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第13章 動詞句型 13.3 第二類句型——主語 + 及物動詞 + 賓語





13.3 第二類句型——主語+及物動詞+賓語

13.3.1 主語+及物動詞+名詞(代詞)(5)


Do you know these people (them)? 你認識這些人(他們)嗎?

I'll have vanilla ice-cream. 我要香草冰淇淋。

The orchestra played the National Anthem. 管弦樂隊演奏了國歌。

He loved poetry. 他喜歡詩。

Have you ordered your meal? 你點飯菜了嗎?

We took the early flight to Brussels. 我們乘早班飛機去布魯塞爾。

What did he say? 他怎么說?

Silence means consent. (諺)沉默意味著同意。

Shall I call a taxi? 我要不要叫一輛出租車?

He left school in 1998. 他1998年從學(xué)校畢業(yè)。

They found a cure for cancer. 他們找到了一個治療癌癥的方法。

Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X rays. 威廉·容特根發(fā)現(xiàn)了X光。

2) 有些動詞和名詞構(gòu)成一種習(xí)慣用語(Idiom),有特別的意思:

Don't catch cold. 別感冒了。

This theory doesn't hold water. 這種理論站不住腳。

Make haste, or we shall be late. 快點,否則我們要遲到了。

At the end of the week George took leave. 周末時喬治告辭離去。

This sentence doesn't make sense. 這句子毫無意義。

She's always making a fuss. 她老是大驚小怪。

We'll make room for you in the back of the car. 我們將在車后部為你騰地方。

She's always making trouble for her friends. 她老給朋友們制造麻煩。

The storm played havoc with the orchard. 暴風(fēng)雨給果園造成了巨大損害。

Other airlines also followed suit. 別的航空公司也照著做了。

Take care! The ice is thin. 當(dāng)心!冰很薄。

When will the drug take effect? 這藥什么時候開始起作用?

He always takes pains with his work. 他工作一向盡心盡力。

The action of the play takes place in ancient Rome. 這出戲的故事發(fā)生在古羅馬。

The idea took root in his mind. 這想法在他腦中扎了根。

He always takes offence at any kind of criticism. 聽到任何批評意見他都會生氣。

13.3.2 主語+及物動詞+自身代詞(6)

1) 有大量動詞可以用自身代詞作賓語:

I can't express myself in English. 我不會用英語表達自己的思想。

He reproached himself for his rudeness. 他為自己的無禮而自責(zé)。

Now I'll introduce myself. 現(xiàn)在我來自我介紹一下。

He often contradicts himself. 他常常自相矛盾。

She saw herself in the mirror. 她在鏡子里看到了自己。

I can support myself. 我能自己養(yǎng)活自己。

Don't deceive yourself. 不要自己騙自己。

She killed herself by jumping into the well. 她跳井自殺了。

I asked myself several questions. 我問了自己幾個問題。

They blamed themselves for the accident. 他們?yōu)槭鹿识载?zé)。

This refrigerator defrosts itself. 這臺冰箱能自動除霜。


Look after yourself. 照顧好自己。

Take care of yourselves. 自己保重。


Don't overwork yourself. 別讓自己太勞累。

Are you enjoying yourselves? 你們玩得好嗎?

She prided herself on her financial success. 她為她經(jīng)濟上的成就而感到自豪。

She busied herself tidying up her desk. 她忙著整理她的書桌。

Why did you absent yourself (from school) yesterday? 你昨天為什么缺席(課)?

They seated themselves on the bench. 他們在長凳上坐了下來。

Help yourself to a beer. 請喝杯啤酒。

He excused himself from the meeting. 他請求不參加會議。

You must behave yourself at the party. 在晚會上你要規(guī)矩一點。

Pull yourself together and try and eat something. 打起精神來,多少吃點東西。

Don't strain yourself talking, dear. 親愛的,別說得太累。

He distinguished himself in the examination. 他在考試中表現(xiàn)出色。

3) 有些動詞后可跟自身代詞,也可以不跟:

13.3.3 主語+動詞+同源賓語(7)

有些動詞通常為不及物動詞,都可用一個與之同源的名詞構(gòu)成賓語,這種賓語稱為同源賓語(Cognate Object):

