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1. call sb. or a place up ***打電話

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[向上(up)]呼叫某人或某地

例 I'd call Tim up, if I had a mobile phone. We really should call him and let him know about this. I mean, I know I'd want somebody to call me if my pet dog got hit by a car. Is there a public phone around here?

2. call one's attention to sth. / call sth. to one's attention **使注意

解 習語;詞義溯源:引起某人對某物的[注意(attention)]

例 Dear Sirs, I'd like to call your attention to the advertisement you placed in the Chicago Herald Tribune on February 12th of this year. Please notice that there is no mention of a service charge. Your advertisement says the price of the dinner for six people is $56. The $10 service charge that your Highland Heights restaurant charged me is therefore not right (and not legal). You can only charge the price that is advertised. I request a refund of the $10 I paid.

3. call one's bluff **(打撲克時,認為對方只是虛張聲勢)誘使對方攤牌

解 習語;詞義溯源:對[(在牌局中裝作自己手里有大牌而)虛張聲勢(bluff)]的人叫牌

例 I'm tired of him threatening to “bring action against us. ” I doubt he even has enough money to afford a lawyer. It's all a bluff—nothing but an empty threat. It's time we called his bluff. Either he does what he says he can do or he shuts up and leaves us alone!

4. call the dogs off **停止追蹤(或調(diào)查)

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:要求[狗(dogs)][停止(off)]追捕

例 The President himself had to order the FBI to call the dogs off. Their pressure on the A organization was starting to become politically embarrassing to the administration, especially at a time when his Secretary of State is engaged in negotiations with A organization's leaders to gain their recognition and acceptance of B organization.

5. call the shots 〔tune〕 **控制(局面),發(fā)號施令;定調(diào)子,決定一切

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:要求[開槍(shots)]或定[調(diào)子(tune)]

例 Be sure you talk to a person with authority. And don't be impressed with titles. Often the person who actually calls the shots is an aide or assistant. Save yourself time and effort—find the person who makes the decisions and talk with him.


(A) call...up

(B) call...to...attention

(C) call his bluff

(D) call the dogs off

(E) calls the shots

1. A: Who makes decisions on purchasing at Omega Accounting Ltd. ? B: Well, Mr. Jiang is the purchasing manager, but his assistant, Mr. Song, ______ actually. If you want to sell to Omega, talk to Song.

2. A: Hey, have you telephoned your mother yet? She's going to be worried sick about you. B: Yeah, you're probably right. I guess I'd better ______ her ______ tonight before she worries herself to death.

3. A: If you hadn't made them aware of the damaged walls in the basement, they would have bought the house. Why didn't you keep your mouth shut about it? Did you have to make them notice it? B: It's my duty as a reputable real estate agent to ______ such things ______ my clients' ______.

4. A: I think he's bluffing. B: So you think I should ______? A: Definitely. Make him prove he has the powerful connections that he says he does. If he does, we'll do what he says; but I really doubt he does.

5. A: I'll make a deal with you. Stop pursuing this investigation of my company, and I'll pass you some information which will help you convict Smith. B: Though I'd like to get Smith, I'm afraid I'm in no position to ______ at this stage. The media would go wild if I did that.


1. (E)

2. (A)

3. (B)

4. (C)

5. (D)


I. 1. 如果我有手機的話,我就給蒂姆打電話了。我們真的應該打電話告訴他這件事。我是說,如果我的寵物狗被車撞了,我希望會有人打電話告訴我。這附近有沒有公用電話?

2. 先生們,希望你們能注意一下你們今年2月12日在《芝加哥先驅論壇報》上做的廣告。請注意,上面并沒有提到服務費。你們的廣告上說六個人的晚餐價格是56美元。所以你們高地餐廳收我10美元服務費是不對的(也是不合法的)。你們只能按廣告上說的價格收費。我要求你們把我付的10美元退還給我。

3. 他威脅說要“起訴我們”,我已經(jīng)受夠了。我甚至懷疑他的錢夠不夠請律師。他只是在嚇唬人——虛張聲勢而已。我們該揭穿他的把戲了。他要么說到做到,要么閉嘴,不要再煩我們!

4. 總統(tǒng)不得不親自命令FBI停止調(diào)查。他們對于A組織的壓力開始使當局面臨政治上的麻煩,尤其是目前,國務卿正在跟A組織的領導人談判,希望他們能夠承認和接受B組織。

5. 一定要跟有權的人談。別太在意頭銜,通常真正有決定權的人往往是助手或者助理。節(jié)省時間和精力——找到?jīng)Q策人,跟他談。

II. 1. A:歐米茄會計事務所里有采購決定權的是誰?B:江先生是采購部經(jīng)理,但是實際上他的助手宋先生擁有決定權。如果你想向歐米茄出售的話,去跟宋談談吧。

2. A:嘿,你給你媽媽打電話了嗎?她擔心死你了。B:嗯,或許你說的對。我想我最好今晚就給她打電話,免得她太擔心。

3. A:如果你不讓他們知道地下室毀壞的墻壁,他們可能已經(jīng)買下這棟房子了。你為什么不守口如瓶呢?你真的有必要告訴他們嗎?B:作為一名聲譽良好的房產(chǎn)代理,我有責任讓我的客戶注意到這些事情。

4. A:我想他只是在虛張聲勢。B:那么你覺得我應該揭穿他的把戲嗎?A:當然了,讓他證明自己擁有他說的那些強大的關系。如果他有,我們就按照他說的做;但是我對此非常懷疑。

5. A:我們做個交易吧。別再調(diào)查我的公司,我給你提供信息,幫你證明史密斯有罪。B:盡管我非常想抓到史密斯,但恐怕我現(xiàn)在不能停止調(diào)查。如果我停止調(diào)查的話,媒體會發(fā)瘋的。


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