-in-mouth disease)];foot-in-mouth表示“說話魯莽的;措詞不得體的”;參照put one's foot in one's mouth

例 James Watkins was admittedly an excellent head of the Environmental Protection Agency. His performance didn't bring him down . He had foot-in-mouth disease and the media ate him up like sharks on an injured whale.

5. have growing pains **成長(zhǎng)中經(jīng)歷肌肉和關(guān)節(jié)的疼痛;經(jīng)歷成長(zhǎng)中的困難

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:經(jīng)歷[(快速成長(zhǎng)而導(dǎo)致的)四肢神經(jīng)痛、(新的計(jì)劃和發(fā)展中的)初期困難(growing pains)]

例 Dear Members, we're sorry the electronic bulletin board hasn't been updated regularly. Our bulletin system has become so popular that we're having growing pains. We promise to have sufficient staff by the end of the month!


(A) have egg on our face

(B) has eyes in the back of his head

(C) had feet of clay

(D) had foot-in-mouth disease

(E) having these growing pains

1. A: Mr. Crawford, the old man who lived across the street, was my childhood hero. Imagine how crushed I was when I grew up and learned that he was an alcoholic who beat his wife all the time. B: That happens a lot. I guess as a child you can't see the defects and faults of a person's character like adults can. Even my grandfather, the great Senator, ______. He was a compulsive gambler.

2. A: Every time he speaks, he says something that embarrasses himself. B: It's no surprise, he's ______ for as long as I've known him—even in elementary school!

3. A: All teenagers experience some difficulty dealing with their rapidly changing bodies and their intense emotions. As a parent, the best thing you can do is just be understanding. B: But isn't there some kind of medicine you can give a kid to calm him down when he starts ______?

4. A: You think we'll ______ because of this? B: I'd be lying if I told you differently. Yes, this is going to make our whole department look foolish and there's nothing we can do to change it.

5. A: He's got a special ability to sense what's happening around him, even if he can't see it. Nothing escapes his notice. B: Maybe, but even a man who ______ can be fooled.


1. (C)

2. (D)

3. (E)

4. (A)

5. (B)


I. 1. 為了讓學(xué)生穿各種服裝來(lái)上學(xué),多恩校長(zhǎng)改變了學(xué)生的著裝要求。事后,他不僅不承認(rèn)錯(cuò)誤,反而想證明自己的決定是正確的。結(jié)果到月底,學(xué)校丟盡了臉面,因?yàn)橛行侣剤?bào)道了學(xué)生穿比基尼上學(xué)。最后,老師們施壓迫使他改變立場(chǎng),恢復(fù)原來(lái)的政策。

2. 我看到你的手勢(shì)了,湯姆林森二等兵。吃驚吧?孩子,難道你不知道中士的腦袋后面都長(zhǎng)著眼睛嗎?這樣才能看到像你這樣的士兵做不敬的手勢(shì)!現(xiàn)在趴在地上,給我做50個(gè)俯臥撐!

3. 雖然了解政治家的個(gè)人經(jīng)歷中是否有污點(diǎn)是好的,但是美國(guó)人卻熱衷于展現(xiàn)他們的政治家的致命缺陷。民眾這種惡意挑毛病的行為對(duì)政府官員完全不尊重,這對(duì)國(guó)家而言,弊大于利。

4. 詹姆斯·沃特金斯是公認(rèn)的環(huán)保部的一位優(yōu)秀負(fù)責(zé)人。他的業(yè)績(jī)并沒有讓他被打敗。但他有出言不當(dāng)?shù)拿?,媒體就像鯊魚吃掉一頭受傷的鯨一樣輕易地把他徹底擊垮了。

5. 親愛的會(huì)員們,對(duì)于電子公告板未能定期更新一事,我們非常抱歉。由于使用我們公告系統(tǒng)的顧客朋友特別多,所以更新有一些困難。我們保證將在本月底招聘到足夠的員工!

II. 1. A:住在街對(duì)面的克勞福德先生是我孩提時(shí)崇拜的英雄。長(zhǎng)大后發(fā)現(xiàn)他是個(gè)經(jīng)常打老婆的酒鬼時(shí),想象得出我有多么崩潰吧。B:這種事常有發(fā)生。我覺得,小孩子不可能像成年人一樣看出一個(gè)人性格中的弱點(diǎn)和缺陷。即使我那位優(yōu)秀的參議員爺爺也有他的缺點(diǎn)。在賭博這件事上,他無(wú)法自制。

2. A:他每次發(fā)言都會(huì)說一些讓自己尷尬的話。B:這沒什么大驚小怪的,自我認(rèn)識(shí)他開始他就有出言不當(dāng)?shù)拿 獜男W(xué)開始就那樣了!

3. A:青少年在處理身體上的快速變化和強(qiáng)烈的情感時(shí)總會(huì)遇到困難。作為家長(zhǎng),你最好能理解。B:但是,難道沒有什么藥物可以讓孩子在開始遇到成長(zhǎng)的痛苦時(shí)變得冷靜嗎?

4. A:你覺得我們會(huì)因此而下不了臺(tái)嗎?B:如果我說不會(huì),那就是在撒謊。沒錯(cuò),這會(huì)讓我們整個(gè)部門的人看起來(lái)非常愚蠢,這一點(diǎn)我們無(wú)法改變。

5. A:他有一種特殊的能力,就算沒有親眼見到,也可以察覺周圍正在發(fā)生的所有事情。B:或許吧,但是即使是非常警覺的人也會(huì)被耍。


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