Alice laughed a scornful laugh. 愛麗絲鄙夷地笑了笑。

He could sleep the peaceful sleep of the young. 他可以睡得像年輕人那樣平靜。

He smiled a strange smile. 他古怪地笑了笑。

As he slept, he dreamed a dream. 他睡覺時做了一個夢。

She closed her eyes and wished a wish. 她閉上眼睛許了一個愿。

She lived a long happy life and died a natural death. 她一生幸福長壽,壽終正寢。

They were to dance the Rose-dance together. 他們將在一起跳玫瑰舞。

He said his say and then sat down. 他說完他的話然后坐下。

13.3.4 主語+成語動詞+賓語


1) 及物動詞+副詞(8):

He handed in his resignation this morning. 他今天上午遞交了辭呈。

Cross out those two sentences. 把那兩句劃掉。

They brought forward a new scheme of taxation. 他們提出了一個新的征稅計劃。

You could only bring about her misery. 你只會給她帶來痛苦。

Overwork brought on insomnia. 過度勞累造成失眠。

He had carried out our instructions to the letter. 他不折不扣地執(zhí)行了我們的指示。

She has put aside a good sum of money. 她存了一大筆錢。

All the chestnut trees have put forth blossoms. 所有的栗樹都開花了。

Who put forward such a view? 誰提出了這樣的觀點?

We can put off the meeting. 我們可以推遲開會。


I'm not putting my meaning across very well. 我沒把我的意思講清楚。

We can put it off one more week. 我們可以把它再推遲一星期。

I'll put the particulars down in my notebook. 我將把詳細情況記在筆記本上。

Put your coat on. 把外套穿上。

Take your shoes off, please. 請把鞋脫掉。

I'll think it over. 我要好好想一想。


The rebellion was put down with extreme brutality. 這次叛亂被極其殘酷地鎮(zhèn)壓下去了。

The meeting has been put off. 會議被推遲了。

Another supermarket has been put up near our house. 我們家附近又建了一座超級市場。

A guerilla warfare was carried on successfully there. 在那里游擊戰(zhàn)進行得很成功。

2) 不及物動詞+介詞(9):

We must abide by the rules of the game. 我們必須遵守游戲規(guī)則。

The Yellowstone Park abounds in wild animals. 黃石公園有大量的野生動物。

They will not agree to that arrangement. 他們不會同意那樣的安排。

I called upon Mrs. Froster this evening. 今晚我去拜訪了佛羅斯特夫人。

She's been looking after the luggage. 她一直在照看行李。

He was looking for summer employment. 他在找暑期工作。

We'll look into this matter together. 我們一道來調(diào)查這件事。

He came on an old friend in thelibrary. 他在圖書館碰到一位老朋友。

I don't object to the idea. 我不反對這個意見。

Her suggestion met with opposition. 她的建議遭到反對。

He thought of his boyhood. 他想起了他的童年。

Light consists of waves. 光由光波構(gòu)成。


The baby was looked after by her little sister. 寶寶由她的小姐姐照看。

Many difficulties and setbacks will be met with. 會碰到很多困難挫折。

3) 不及物動詞+介詞+名詞(10):

Thus the first workers' league came into being. 就這樣第一個工人聯(lián)盟誕生了。

Their hydrangeas were coming into flower. 他們的繡球花正在綻放。

The treaty will come into force next month. 條約下月生效。

The spring term had come to an end. 春季學(xué)期結(jié)束了。

The old building was falling into pieces. 那座老樓要崩塌了。

He rose to his feet to reply to the speech of welcome. 他站起身答謝歡迎詞。

Stand at attention! 立正!

Don't stand on ceremony. 不要客氣。

Soon he went to sleep. 不一會兒他就睡著了。

She went to pieces when she heard her daughter was in the hospital. 聽說女兒住院,她精神崩潰了。

Don't fall into bad habits. 不要養(yǎng)成壞習(xí)慣。


4) 不及物動詞+副詞+介詞(11):

We shouldn't look down on this work. 我們不應(yīng)當(dāng)看不起這種工作。

The children were eagerly looking forward to the party. 孩子們都急切盼望著這個晚會。

Look out for snakes. 當(dāng)心蛇。

The window looks out on the flower-beds. 窗子面對著花壇。

He will carry on with his plan. 他將繼續(xù)推行他的計劃。

We must catch up with them. 我們必須趕上他們。

The teacher came down on me for talking in class. 因為我在課堂上講話老師批評了我。

Many Congressmen came (cried) out against the bill. 許多國會議員表示反對這項法案。

This town dates back to Roman times. 這座城市羅馬時代就有了。

They have done away with this barbarous custom. 他們破除了這個野蠻的習(xí)俗。

We must face up to our difficulties. 我們必須勇敢地面對困難。

He doesn't feel up to the job. 他感覺不能勝任這項工作。


They are looked down on by everyone. 誰都瞧不起他們。

The day had been looked forward to for a month. 這個日子大家已盼望了一個月了。

These privileges must be done away with. 這些特權(quán)應(yīng)當(dāng)廢除。

The truth has to be faced up to. 必須正視事實。

5) 及物動詞+名詞+介詞(12):

