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The news of the disaster soon got about. 災(zāi)害的消息迅速傳開。

He has quite recovered and is able to get about. 他已完全痊愈,可以隨意走動了。

He got his meaning across. 他把他的意思講清楚了。

We are getting ahead well with the project. 我的研究計劃進(jìn)展良好。

John got ahead of the other runners in the race. 約翰跑在其他選手前頭了。

How are you getting along with your work? 你工作進(jìn)展情況如何?

They got along very nicely. 他們相處得很好。

Bad news gets around quickly. 壞消息傳得快。

I can't get at him on the telephone. 我沒能通過電話和他聯(lián)系上。

I wish I could get at the facts in this case. 我希望能弄清案情的真相。

The girls get away from work at five p.m. 姑娘們下午五點(diǎn)下班。

The bank robbers used a stolen car to get away. 銀行劫匪利用偷來的汽車逃跑了。

Not many criminals get away with their crimes. 罪犯犯了罪而不受懲罰的很少。

I shall get back at 6 o'clock. 我六點(diǎn)鐘回來。

He will get back at you for this. 他將為此向你報復(fù)。

She can't get by on such a small income. 她無法靠這微薄的收入生活。

Let's get down to the problem. 咱們開始認(rèn)真討論這個問題吧。

They got in and drove off. 他們坐上車開走了。

I'm getting in touch with him right away. 我馬上和他聯(lián)系。

I've got into trouble. 我出問題了。

They got off the bus and walked away. 他們下了公共汽車走開了。

The plane got off on time. 飛機(jī)正點(diǎn)起飛了。

You won't get off so easily next time. 下次不會這樣輕易放過你。

Where did you get on? 你在哪兒上車的?

The work is getting on splendidly. 工作進(jìn)展順利。

It's getting on for nine o'clock. 快到九點(diǎn)了。

Old Mrs Ward doesn't get out much these days. 這些天沃德老太太不怎么出門。

The news has got out that you are leaving. 有消息說你要走了。

He says that he smokes too much but he can't get out of the habit. 他說他煙抽得太多,但這嗜好他已戒不掉了。

You cannot get out of paying your debts. 你沒法回避償還債務(wù)。

She seemed to have got over her distress. 她似乎已克服她的痛苦情緒。

We are certain that he will get over his illness. 我們肯定他的病能夠痊愈。

Girls can usually get round their fathers. 女孩子常常能哄得父親做她們想的事。

I meant to visit her, but I never got round to it. 我打算去看望她,但一直沒抽出空來。

He got through his exam all right. 他順利通過了考試。

The operator finally got me through. 接線生最后接通了我的電話。

The new law got through. 新法律通過了。

When can we get together? 我們什么時能歡聚一次?

Who is going to get up the concert? 誰將舉辦這次音樂會?

She got herself up as a peasant girl. 她把自己打扮成一個農(nóng)家姑娘。

He gave away most of his fortune to the poor. 他把大部分家財散給了窮人。

Please don't give my secrets away. 請不要泄露我的秘密。

He didn't want to give his friend away. 他不想出賣朋友。

Give the book back to your brother! 把書還給你弟弟!

The flowers gave forth an intoxicating scent. 這些花散發(fā)出一種醉人的香味。

But in the end he gave in. 但最后他讓步了。

The rioters were at last forced to give in to the police. 叛亂分子最后被迫向警察投降了。

The flowers gave off a sweet fragrance. 這些花散發(fā)出芳香。

Our drawing-room gives on the garden. 我們的客廳正對著花園。

The teacher gave out the examination papers. 教師分發(fā)考卷。

They gave out the names of the winners. 他們宣布了優(yōu)勝者的名單。

The fuel gave out. 燃料用完了。

She gave up her job to look after her invalid mother. 她放棄了工作來伺候她體弱多病的母親。

He gave up cigarettes (smoking). 他戒煙了。

She has given up her life to nursing the sick. 她把一生獻(xiàn)給照顧病人。

Give up your arms and live! 繳槍不殺!

