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第13章 動詞句型 13.4 第三類句型——主語 + 雙賓動詞 + 間接賓語 + 直接賓語





13.4 第三類句型——主語+雙賓動詞+間接賓語+直接賓語

13.4.1 主語+雙賓動詞+名詞或代詞+名詞(20)


1) 某些動詞引導(dǎo)的間接賓語可改為to引導(dǎo)的短語:

She gave me her telephone number (gave a job to John). 她給了我她的電話號碼(派給約翰一件工作)。

He handed me the letter (the letter to me). 他把信遞給了我。

Please throw me the key (the key to me). 請把鑰匙扔給我。

They awarded her a special scholarship. 他們頒發(fā)給她一份特別獎學(xué)金。

They never denied us assistance. 他們從不拒絕給我們幫助。

He assigned the students a few books to read. 他指定了幾本書給學(xué)生讀。

Can you lend us your car? 你能把車借給我們嗎?

I owed him $ 50. 我欠他五十美元。

Please fax us your plans. 請把你們的計劃傳真給我們。

I'll phone her the news (the news to her). 我將打電話告訴她這消息。

2) 某些動詞引起間接賓語可改為由for 引導(dǎo)的短語:

She sang us a folk song (a folk song for us). 她為我們唱了一首民歌。

I'll make you some fresh tea. 我去給你沏一點(diǎn)新茶。

She'll find you a situation. 她將給你找一份工作。

He bought himself a new suit. 他給自己買了一套新衣服。

He ordered them some children's books. 他為他們訂購了一些兒童讀物。

Can you play me some light music? 你能否給我放一點(diǎn)輕音樂?

Please choose me a good one. 請給我選一個好的。

That will save us a lot of trouble. 這會給我們省去許多麻煩。

Could you fetch me the evening paper? 你能否給我把晚報拿來?

She cooked us a delicious meal. 她給我們做了一頓可口的飯菜。

3) 有些動詞后的間接賓語不能改為to或for引導(dǎo)的短語:

She flung him a scornful look (a scornful look at him). 她鄙夷地看了他一眼。

She still bore him a grudge (a grudge against him). 她仍對他懷有怨恨。

I envy you your good luck. 我羨慕你的好運(yùn)。

They fined her $ 200. 他們罰了她兩百美金。

Careless driving cost him his life. 開車馬虎使他賠了性命。

She kissed her mother goodbye. 她吻別她的母親。

I'll stay and keep you company. 我將留下來給你作伴。

I mean you no harm. 我對你沒有惡意。

They forgave him his crimes. 他們寬恕了他的罪行。

The teacher set us a difficult problem. 老師給我們出了一道難題。

13.4.2 主語+雙賓動詞+名詞或代詞+從句

1) 這類句子中的從句多數(shù)由that引導(dǎo)(that有時省略)(21):

Tell him I'm out. 告訴他我不在家。

I'll call Betty and remind her that we are meeting at 8. 我將給貝蒂打電話,提醒她我們八點(diǎn)鐘碰頭。

Our teacher notified us that there would be a test on Monday. 老師通知我們星期一有測驗。

She informed me that she was to send for it the next day. 她通知我她將在第二天派人來取它。

He assured the passengers that there was no danger. 他向乘客保證沒有危險。

I promise you I'll never conceal anything any more. 我答應(yīng)你我決不會再隱瞞什么。

He instantly convinced himself that it was so. 他立即讓自己相信情況就是如此。

She wrote Tom that she was coming to Paris. 她寫信給湯姆說她要到巴黎來。

I have warned him that it is not allowed. 我警告過他這是不允許的。

She persuaded them that she had done right. 她使他們相信她做得對。

2) 也有些從句由連接副詞(代詞)或連詞whether(if)引導(dǎo)(22):

Can you inform me where Miss Green lives? 你可否告訴我格林小姐住在哪里?

I can't tell you how pleased I am to be here tonight. 我無法告訴你我今晚在這里多高興。

She asked me what time it was. 她問我什么時間。

Write me how you got through. 寫信告訴我你怎樣通過考試的。

Show me where your leg hurts. 告訴我你的腿哪兒疼。

He taught us why we should love our country. 他教導(dǎo)我們?yōu)槭裁匆獰釔圩鎳?

Please advise me whether (if) I ought to go with them. 請告訴我是否應(yīng)當(dāng)和他們一道去。

3) 有時從句也可由關(guān)系代詞型的what或whatever引導(dǎo)(23):

Show me what you bought. 把你買的東西給我看看。

I'll tell you what I read in today's paper. 我來告訴你我在今天報上看到的消息。

Give me what books you have on the subject. 把你有關(guān)這問題的書全都給我。

Tell me whatever you know about it. 把你知道的一切都告訴我。


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