Pay attention to your grammar. 注意你的語法。

I'll take care of it. 我來料理此事。

A bad workman finds fault with his tools. 拙匠常怪工具差。

We've lost touch with him. 我們和他失去了聯(lián)系。

Suddenly he caught sight of Mary. 突然他瞧見了瑪麗。

The depression gave rise to wide spread unemployment. 經(jīng)濟蕭條引起了廣泛的失業(yè)。

The book soon found favour with the American public. 這書很快受到美國公眾的歡迎。

The naughty boy takes great delight in pulling the dog's tail. 那調(diào)皮男孩喜歡拉狗尾巴。

She always takes particular notice of me. 她總是特別注意我。

He made friends with the other boys. 他和其他男孩子交了朋友。

Then he gave place to a younger man. 后來他把位置讓給了一個較年輕的人。

He made no reference to Peter. 他沒有提到彼得。


The matter has never been paid attention to (No attention has ever been paid to this matter). 這問題從來沒被注意過。

No reference was made by anyone to the past. 沒有任何人提到過去。

Preparations are being made for the sports meet. 運動會的準(zhǔn)備工作正在進行。

She's well taken care of. 她受到很好的照顧。

6) 及物動詞+自身代詞+介詞(13):

Finally he avenged himself on the enemy. 最后他向敵人報了仇。

He had to accustom himself to the cold weather here. 他得讓自己習(xí)慣于這里的寒冷天氣。

Help yourself to some more meat (vegetable). 再吃點肉(蔬菜)吧。

He applied himself to the task before him. 他致力于眼前的工作。

He availed himself of the opportunity to speak to her. 他利用這機會和她說話。

She abandoned herself to despair. 她陷入絕望之中。

She dedicated herself to conserving our natural resources. 她致力于保護我們的自然資源。

He devoted himself to helping the poor. 他獻身于幫助窮人的工作。

She has to familiarize herself with the use of the new tool. 她得讓自己熟悉新工具的用法。

I must accommodate myself to your plan. 我必須使自己適應(yīng)你的計劃。

They no longer troubled themselves about him. 他們不再為他煩心了。

You must reconcile yourself to a life of hardship and poverty. 你必須讓自己安于一種艱難困苦的生活。

13.3.5 主語+及物動詞+不定式(作賓語)

1) 有大量及物動詞可以跟不定式作賓語(14):

Someone is asking to see you. 有人要求見你。

We can't afford to pay such a price. 我們出不起這樣高的價錢。

I can't bear to see you like this. 我不忍看你這個樣子。

I didn't expect to find you here. 我沒想到在這里看見你。

He decided to move to Chicago. 他決定搬到芝加哥去。

They demanded to see my passport. 他們要求驗看我的護照。

She longed to be back in England. 她渴望回英國。

She hated to lose her temper. 她不愿發(fā)脾氣。

He offered to lend me some books. 他主動提出借我?guī)妆緯?

He promised to see her home. 他答應(yīng)送她回家。

You must try to improve. 你必須設(shè)法改進。

I don't wish to leave my mother. 我不愿意離開我母親。


2) 有些動詞后可用連接副詞(代詞)和不定式一道構(gòu)成賓語(15):

You must learn when to give advice and when to be silent. 你得學(xué)會什么時候出主意什么時候沉默。

He explained how to use the parachute. 他講解了如何使用降落傘。

Ask him where to go. 問他該往哪里走。

I don't know who to ask advice from. 我不知道該向誰請教。

I must think what to do. 我必須考慮怎么辦。

He was wondering whether to follow her or to go upstairs. 他不知道該跟她走還是該上樓。

He forgot which way to go. 他忘了該走哪條路。

I discovered how to start the machine. 我弄懂了該怎樣啟動這臺機器。

13.3.6 主語+及物動詞+動名詞(作賓語)(16)

Would you mind waiting a few minutes? 可否勞駕等幾分鐘?