He went about doing good. 他到處做善事。

Jennie went about her work, but the impression persisted. 珍妮干著她的工作,但那印象仍存留在她腦中。

They both went after the same girl. 他們兩人都追同一個姑娘。

It goes against my principles. 這是違背我的原則的。

You go ahead and I'll follow. 你先走,我隨后就來。

He's going around looking for work. 他到處去找工作。

Don't worry! There's enough coffee to go around (round). 別著急!有足夠的咖啡給大家喝。

He went at him with an axe. 他拿著一把斧頭向他沖去。

You should see her go at the job. 你應(yīng)當(dāng)看她干這工作。

Are you going away for your holiday? 你準(zhǔn)備出去度假嗎?

Please go away;I can't work unless I am alone. 請離開;我一個人才能工作。

I'm never going back to that hotel. It is most uncomfortable. 我絕不會回那家旅館去,它非常不舒適。

He went back on his promise to tell nobody about it. 他沒遵守他不告訴任何人的諾言。

He went back on his friends. 他背棄了他的朋友。

The price went beyond our means. 這個價錢超出了我們的經(jīng)濟(jì)能力。

Don't let this chance go by. 不要錯過這個機(jī)會。

Shares have gone down by ten points. 股票下降了十個點(diǎn)。

Her temperature has gone down. 她的燒退了。

I assumed that he had gone for a stroll. 我想他是出去遛彎了。

The wounded lion went for the hunter. 受傷的獅子向獵人撲去。

Do you go for modern music? 你喜歡現(xiàn)代音樂嗎?

What sports do you go in for? 你從事什么運(yùn)動?

A man wanted me to go in for film work. 有個人要我從事電影工作。

She went in for a singing competition. 她參加歌詠比賽。

The police are going into the murder case. 警方在調(diào)查這宗謀殺案。

He has gone into teaching. 他從事教學(xué)工作。

The company has gone into bankruptcy. 這家公司破產(chǎn)了。

The firecracker went off with a bang. 炮仗砰的一聲炸開了。

Everything went off according to the plan. 一切按計劃進(jìn)行。

He went off in a great hurry. 他匆忙走掉了。

Go on till you come to the crossroads. 往前走直到十字路口。

Please go on playing it. 請繼續(xù)彈。

A struggle was going on within him. 他心里正進(jìn)行著一場斗爭。

Everything is going on all right. 一切都進(jìn)展順利。

May I go on with my work? 我能繼續(xù)干我的工作嗎?

She has gone out for a walk. 她出去散步了。

That expression has gone out. 這種說法已經(jīng)陳舊。

This party may go out at the next election. 下次選舉這個黨派可能下臺。

They went over the plans again. 他們把計劃又審查了一遍。

They went over their lessons together at night. 他們晚上一道復(fù)習(xí)功課。

I'm going over to Mary's house. 我現(xiàn)在去瑪麗家。

Let's go round and ask him. 咱們?nèi)枂査?

Will there be enough wine to go round? 有足夠的酒讓大家喝嗎?

They went through our luggage at the Customs. 海關(guān)人員檢查了我們的行李。

The auditors went through the accounts. 審計員核查了賬目。

We have gone through the required formalities. 我們已辦完必要的手續(xù)。

Most families went through a lot during the war. 戰(zhàn)爭期間許多家庭飽受苦難。

I'm resolved to go through with it. 我決心把這事進(jìn)行到底。

Does your son go to university? 你的兒子上大學(xué)嗎?

He went to great trouble to make his guests comfortable. 他費(fèi)了很大功夫讓客人們感到舒適。

Cotton has gone up. 棉花漲價了。

The temperature is going up. 氣溫正在上升。

New office blocks are going up everywhere. 到處在蓋辦公大樓。

He has grown into a fine young man. 他已成長為一個帥小伙。

Arguments often grow out of misunderstanding. 爭吵常常由誤會引起。

I grew up on a farm. 我是在一家農(nóng)場長大的。


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