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LECTURE 66 基本動(dòng)詞 GO 2





LECTURE 66 基本動(dòng)詞 GO 2


1. go all out ** 傾注全身心的力量,全力以赴

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[完全(all)][向外(out)]延伸;all out表示“用盡全力”;參照make an all-out effort

例 Yes, I do still paint, but not like I used to when I was younger and not married. I had a lot of free time then so I used to go all out—you know, put everything I had into it.

2. go all the way with sb. / go all the way / go to bed with sb. / go to bed ** 完全同意某人的意見;與某人發(fā)生肉體關(guān)系

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:和某人一起到達(dá)[無條件的、遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)的盡頭(all the way)];婉轉(zhuǎn)用法,需謹(jǐn)慎使用

例 Honey, don't you think it's time you had a father/son talk with Jimmy? He'll be fourteen next year and he's already showing an interest in girls. I've read somewhere that teenagers start going all the way at quite an early age these days, so you'd better talk to him before he makes a mistake.

3. go ape over sb. on sth. / go ape * 沉迷;熱衷

解 俚語;詞義溯源:與某人[關(guān)于(over)]某事處于[瘋狂的、熱衷的(ape)]狀態(tài)

例 Young people everywhere are going ape over this singer. Everywhere the new pop star goes, huge crowds form to get a look at him.

4. go around in circles / go in circles ** 原地轉(zhuǎn)圈,原地踏步;打不起精神

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:畫著圈[環(huán)繞(around)]而去

例 If you find yourself going around in circles trying to decide what kind of life and health insurance you need, call Umbrella Insurance and ask about our Rainy Day Insurance Plan. Umbrella Insurance—because lift is not always a sunny day.

5. go astray ** 迷路;脫軌;犯錯(cuò)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:處于[迷路、犯錯(cuò)(astray)]的狀態(tài)

例 Be careful, though—sometimes it's easier to make an exception rather than fight to do what you know is right. If you let this happen, you will go astray and your followers will lose faith in you. You can make exceptions, but only when there is no other choice.


(A) going all out

(B) go all the way with

(C) goes ape over

(D) going around in circles

(E) go astray

1. A: My two boys get all excited every time I bring home some of that new frozen yogurt ice cream. They love it! B: Yeah, my little girl ______ that stuff too.

2. A: Gentlemen, we're discussing the same problems over and over without ever coming up with a solution. B: I suggest we all go home, rest and then come back tomorrow with fresh minds. If we stay here, we'll just keep ______.

3. A: It's important you attend church services every Sunday without fail. The minister's lecture each week will keep you strong in your faith and help you avoid doing things that are against your beliefs. B: But I live 180 kilometers from the nearest church. Don't worry though; in my remote area, there's no opportunity for me to ______!

4. A: There's one thing I can tell you about Mark: once he decides he's going to do something, he does it with his greatest possible determination. B: That's admirable, but sometimes there's a danger to ______ like that. When you dedicate all your resources to accomplishing one thing, it's possible you'll neglect other important things.

5. A: Have you and Sarah started having sexual intercourse? B: No, not yet. I've tried to convince her to ______ me, but she's afraid of the consequences.


1. (C)

2. (D)

3. (E)

4. (A)

5. (B)


I. 1. 是的,我現(xiàn)在確實(shí)還畫畫,但不像結(jié)婚前那樣了。我那時(shí)年輕,有許多自由時(shí)間,所以干勁十足——你知道的,我把所有的一切都投入了畫畫中。

2. 親愛的,你不覺得該跟吉米進(jìn)行一次父子間的交流了嗎?他明年就14歲了,而且已經(jīng)開始對(duì)女孩感興趣了。我曾經(jīng)在哪讀過,現(xiàn)在的年輕人小小年紀(jì)就開始發(fā)生關(guān)系了,所以你最好跟他談?wù)?,以免他犯錯(cuò)誤。

3. 各地的年輕人都為這位歌手瘋狂。不論這位新流行音樂巨星走到哪里,總會(huì)有人群蜂擁而至,想一睹他的風(fēng)采。

4. 如果您發(fā)現(xiàn)自己無法決定需要辦理哪種人壽保險(xiǎn)和健康保險(xiǎn),可以撥打保護(hù)傘保險(xiǎn)公司的電話,了解我們的“雨天保險(xiǎn)計(jì)劃”。撐起保護(hù)傘——為您保平安。

5. 你得小心了——有時(shí)候堅(jiān)決維護(hù)你認(rèn)為正確的東西比破例還難。如果你做不到,你就會(huì)犯錯(cuò),追隨你的人也將對(duì)你失去信心。你可以破例,但只能在別無選擇的時(shí)候。

II. 1. A:每次我?guī)欠N新的冷凍酸奶冰淇淋回來時(shí),我的兩個(gè)兒子就會(huì)非常興奮,他們喜歡這種冰淇淋!B:是的,我的小女兒也超愛這個(gè)東西。

2. A:先生們,我們一直反復(fù)討論同樣的問題,卻沒有拿出一個(gè)解決方案來。B:我建議我們都回家休息,明天早上頭腦清醒了再來。如果我們繼續(xù)待在這兒的話,只會(huì)一直毫無成效地原地踏步。

3. A:每周日去做禮拜對(duì)你來說很重要,一次也不能落下。牧師每周的講道將使你堅(jiān)定信念,避免做出違背信仰的事情。B:但是,我離最近的教堂也有180公里。不過別擔(dān)心,在那么偏遠(yuǎn)的地方,我連墮落的機(jī)會(huì)都沒有!

4. A:關(guān)于馬克,有件事我可以告訴你:一旦他決定做什么事情,就會(huì)以最大的決心去做。B:真令人欽佩,不過有時(shí)候像那樣不顧一切去做可能會(huì)有危險(xiǎn)。當(dāng)你不惜一切去完成一件事情時(shí),可能會(huì)忽略其他重要的事情。

5. A:你和薩拉有沒有發(fā)生關(guān)系?B:還沒有。我倒想說服她跟我發(fā)生關(guān)系,但是她擔(dān)心后果。


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