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第16章 介 詞 16.3 由介詞構(gòu)成的成語動(dòng)詞和介詞成語





16.3 由介詞構(gòu)成的成語動(dòng)詞和介詞成語

16.3.1 由介詞構(gòu)成的成語動(dòng)詞


1) 動(dòng)詞+介詞:

agree with 同意(某人意見)

agree to 同意(某種安排等)

answer for 對…負(fù)責(zé)

appear for 為…出庭

ask for 要求得到(見某人等)

bank on 依靠

bear with 容忍

break with 和…斷絕關(guān)系

burst into (tears) 突然(哭起來)

call for 來找(某人),要求,需要

come across 碰到

come by 得到

count on 指望

enter for 參與(比賽等)

fly into (a rage) 勃然(大怒)

get into 碰到(困難等)

get over 克服,(?。┯?

get about 干(活),履行(職責(zé)等)

go after 追求

go into 調(diào)查

hang on 取決于

head for 向…前進(jìn)

hit on 想起(某主意)

jump at 立即接受

keep at 繼續(xù)(干某事)

keep from 避免(做某事)

live on 靠…生活

look after 照顧,照看

look for 找尋

look into 調(diào)查

make after 追趕

pass for 冒充(某人)

press for 要求

run across (into) 碰到

run into 碰到(困難)

run through 用完

see about 負(fù)責(zé)處理

see through 看破

stand by 支持

stand for 主張

stand on (ceremony)客氣

stick to 堅(jiān)持

touch on 提到(某問題)

wait on 招待

2) 動(dòng)詞+副詞+介詞:

back on to 背后是

boil down to 歸結(jié)是

break out into 出(疹子)

brush up on 復(fù)習(xí)

come across with 講出來

come down on 斥責(zé)

come in for 受到(批評)

come out against 表示反對

come out with 推出(產(chǎn)品等)

come up against 碰到

come up to 達(dá)到(水平)

come up with 提出(建議等)

cry out against 大聲疾呼地反對

do away with 廢除

face up to 面對

fall back on 轉(zhuǎn)而依靠

fall behind with 遲遲未交(房租)

feel up to 感到想(做某事)

get away with (犯罪)不受懲罰

get down to 開始認(rèn)真考慮

get on for 快到(某時(shí))

get on with 繼續(xù)進(jìn)行(某事)

give on to 面對(花園等)

go back on (說了話)不遵守

go in for 從事(某項(xiàng)活動(dòng))

go off with 和…私奔

go through with 把…進(jìn)行到底

keep up with 跟上(發(fā)展)

live up to 達(dá)到(期望)

look down on 看不起

look forward to 盼望

look out for 當(dāng)心

look up to 敬重(某人)

make up for 彌補(bǔ)

make up to 拍…馬屁

put up with 忍受

run out of 用完

run up against 碰到

stand out against 堅(jiān)決反對

stand out for 堅(jiān)決要求

stand up to 面對(危險(xiǎn)等)

stick out for 堅(jiān)持要求


16.3.2 介詞成語

1) 除了成語動(dòng)詞,英語中還有大量成語由介詞構(gòu)成,單是一些常用介詞就可構(gòu)成大量成語:


at a stretch 一連,連續(xù)地

at a time 一次,每次

at all costs 不惜一切代價(jià)

at all events 不管怎樣

at all hazards 不顧一切危險(xiǎn)

at any rate 不管怎樣

at ease 稍息,安心

at fault 有錯(cuò)誤

at first 最初,開始時(shí)

at first sight 一見(鐘情)

at hand 不遠(yuǎn),快到

at heart 在內(nèi)心

at home 在家,隨便

at large 逍遙法外,未被關(guān)注

at last 最后

at least 至少

at leisure 從容不迫地

at length 最后,詳細(xì)地

at liberty 自由,有權(quán)(做某事)

at the moment 此刻

at most 至多

at once 立即,同時(shí)

at one blow (stroke)一下子

at one's fingertips 非常熟悉

at one's service 聽候吩咐

at one's wit's end 計(jì)窮,沒有辦法

at peace (war) 處于和平(戰(zhàn)爭)狀態(tài)

at play (work) 在玩耍(工作)

at present 現(xiàn)在,目前

at random 隨意地,胡亂地

at sea 茫然,不知所措

at the earliest (latest) 至早(遲)

at the outset 從一開頭

at the risk of 冒…的危險(xiǎn)

at the same time (與此)同時(shí)

at the start 一開頭

at the time 此刻,這時(shí)

at the top of one's voice 高聲地

at times 有時(shí)候

at will 任意地


by accident 偶然

by air 航空

by all means 想一切辦法

by any chance 碰巧,恰好

by birth 出身…

by bus (plane, etc.) 坐巴士(飛機(jī)等)

by chance 偶然

by cheque 用支票

by credit card 用信用卡

by choice 出于自愿

by daylight 在大白天

by day (night) 白天(夜間)

by far 最最(修飾最高級)

by dint of 通過(下功夫)

by force 靠武力

by fits and starts 干一干停一停

by leaps and bounds 飛躍地

by hook or by crook 想一切辦法

by mistake 錯(cuò)誤地,誤把…

by means of 借助

by post 郵(寄)

by no means 絕不,一點(diǎn)也不

by turns 輪流

by stages (degrees) 分階段地(一步步地)

by surprise 突然,出其不意

by virtue of 由于(某些優(yōu)越處)

by the way 順便說一句


in a nutshell 概括地說,總之

in a row 一連

in a sense 從某種意義上說

in accordance with 按照,根據(jù)

