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第13章 動(dòng)詞句型 13.5 第四類句型——主語(yǔ) + 系動(dòng)詞 + 表語(yǔ)





13.5 第四類句型——主語(yǔ)+系動(dòng)詞+表語(yǔ)

13.5.1 主語(yǔ)+系動(dòng)詞+形容詞(24)


1) 有些系動(dòng)詞表示處于某種狀態(tài):

How are you? "I'm fine." “你好么?”“我挺好。”

She felt a bit dizzy. 她感到有點(diǎn)頭暈。

You're not looking very well. 你氣色不太好。

The dish smells good. 這盤菜聞起來(lái)不錯(cuò)。

The medicine tastes awful. 這藥難吃極了。

The report sounds true. 這報(bào)道聽起來(lái)是真實(shí)的。

He seemed quite normal. 他顯得很正常。

She appeared calm. 她看上去很鎮(zhèn)靜。

2) 有些系動(dòng)詞表示狀態(tài)的改變或證明如何:

Gradually he became silent. 慢慢地他安靜了下來(lái)。

When she saw this, she turned red. 看到這她臉紅了。

The weather is getting quite warm. 天氣變得相當(dāng)暖和。

The sea is growing calm. 大海變得平靜起來(lái)。

She went pale at the news. 聽見這消息,她臉色變得蒼白。

Things will come right in the end. 情況最后會(huì)變好的。

When he saw this, his blood ran cold. 看到這情景,他不寒而栗。

He has fallen ill. 他生病了。

His advice proved sound. 他的告誡證明是對(duì)的。

3) 有些系動(dòng)詞表示狀態(tài)的繼續(xù):

She remained comparatively calm. 她保持相對(duì)鎮(zhèn)靜。

They stayed awake to see the eclipse. 他們熬夜來(lái)看月蝕。

Jennie, alone, kept silent. 只有珍妮保持沉默。

His temper continued very uncertain. 他的脾氣仍然喜怒無(wú)常。

This law holds good. 這項(xiàng)法律依然有效。

4) 有些系動(dòng)詞后面可跟現(xiàn)在分詞(a)或過(guò)去分詞(b)(其中很多已變成形容詞):

a. This food looks inviting. 這食物看上去令人垂涎。

Those chocolates smell tempting. 那些巧克力聞起來(lái)很誘人。

The results of the explosion were appalling. 爆炸的結(jié)果很可怕。

She remained standing for a good hour. 她足足站了一個(gè)鐘頭。

His theory sounds convincing. 他的理論聽起來(lái)很有說(shuō)服力。

She seemed lacking in enthusiasm. 她似乎缺乏熱情。

b. She always seems pleased, happy and contented. 她總是顯得開心、幸福和滿足。

He felt troubled and distressed. 他感到很煩惱痛苦。

She didn't look convinced. 她顯得不太信服。

He nearly got hit by that car. 他差點(diǎn)被那輛車撞了。

After a time I grew dissatisfied with the work. 過(guò)了一段時(shí)間我對(duì)這工作感到不滿起來(lái)。

The boundary question remained unsolved. 邊界問(wèn)題仍然沒有解決。


5) 在個(gè)別不及物動(dòng)詞后也可跟一形容詞作表語(yǔ):

The prisoner broke free. 囚犯越獄出逃。

The soldiers have returned safe and sound. 士兵們平安無(wú)事地回來(lái)了。

The morning dawned bright. 這天早晨天亮?xí)r天氣晴朗。

Many talented people died young. 許多有才華的人年紀(jì)輕輕就夭亡了。

She sat motionless with horror. 她嚇得一動(dòng)不動(dòng)呆坐在那里。

The rent falls due today. 房租今天該交了。

I stand prepared to dispute it. 我準(zhǔn)備好對(duì)它提出質(zhì)疑。

Ten others lay wounded there. 另外十個(gè)人受了傷躺在那里。

He played dead. 他躺下裝死。


13.5.2 主語(yǔ)+系動(dòng)詞+名詞(代詞)(25)

1) 有許多系動(dòng)詞后面可跟名詞(代詞)作表語(yǔ):

