Where is the wealthiest place in the world? It's not China. It's not Dubai. It's the graveyard.
There you'll find potential never realized. There you'll find books never written. There you'll find abilities and skills and talents and GIFTS the world never had the exposure to.
A lot of people die FULL. Full of their dreams, full of talent, full of ideas, full of their skills, full of intelligence and abilities, that they never reach for, they never tap, they never got into. They never used it.
Because they were scared, to take a risk. Scared like you, but you wanna know something else? You're not in a graveyard. Yet!
It is not the things we do in life that we regret on our deathbed. It is the things we do not.
I do not regret when I step up and I fail. What I regret is not taking action at all.
演講者:Eminem, Prince Ea, Les Brown, Randy Pausch