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LECTURE 50 基本動(dòng)詞 GET 29





LECTURE 50 基本動(dòng)詞 GET 29


1. get the third degree *接受長(zhǎng)時(shí)間詳細(xì)詢問,接受拷問

解 俚語;詞義溯源:受到(遭受)[警察的拷問、嚴(yán)苛的審問(third degree)];give sb. the third degree表示“集中審問”

例 After getting the third degree from the police, the suspect finally admitted his guilt and revealed all the details of his crime.

2. get 〔have〕 the upper hand on sb. / get the upper hand **超越,占優(yōu)勢(shì)(上風(fēng))

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:獲得(得到)對(duì)于某人的[優(yōu)勢(shì)、上風(fēng)(the upper hand)]

例 Company A, in a bid to get the upper hand on Company B, has secretly been buying all available shares of Paramount Pictures Company. Both Company A and Company B are interested in buying Paramount. By buying up the stock, Company A hopes to strengthen its position in the upcoming second round of bids.

3. get 〔have〕 the word / get the message **得到消息;理解,領(lǐng)會(huì)

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:理解(得知)[言辭(word)或意義、消息(message)]

例 Hey, why are you wearing a tuxedo? Didn't you get the word? Jim and Lisa want their wedding to be informal.

4. get through sth. ***完成;通過

解 短語動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:去[通過、終結(jié)(through)]某事物;參照get through with sth.

例 These files are going to be your mission for the next few weeks. I want you to clean out all the unnecessary stuff and organize everything properly. When you get through these, there are eight more file cabinets upstairs that need the same thing.

5. get through to sb. / get through ***到達(dá);(電話)接通;通過,穿過;使理解,注入

解 短語動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:[連接著、通過、完全(through)]去向某人

例 I've tried everything, but he just sits there staring out into space. I can't get through to him. Whatever it was that he saw must have really shocked him.


(A) get the third degree

(B) get the upper hand

(C) get the word

(D) get through

(E) get through to

1. A: Hey, I'm late because I didn't ______ that we had a meeting today. B: You didn't get that information? Grant, what happened?

2. A: A watermelon eating contest? What do you do? B: Everybody eats a watermelon as fast as he can. The first person to ______ it wins the prize. A: So, all I have to do is finish eating the watermelon first and I win?

3. A: Have you been able to contact Jones? B: Not yet, sir. I'll try to ______ him tonight when the international telephone system is not so busy.

4. A: I'd better not drink any alcohol. If I come home with the smell of alcohol on my breath, my wife will start asking a bunch of question about where I went and who I was with. She'll really interrogate me. B: Oh come on, you have to have at least one drink. And if you ______ when you get home, tell your wife to call me. I'll tell her you were right here with me. Okay?

5. A: As a regulator, it's my job to see to it that no single company gains too much advantage over their competitors. It's not good for business. B: And if one company does ______, what kind of actions do you take against them to make things fair again?


1. (C)

2. (D)

3. (E)

4. (A)

5. (B)


I. 1. 受到警方的嚴(yán)厲審問后,疑犯終于承認(rèn)了自己的罪行并說出了犯罪細(xì)節(jié)。

2. 為了在與B公司的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)中占據(jù)上風(fēng),A公司秘密收購(gòu)了派拉蒙影業(yè)公司的所有可用股票。A公司和B公司都有意向收購(gòu)派拉蒙。A公司希望通過購(gòu)買全部股票,鞏固它在即將開始的第二輪競(jìng)標(biāo)中的地位。

3. 嘿,你怎么穿了一件無尾禮服?你沒得到消息嗎?吉姆和利薩想舉行一個(gè)非正式的婚禮。

4. 這些文件就是你接下來幾周的任務(wù)。我想讓你清除所有不必要的文件,并整理妥當(dāng)。完成這些后,樓上還有八個(gè)文件柜也需要這樣整理。

5. 我試了所有方法,可他還是坐在那兒盯著天空。我沒法理解他。不論他在看什么,一定是讓他非常震驚的事物。

II. 1. A:嘿,我遲到了,因?yàn)槲覜]得到消息說今天開會(huì)。B:你沒得到消息?格蘭特,怎么回事?

2. A:吃西瓜比賽嗎?怎么比?B:所有人都以最快的速度吃西瓜。第一個(gè)人吃完的人將贏得獎(jiǎng)品。A:那么我只要第一個(gè)吃完西瓜就贏了嗎?

3. A:你聯(lián)系上瓊斯了嗎?B:還沒有,先生。等晚上國(guó)際長(zhǎng)途電話系統(tǒng)不那么忙的時(shí)候我再試著打給他吧。

4. A:我看我最好不喝酒。如果我滿身酒味回家,我妻子會(huì)問一大堆問題,比如,我去哪兒了、跟誰在一起等等。她真的會(huì)審問我。B:哦,得了吧,你至少得喝一杯。如果你回家遭到盤問,就讓你妻子打電話給我。我會(huì)告訴她你跟我在一起。好嗎?

5. A:作為監(jiān)管人員,我要處理好,不能讓哪家公司比他的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)者優(yōu)越太多。這不利于業(yè)務(wù)發(fā)展。B:如果確實(shí)有公司占優(yōu)勢(shì)的話,你們會(huì)采取什么措施恢復(fù)公平呢?


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