That girl was my fiancée (me). 那女孩是我的未婚妻(我)。

His dream has at last become a reality. 他的夢(mèng)想終于成為現(xiàn)實(shí)。

He used to be a teacher till he turned writer. 他過(guò)去是教師后來(lái)成了作家。

He stood there and felt a stranger. 他站在那里,覺得自己像個(gè)陌生人。

We can remain friends. 我們可以繼續(xù)做朋友。

She looks a grown-up young woman now. 現(xiàn)在她看起來(lái)像個(gè)大姑娘了。

The affair rests a mystery. 這件事一直是個(gè)謎。

He appeared a fool. 他看上去像個(gè)傻瓜。

It seems to me a very marvellous book. 這在我看來(lái)是一本很出色的書。

It sounds a good idea. 這聽起來(lái)是個(gè)好主意。

He fell (a) victim to her charms. 他成了她媚力的俘虜。

2) 有少數(shù)其他動(dòng)詞后面也可跟名詞作表語(yǔ):

He died a martyr at his post. 他殉職了。

I still stand your friend. 我仍然是你的朋友。

From these debates the Prime Minister emerged victor. 在這些辯論中首相獲勝。

They parted the best of friends. 他們分手時(shí)是最要好的朋友。

Don't act the fool. 別發(fā)傻了。

She often played the great lady. (玩耍時(shí))她經(jīng)常假扮貴婦人。

3) 有些名詞可作表語(yǔ),意思接近于形容詞:

He was all attention (sweetness). 他聚精會(huì)神(非常和藹可親)。

She was all tears (smiles). 她淚流滿面(滿面笑容)。

He is skin and bones. 他骨瘦如柴。

All this is no use. 這一切都沒用。

They are the same size (age). 它們大小相同(他們年齡相同)。

I am not fool enough to believe that. 我沒傻到相信這個(gè)。

What colour is your shirt? 你的襯衫什么顏色?

What nationality is this man? 這人是哪國(guó)人?

13.5.3 主語(yǔ)+系動(dòng)詞+副詞(26)

1) 動(dòng)詞be可跟許多副詞作表語(yǔ):

Is Helen in? 海倫在家嗎?

I have been out for a walk. 我出去散步了。

But I've got to be off now. 不過(guò)現(xiàn)在我得走了。

I'll see if he is around. 我會(huì)留意他在不在附近。

If he's not here, he's about somewhere. 如果他不在這兒,那就在附近什么地方。

She had been away on a long trip. 她出遠(yuǎn)門去了。

All right, I'll be down immediately. 好的,我馬上就下樓來(lái)。

The television was still on. 電視還開著。

Summer is over—it is autumn. 夏天已經(jīng)過(guò)去——現(xiàn)在是秋天了。

When will you be through (with your work)? 你什么時(shí)候(事情)可以干完?

He was up all night with a sick child. 他照顧生病的孩子一夜沒睡。

When will you be back? 你什么時(shí)候回來(lái)?

2) 還有少數(shù)其他系動(dòng)詞也可以這樣用:

I feel down today. 我今天心情不佳。

He looks awfully down. 他看來(lái)情緒很低落。

You'd better keep away from that chap. 你最好離那個(gè)家伙遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)。

I don't feel up to the long journey. 我感到身體不適,不能勝任這次長(zhǎng)途旅行。

13.5.4 主語(yǔ)+系動(dòng)詞+介詞短語(yǔ)(27)

1) 大部分介詞都可引導(dǎo)短語(yǔ)作表語(yǔ):

I want to consult you. It's about my boy. 我來(lái)向你請(qǐng)教,是關(guān)于我兒子的事。

The bus stop is just across the road. 公共汽車站就在馬路對(duì)面。

You know what you are after. 你知道你在尋求什么。

It's against your conscience, but you still want to do it. 這是違背你良心的,但你還是想這樣做。

Paris is among the largest cities in the world. 巴黎是全世界最大的城市之一。

I was at a loss what to say. 我不知道說(shuō)什么好。

The darkest hour is before the dawn. 黎明之前最黑暗。

They are fully behind his welfare policy. 他們完全支持他的福利政策。

She was beside herself with joy. 她高興得要命。

The temperature is between 80°and 90° 氣溫在八九十度之間。

To do this was quite beyond my power. 這樣的事我遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)做不到。

Whom is that book by? 這本書是誰(shuí)寫的?

She was for abandoning the project. 她主張放棄這項(xiàng)工程。

This music is from one of Mozart's operas. 這段音樂取自莫扎特的一部歌劇。

These mobile phones are in great demand. 這種手機(jī)需求量很大。

I had only been inside their house once. 我只進(jìn)過(guò)他們家一次。

She is like a narcissus trembling in the wind. 她像一株在風(fēng)中顫動(dòng)的水仙花。

Cork Street was near Bond Street. 考克街在邦得街附近。

He was of an excitable temperature. 他是一種好激動(dòng)的性格。

She is off smoking. 她戒煙了。

He is out of work at present. 他眼下失業(yè)了。

The workers were on strike. 工人們?cè)诹T工。

They had been through a lot of hardships. 他們受過(guò)很多苦。

Have you ever been to Beijing? 你到過(guò)北京嗎?