in addition (to) 此外(除…之外)

in advance 事前

in all 總共

in any case (event) 不管怎樣,反正

in brief 簡而言之

in case 要是,如果

in case of 在…情況下

in comparison 比較起來

in danger 處于危險(xiǎn)中

in debt 負(fù)債

in demand 有需求

in depth 深入地

in detail 詳細(xì)地

in doubt (對…)有懷疑

in fact 實(shí)際上

in full 全部地,全文地

in general 一般說來

in ink (pencil) 用鋼筆(鉛筆)寫

in love 在戀愛

in no time 很快(就…)

in one's opinion 在(某人)看來

in order (disorder) 井井有條(很亂)

in order to (that) 以便,為了

in other words 換句話說

in part(s) 部分地

in person 親自

in practice 實(shí)際上

in public (private) 公開(私下)地

in regard to 關(guān)于

in return 回過來,作為報(bào)答

in short 總之

in so far as 就…來說

in spite of 盡管

in terms of 就…來說

in that 在…方面,因?yàn)?

in the course of 在…過程中

in the dark 蒙在鼓里,不知情

in the day time 在白天

in the end 最后

in the event of 如果發(fā)生(某事)

in (the) face of 在…面前

in the least 一點(diǎn)(也不)

in the long run 從長遠(yuǎn)來說

in the main 一般來說

in the mean time 與此同時(shí),在此期間

in the middle of 在…中間

in time 及時(shí)地,經(jīng)過一段時(shí)間

in the nick of time 正好及時(shí)

in turn 輪流

in vain 白白地,沒有結(jié)果

in view of 考慮到…


on account of 由于

on approval 允許退貨

on average 平均

on behalf of 代表(某人)

on board 在船(飛機(jī))上

on business 出差,辦事

on condition 在…條件下

on credit 賒購

on the decline 在衰退中

on the decrease 在減少中

on demand 在要求支付時(shí)

on display 展出

on duty 值班

on fire 著火

on foot 步行

on guard 有警惕,值班

on hand 在身邊

on holiday 在休假

on no account 絕不

on one's chest 有心事

on one's mind 在想某事

on one's own 獨(dú)立地

on purpose 故意地

on sale 在出售

on strike 罷工,罷課

on the contrary 相反

on the mend 在痊愈(改善)中

on the (tele) phone 在接(打)電話

on the point of 正要(做某事)

on the run 東跑西顛,正在逃竄

on the spot 就地

on the spur of the moment 即興

on the way 在路上

on time 準(zhǔn)時(shí)

on top of 在…上面

on trial 正在受審

out of:

out of action 失靈

out of breath 氣喘吁吁

out of control 失去控制

out of danger 脫(離危)險(xiǎn)

out of date 過時(shí)

out of doors 在戶外

out of element 格格不入

out of fashion 不時(shí)新

out of favor 失寵

out of focus 對焦不準(zhǔn)

out of hand 失去控制

out of humor 情緒不佳

out of keeping (with) 和…不協(xié)調(diào)

out of luck 倒霉,運(yùn)氣不佳

out of one's mind 不想(某事)

out of order 壞了

out of pain 沒有疼痛

out of patience 失去耐心

out of place 格格不入,不合適

out of practice 荒疏

out of print 不再印行

out of reach 無法得到(拿到)

out of season 下市了

out of senses 頭腦不正常

out of service 退役,不再使用

out of shape 變形

out of sight 看不見

out of sorts 身子不舒服

out of step 不合拍

out of stock 售罄

out of sympathy 不同情

out of temper 發(fā)脾氣

out of the ordinary 不同尋常

out of the question 不可能

out of touch (with) 和…失去聯(lián)系

out of tune 走調(diào)

out of use 不再使用

out of work 失業(yè)

2) 有些介詞夾在名詞之間構(gòu)成成語:

day after day 日復(fù)一日地

year after year 年復(fù)一年地

one after another 一個(gè)接一個(gè)地

one by one 一個(gè)接一個(gè)

little by little 一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)地

side by side 并肩

step by step 一步步地

face to face 面對面

arm in arm 手挽手地

hand in hand 手牽手地

hand in glove 互相勾結(jié)

hand over fist 大量賺(賠)錢

head above water (生意)能維持

head over heels 倒栽蔥

day to day日常的

day by day 一天一天地

day before yesterday 前天

day after tomorrow 后天

heart in one's mouth 提心吊膽

heart-to-heart 互相交心的

3) 還有一些成語包含兩個(gè)介詞:

from beginning to end 從頭至尾

from bad to worse 越來越糟

from time to time 不時(shí)地

from head to foot 從頭到腳,渾身

from morning to night 從早到晚

from start to finish 從頭至尾

from door to door 挨門挨戶地

from top to bottom 整個(gè)地,徹底

from place to place 到各地

from hand to mouth 勉強(qiáng)糊口

from generation to generation 一代一代地

from cover to cover (書)全部地,從頭到尾

4) 此外,“be+形容詞+介?”也是一類成語:

be found of 喜歡

be full of 充滿

be interested in 對…有興趣

be keen on 熱衷于

be confident in 對…有信心

be short of 缺乏

be sick of 厭惡

be proud of 對…感到驕傲

be loyal to 對…忠誠

be ashamed of 為…感到羞恥

be worried about 為…擔(dān)心

be allergic to 對…過敏

be satisfied with 對…感到滿意

be aware of 意識到

be busy with 忙于(某事)

be different from 和…不同

be sympathetic with 對…同情

be capable of 能干某事

be famous for 因…而出名

be curious about 對…好奇



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