You know, those scenarios where someone you know does something bad and a year later, they have the same exact thing happen to them?
Or how the most giving and caring people around you also seem to be the happiest and tend to receive most as well?
Our universe is go verned by the law of cause and effect, or the law of karma. And in a nutshell, it states that what goes around comes around.
That your intent and your actions as a human being is what directly creates the experiences that you go through.
That there is no good deed that goes unrewarded and no evil deed that goes unpunished.
That there is no such thing as a coincidence, and no such thing as a random act of kindness that comes your way. That your state of mind, and more specifically your peace of mind, is governed by your conscious and subconscious intents.
That there is no being in our universe who can harbor evil intents without finding themselves in the midst of evil. That there is no pure heart that will not find itself among experiences of joy and purity.
That you, as a human being, have the power to bring into your experiences moments of joy, moments of excitement, moments of bliss, by creating those moments for other people. That you can become a symbol of success, and have doors open for you, if you have the courage to open doors for others.
Now if you want to create a better future for yourself, if you want to have a universal force backing you up and in your corner, then from this point on, it's essential that you purify your intents and your actions, especially towards other people.
I promise that you will never be happy if you are focused on making others miserable. I assure you, that you will never be successful if you wish failure onto others. I guarantee you, you that you will never live in prosperity if you create havoc for others.
We are all one, and we are all connected. Now I can't tell you, if this force is conscious or not, but it does keep score. It does see you in moments of silence. It keeps track of your moments of honesty and dishonesty, and it keeps record of the thoughts, feelings and actions you take each and every single day.
So, purify yourself. Let go of destructive thought patterns and behaviors. Rid yourself of toxic people who make it easier to make negative decisions. Stop gossiping about your co-workers, about your neighbors, about the person who makes your sandwiches at subway.
Forget about all that. And see the beauty in yourself and in others, and operate in kindness as a reflection of that beauty.