All the children were under seven. 所有這些孩子都不到七歲。

Anna was with child again now. 安娜現(xiàn)在又懷孕了。

The task is not within my powers. 這項(xiàng)任務(wù)非我能力所及。

His face was without expression. 他臉上毫無(wú)表情。

2) 一些其他系動(dòng)詞也可跟這種表語(yǔ):

They remained in sad poverty. 他們?nèi)赃^(guò)著凄楚貧困的日子。

He seemed on the watch to control himself. 他似乎很注意控制自己。

Keep off the grass. 請(qǐng)勿踐踏草地。

He looked in splendid health. 他看起來(lái)身體很棒。

It has grown out of date. 這已變得過(guò)時(shí)了。

They ran out of petrol. 他們的汽油用完了。

I wish I could get out of debt. 但愿我能償清債務(wù)。

3) 這類結(jié)構(gòu)后可能還跟另一個(gè)介詞短語(yǔ):

He is in charge of the trade union work. 他負(fù)責(zé)工會(huì)工作。

He is in command of the First Division. 他指揮第一師。

These ballads are of special interest to us. 對(duì)這些歌謠我們特別感興趣。

His actions are not in keeping with his promises. 他的行為與他的諾言不相符。

We are always on the lookout for new business opportunities. 我們一直在尋找新的商機(jī)。

The students are in favour of reform. 學(xué)生們贊同改革。

This book may be of use to you. 這本書可能對(duì)你有用。

We were completely at a loss for an answer. 我們?nèi)徊恢撊绾位卮稹?/p>

He was on the point of leaving when the phone rang. 他正要走時(shí)電話鈴響了。

We must get in touch with her. 我們必須和她取得聯(lián)系。

Soon he fell in love with her. 不久他愛上了她。

He seemed out of touch with the outside world. 他似乎和外界失去了聯(lián)系。

13.5.5 主語(yǔ)+系動(dòng)詞+不定式(28)

1) 有時(shí)可用不定式作表語(yǔ):

His plan is to keep the affair secret. 他的計(jì)劃是將此事保密。

Their aim was to modernize their agriculture. 他們的目標(biāo)是實(shí)現(xiàn)農(nóng)業(yè)現(xiàn)代化。

Your job is to make sure that the work is finished on time. 你的任務(wù)是保證按時(shí)完成這項(xiàng)工作。

My duty is to get you away, to save you. 我的職責(zé)是帶你離開,把你救出來(lái)。

His purpose was to become a surgeon. 他的目標(biāo)是當(dāng)一名外科醫(yī)生。

Their goal was to eradicate malaria. 他們的目標(biāo)是消滅瘧疾。

The main objective of this policy is to reduce unemployment. 這一政策的主要目的是減少失業(yè)。

My ambition is to become a pilot. 我的志愿是當(dāng)一名飛行員。

My only wish is to do what's best for you. 我唯一的愿望是為你做到最好。

The problem was to find the right place quickly. 問(wèn)題是要迅速找到合適的地點(diǎn)。

My advice to you is to speak the truth. 我對(duì)你的忠告是講真話。

The only thing now is to take a taxi. 目前唯一的辦法是叫一輛出租車。

2) 不定式有時(shí)需用被動(dòng)形式:

These books are to be read for pleasure. 這些書是供看著玩的。

Surely she was to be trusted. 她無(wú)疑是值得信賴的。

This house is to be let. 這所房子供出租。

13.5.6 主語(yǔ)+系動(dòng)詞+動(dòng)名詞(29)

1) 系動(dòng)詞be后面有時(shí)跟動(dòng)名詞作表語(yǔ):

Her hobby is collecting stamps. 她的愛好是集郵。

His occupation was teaching. 他的職業(yè)是教書。

My job is repairing cars. 我的工作是修車。

Her main interest is playing tennis. 她的主要興趣是打網(wǎng)球。

My favourite sport is swimming. 我最喜歡的運(yùn)動(dòng)是游泳。

Our problem is not having sufficient fund. 我們的問(wèn)題是資金不足。

His weakness is not having enough confidence in himself. 他的弱點(diǎn)是自信心不足。

Their favourite pastime is playing chess. 他們最喜歡的消遣是下棋。

2) 有時(shí)主語(yǔ)和表語(yǔ)都是動(dòng)名詞:

