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LECTURE 78 基本動詞 GO 14





LECTURE 78 基本動詞 GO 14


1. go to the wall ** 被打??;失敗

解 習語;詞義溯源:走向[墻壁(wall)]

例 Proper planning and market research are key ingredients to the successful launch of a new business. Many an entrepreneur has gone to the wall unnecessarily because he failed to do these.

2. go to town ** 以極大的精力或熱情做

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:去[城鎮(zhèn)(town)]

例 Our new Cody Blocks line of toys is designed to develop your children's eye-hand coordination. Now that may sound very technical, but like all of the toys MACO makes, they're nothing but fun. Give a child a Cody Block toy and he'll go to town for hours.

3. go together *** 相配,和諧;交往,約會

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[一起(together)]去

例 One of the first lessons Russian businessmen learned after the opening of their markets to foreign investors was a basic fashion one: white socks and black shoes don't go together!

4. go too far ** 做得過分

解 習語;詞義溯源:去得[太遠(too far)]

例 Sometimes what's perfectly normal behavior in our society is viewed as offensive in another. For example, while we have no problems with somebody asking us about our family, in some countries that's considered going too far. The lesson: learn the culture you're dealing with.

5. go under *** 沉沒海中;失敗,破產(chǎn)

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:走向[下方(under)]

例 When A & B Rail decided to buy it, Lakawana, the small one-engine rail service, was on the verge of going under because of poor management.


(A) go to the wall

(B) go to town

(C) go together

(D) going too far

(E) going under

1. A: Let's get out of this business. We're going to be financially devastated by this struggle for success against your brother. Let him have the market! B: No! This is more than business to me—it's personal war. I don't care if we ______!I'm not giving him anything!I'm going down fighting !

2. A: Do these shoes match my dress? Do they look good together? B: Sure, they ______ quite well. Where are you going by the way?

3. A: I teach art to elementary school children—six to eight years old. It's really quite easy: I give them some water color paints and paper and they ______! B: Really? Do kids still put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into art? I thought with computers and computer games, they'd not be interested any more.

4. A: You have stock in Brands Ltd. , don't you? B: Yeah, why? A: They're ______. I read about it on the Internet. They're expected to fail—someone predicts they'll go bankrupt by year's end.

5. A: Okay, I agree Tom deserved to be scolded for the offensive things he said about you, but giving him a black eye is ______! B: You're accusing me of going beyond the limits of good social behavior? That's outrageous! He's the one whose behavior was excessive!I was just giving tit for tat !


1. (A)

2. (C)

3. (B)

4. (E)

5. (D)


I. 1. 適當?shù)挠媱澓褪袌稣{(diào)查是新業(yè)務成功推出的關鍵。許多企業(yè)家正是由于未能做到這兩點才遭遇不必要的失敗的。

2. 新科迪滑輪玩具系列旨在開發(fā)您孩子的手眼協(xié)調(diào)能力。這聽起來可能像高技術產(chǎn)品,但是它跟馬科生產(chǎn)的其他所有玩具一樣,只是為了給孩子帶來樂趣。給孩子一個科迪滑輪玩具,他便能興致勃勃地玩上好幾個小時。

3. 俄羅斯向外國投資者開放市場后,俄羅斯商人得到的最初教訓之一便是一項基本的時尚原理:白襪子和黑鞋子不相配!

4. 有時候,在我們國家屬于完全正常的行為在其他國家被視為帶有冒犯性。例如,別人問我們的家庭情況時,我們感覺沒什么,但是在有些國家,這被認為是過分之舉。所以,要入鄉(xiāng)隨俗。

5. A & B 鐵路運輸公司決定收購拉卡瓦納這家小型單引擎鐵路運輸公司時,后者正因管理不善而面臨破產(chǎn)。

II. 1. A:我們放棄這筆生意吧,跟你哥哥競爭會導致我們的經(jīng)濟瓦解。讓他去占有整個市場吧!B:不!對于我來說,這不僅僅是生意上的競爭——這是我們兩個人之間的戰(zhàn)爭。我不在乎失敗!我不會讓給他任何東西!我會堅持到底!

2. A:這雙鞋和我的衣服配嗎?這樣搭配好看嗎?B:當然,它們非常搭配。順便問一下,你這是要去哪里???

3. A:我教小學生美術——教六到八歲大的孩子。非常簡單:我給他們一些水彩畫顏料和紙,他們就興致勃勃地開始畫了!B:真的嗎?孩子們還是會花很多精力和熱情在美術上嗎?我原以為有了電腦和電腦游戲之后,他們就不再對美術感興趣了呢。

4. A:你持有布蘭茲有限公司的股份,對不對?B:是的,怎么了?A:他們要破產(chǎn)了。我從網(wǎng)上看到消息,他們很可能會倒閉——有人預測說他們會在年底破產(chǎn)。

5. A:好吧,我也覺得湯姆應該為他在言語上冒犯你而受到批評,但是揍他一頓還是太過分了!B:你是在譴責我沒有遵守良好的社會行為規(guī)范嗎?可惡!是他太過分了!我只是以牙還牙而已!


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