Why have they delayed opening the new school ? 他們?yōu)槭裁赐七t開辦這所新學(xué)校?

I can't imagine lying like this, I would go crazy. 我不能想象這樣躺著,我會發(fā)瘋的。

I don't recommend buying that dictionary. 我不建議買那本字典。

I prefer standing. 我寧愿站著。

I propose resting for half an hour. 我建議休息半小時。

Do you like reading novels? 你喜歡看小說嗎?

She could not help feeling depressed. 她禁不住感到抑郁。


13.3.7 主語+及物動詞+that引導(dǎo)的從句(作賓語)(17)

1) 有大量動詞可以跟that引導(dǎo)的從句作賓語(that有時可省略):

I guess we'll leave now. 我想我們得走了。

Andrew heard that they were shortly leaving for South Africa. 安德魯聽說他們不久要去南非。

I hope that I have said nothing to pain you. 我希望我沒說什么使你難過的話。

They proved that the earth was round. 他們證明地球是圓的。

I learn that he is in business in Boston. 聽說他在波士頓做生意。

I felt I had little energy left. 我感覺一點力氣都沒有了。

We have to admit that he's a highly competent man. 我們得承認他是一個非常稱職的人。

She never doubted that she was right. 她從未懷疑過她是對的。

He estimated that the vase was 3,000 years old. 他估計這花瓶已存在三千年了。

He claimed that he saw the accident. 他聲稱他目睹了這次車禍。


2) 在某些動詞后,從句中謂語(在美國)要用動詞原形,在英國多用“should+動詞原形”構(gòu)成謂語(用動詞原形的人也不少):

I suggest that we (should) leave early for the airport. 我建議我們早點動身去機場。

She insisted that I (should) be present. 她堅持要我出席。

They demanded that the right to vote (should) be given to every adult. 他們要求給予每個成年人以選舉權(quán)。

I'd recommend (that) you see a solicitor. 我建議你去找律師。

He proposed that we go into the city to see her. 他建議我們進城去找她。

He requested that they free the hostages. 他請求他們釋放人質(zhì)。

The situation requires that I (should) be there. 形勢要求我待在那里。

Mrs. Godwin urged that he see her. 戈德溫夫人敦促他去見她。

He asked that the message be given to Madame immediately. 他要求把這電報立即送給夫人。

I ordered (commanded) that we (should) attack at once. 我命令我們立即發(fā)起進攻。

13.3.8 主語+及物動詞+連接副(代)詞引導(dǎo)的賓語從句(18)

1) 有不少動詞后面可跟連接副(代)詞引導(dǎo)的賓語從句:

I didn't know where they had gone. 我不知道他們到哪里去了。

This shows how much she sympathized with him. 這說明她多么同情他。

Do you see now why I did it? 你現(xiàn)在明白我為什么這樣做了嗎?

He asked when we would be in London. 他問我們什么時候到倫敦。

I don't care what they say. 我不在乎他們說什么。

You can discuss which is his best poem. 你們可以討論哪是他最好的詩。

I don't remember when that happened. 我不記得這事是什么時候發(fā)生的。

He just said how he looked at it. 他只是說了他對這事的看法。

She described how all this had happened. 她描述了這一切是怎樣發(fā)生的。

Can you tell which is which? 你能分辨它們嗎?

2) 也有些動詞后可以跟由連詞whether或if引導(dǎo)的從句:

I wonder whether (if) you could give me some advice. 不知你可否給我出點主意。

She asked if (whether) she might call and see me. 她問她可否來看我。

I'll see whether I can find time to do it. 我會留意是否能擠出時間做這事。

I don't know whether you like these patterns. 我不知道你是否喜歡這些圖案。

I'll find out if she's interested in going. 我會搞清楚她是否有興趣去。

3) 有些賓語從句由關(guān)系代詞型的what及whatever這類詞引導(dǎo)(19):

I'll tell you what I hear. 我將告訴你我聽到的事。

They criticized what he had done. 他們批評了他做的事。

I'll do what I can. 我將盡力而為。

He could not express what he felt. 他無法表述內(nèi)心的感受。

You can eat whatever you like. 你可以吃你喜歡的任何東西。

Whatever he does, he does well. 他無論做什么都做得很好。

He can marry whomever he chooses. 他愿意和誰結(jié)婚就可以和誰結(jié)婚。

Buy whichever is cheapest. 買最便宜的。


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