Buying such a white elephant is simply wasting money. 買這樣大而無(wú)用的東西簡(jiǎn)直就是浪費(fèi)金錢。

Talking to him is talking to a wall. 和他談話是白費(fèi)勁。

Doing that would be playing with fire. 那樣做等于玩火。

13.5.7 主語(yǔ)+系動(dòng)詞+從句

1) 最常見的這類表語(yǔ)是that引導(dǎo)的從句(that有時(shí)省略)(30):

Their first idea was that he had hidden it. 他們首先想到的是他把它藏起來(lái)了。

My opinion is that the plan won't work. 我的意見是這個(gè)計(jì)劃行不通。

His view is that it's better not to increase investments. 他的看法是最好別增加投資。

The fact is, I never liked him. 事實(shí)是我從來(lái)沒喜歡過(guò)他。

His only fault is that he lacks ambition. 他唯一的缺點(diǎn)是缺乏雄心壯志。

The reason for my lateness is that I missed my bus. 我遲到的原因是沒趕上公共汽車。

The only trouble is the plan won't work. 唯一的問(wèn)題是這計(jì)劃行不通。

What surprised me was that he spoke English so well. 使我吃驚的是他英語(yǔ)講得這么好。

2) 有些作表語(yǔ)的從句由連接代詞(副詞)引導(dǎo)(31):

The question is what you want to do. 問(wèn)題是你想干什么。

The problem is who can be put in charge of the job. 問(wèn)題是誰(shuí)能來(lái)負(fù)責(zé)此事。

What I want to know is how we can solve the fuel problem. 我想知道的是我們?cè)鯓硬拍芙鉀Q燃料問(wèn)題。

That's where we differ. 這就是我們的分歧所在。

That's how I look at it. 這就是我的看法。

That's why I came round. 這就是我來(lái)的原因。

The coat is where you left it. 大衣還在你原來(lái)放的地方。

April is when the lilacs bloom. 四月是丁香花開的季節(jié)。

3) 從句有的由關(guān)系代詞型的what引導(dǎo)(32):

That's what I wish to do. 這就是我想做的事。

That's what I'm here for. 我來(lái)的目的就是這個(gè)。

Power is what they are after. 他們所追求的就是權(quán)力。

Times aren't what they were. 時(shí)代不同了。

13.5.8 主語(yǔ)+系動(dòng)詞+形容詞+介詞短語(yǔ)(33)

1) 這種結(jié)構(gòu)是非常多的,“be+形容詞+介詞”已成為習(xí)慣用語(yǔ),有時(shí)相當(dāng)于一個(gè)及物動(dòng)詞:

She was afraid of (=feared) snakes. 她怕蛇。

We are short of (=lack) funds. 我們?nèi)狈Y金。

She is fond of this country. 她喜歡這個(gè)國(guó)家。

I was frightened of rats then. 那時(shí)候我很怕老鼠。

He was very conscious of his shortcomings. 他很清楚自己的缺點(diǎn)。

She was delighted with the boat. 她非常喜歡那條小船。

We are very pleased with our new house. 我們很喜歡自己的新屋。

I have always been interested in Chinese history. 我一向?qū)χ袊?guó)歷史很有興趣。

I'm rather proud of this place. 為這地方我感到相當(dāng)驕傲。

I'm tired of living abroad. 我在國(guó)外居住已經(jīng)厭倦了。

I was sick of lying in bed. 我已經(jīng)在床上躺煩了。

She was disappointed with him (at the outcome of the talks). 她對(duì)他(談判結(jié)果)感到失望。

We were confident of his ability (in the future). 我們對(duì)他的能力(未來(lái))有信心。

He was worried about you. 他為你擔(dān)心。

I'm ignorant of mathematics (what happened). 我對(duì)數(shù)學(xué)(發(fā)生的事)一無(wú)所知。

He's well qualified for the job. 他完全有條件做這工作。

I'm not equal to the position. 我不勝任這職位。

I don't believe he is capable of winning it. 我不相信他能獲勝。

I'm surprised (amazed) at his attitude. 我對(duì)他的態(tài)度感到驚訝。

These plans are subject to their approval. 這些計(jì)劃有待他們批準(zhǔn)。

2) 一些其他系動(dòng)詞也可用于這類結(jié)構(gòu):

She looked astonished at the news. 聽到這消息她顯得很吃驚。

I've got (become) used to a vegetarian diet (hard work). 我已習(xí)慣于吃素食(干苦活)。

He feels confident of passing the examination. 他有信心通過(guò)考試。

I've grown accustomed to traveling. 我已經(jīng)習(xí)慣于旅行了。

They seem delighted with the result. 他們似乎對(duì)結(jié)果很滿意。

We're running short of funds. 我們的資金不多了。

She remained ignorant of what had happened. 她對(duì)發(fā)生的事仍然一無(wú)所知。

He proved quite equal to the task. 他證明完全勝任這項(xiàng)工作。

Your exam results fell short of our expectations. 你的考試成績(jī)沒達(dá)到我們的期望。

13.5.9 主語(yǔ)+系動(dòng)詞+形容詞+不定式(34)

I'm glad to have the opportanity of talking to you. 我很高興有機(jī)會(huì)和你交談。

I was very sorry to hear that you were ill. 聽說(shuō)你病了我很難過(guò)。

I'm happy to meet you. 我很高興見到你。

I'm anxious to visit your country. 我亟盼訪問(wèn)貴國(guó)。

She was eager to see her people. 她急于見到她的家人。

He was keen to visit China. 他很想訪問(wèn)中國(guó)。

He's always ready to help people. 他總是樂于助人。

We're proud to be Chinese citizens. 作為中國(guó)公民我們感到驕傲。

They're all willing to help. 他們都愿意幫忙。

I'm inclined to think she's right. 我傾向于認(rèn)為她是對(duì)的。

We are determined to follow his example. 我們決心仿效他的榜樣。

They are prepared to make concessions. 他們準(zhǔn)備作出讓步。

She was afraid to tell you. 她害怕告訴你。

He was reluctant to go with them. 他不愿意和他們一道走。

Glass is liable to break. 玻璃很容易破碎。

He is content to live a simple life. 他甘愿過(guò)簡(jiǎn)樸的生活。

13.5.10 主語(yǔ)+系動(dòng)詞+形容詞+從句

1) 這類結(jié)構(gòu)用that引導(dǎo)的從句時(shí)較多(that有時(shí)省略)(35):

I'm afraid there is some sort of misunderstanding. 恐怕有誤會(huì)的地方。

I'm awfully sorry that this has occurred. 發(fā)生了這樣的事我非常抱歉。

I'm glad you have come. 我很高興你來(lái)了。

I'm sure he meant well. 我肯定他是好意。

I am certain (positive) that he had seen me. 我肯定他看見了我。

He's confident that he will pass the exam. 他有信心能通過(guò)考試。

I'm convinced that he knew the truth. 我相信他知道事實(shí)真相。

You must be aware that what you are doing is illegal. 你一定知道你的行為是非法的。

He was delighted that we were successful in our experiment. 他很高興我們的試驗(yàn)成功了。

I'm disappointed that you cannot come. 你不能來(lái)我很失望。

I'm surprised (astonished) he didn't come. 他沒來(lái)我很吃驚。

He was thankful that the journey was over. 旅行結(jié)束了他很欣慰。

They were hopeful that they will win the championship. 他們對(duì)奪冠抱有希望。

He suddenly became conscious that someone was looking at him. 他突然意識(shí)到有人在看他。

The team feels proud that it has won every match this year. 該隊(duì)為今年比賽獲得全勝而感到驕傲。

I'm irritated that he is so stubborn. 他那樣固執(zhí)真讓我生氣。

2) 有時(shí)從句由連接代(副)詞引導(dǎo)(36):

We're not clear yet what they're up to. 我們還不清楚他們想干什么。

I was not sure what I ought to do. 我不能肯定我該做什么。

He's doubtful whether he can afford it. 他懷疑他能否出得起這筆錢。

She was not aware (of) how much her husband earned. 她不清楚她丈夫掙多少錢。

I am not certain who he is. 我不能肯定他是誰(shuí)。

I'm worried (about) how the money was spent. 我煩惱的是這錢是怎么花掉的。

They were uncertain whether they could find time to do it. 他們不能肯定是否能找到時(shí)間做這事。

I'm undecided whether to go to France or Italy for my holidays. 我還沒決定是去法國(guó)還是去意大利度假。


瘋狂英語(yǔ) 英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法 新概念英語(yǔ) 走遍美國(guó) 四級(jí)聽力 英語(yǔ)音標(biāo) 英語(yǔ)入門 發(fā)音 美語(yǔ) 四級(jí) 新東方 七年級(jí) 賴世雄 zero是什么意思銀川市花雨湖濱A區(qū)英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)交流群

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