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第12章 非謂語動詞 12.4 過去分詞的用法





12.4 過去分詞的用法

12.4.1 過去分詞概說


1) 構(gòu)成謂語:

a. 和have一道構(gòu)成完成時態(tài)或非謂語動詞的完成形式:

I haven't been out much recently. 我最近沒太出門。

I knew you had been busy. 我知道你一直很忙。

I'm sorry not to have given you enough help. 對不起沒給你足夠的幫助。

Having read the instructions, she snatched up the fire extinguisher. 看完說明書之后,她抓起了滅火器。

b. 和be一道構(gòu)成被動語態(tài)或非謂語動詞的被動形式:

The letter has been opened! 信被人拆開了!

The children were well looked after. 孩子們受到很好的照顧。

He ought to have been told about it. 這事早該告訴他的。

He was said to have been arrested. 據(jù)說他被捕了。

2) 用作表語:

I am awfully worried. Daddy is ill. 我很著急,我爸爸病了。

3) 用作定語:

She had a worried look on her face. 她滿面愁容。

4) 構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語:

She wanted the work finished by Friday. 她要求這工作星期五前完成。

5) 作狀語:

Aroused by the crash, he leapt to his feet. 他被撞擊聲驚醒,一躍站起身來。


12.4.2 過去分詞作表語

1) 過去分詞作表語的時候很多(其中有很多已變成形容詞):

He was amazed and enchanted at the sight. 看到這景象他感到驚異著迷。

She was annoyed at your saying that. 你這樣講她很不高興。

We were so bored that we couldn't help yawning. 我們厭煩得要命,禁不住打起了呵欠。

She felt confused, even frightened. 她感到困惑不解,甚至很驚恐。

I'm convinced that what you said is quite right. 我相信你說的話很對。

They were very pleased with the girl. 他們很喜歡這姑娘。

His clothes were covered with dust. 他的衣服上盡是塵土。

I'm disappointed with you. 我對你很失望。

He was astonished to see his father. 他看到他父親時很吃驚。

I'm afraid I'm slightly drunk. 可能我有一點醉了。

Personally, I'm extremely satisfied. 就我個人來說我感到極為滿意。

I was touched by his sincerity. 他的誠懇使我很感動。

We were delighted to receive your letter. 收到你的信我們很高興。

They were thrilled (excited) at the suggestion. 聽了這建議他們非常激動。

He is not interested in research. 他對研究工作沒興趣。

We are all involved, whether you like it or not. 不管你愿不愿意,我們都已卷了進去。

I'm obliged to you for all you've done for us. 我很感激你為我們所做的一切。

How long have you been married? 你結(jié)婚多久了?

The couple were devoted to each other. 這對夫妻十分恩愛。

2) 這種結(jié)構(gòu)和被動語態(tài)是有差別的,“be+表語”結(jié)構(gòu)表示一種狀態(tài),而被動語態(tài)表示一個動作,試比較下面句子:

be+表語結(jié)構(gòu)(表示狀態(tài)) 被動結(jié)構(gòu)(表示動作)

* * *

* * *

He Was (Is) Wounded In The Leg. 他腿受了傷?!      ?They Were Wounded During The Battle.他們在戰(zhàn)斗中受了傷。

The new railway is not completed yet.新的鐵路還沒建成。        It'll be completed next spring. 它將于明年春天建成。

“be+表語”結(jié)構(gòu)都包含be或其他系動詞加過去分詞,而被動結(jié)構(gòu)必須與其相應(yīng)的主動結(jié)構(gòu)在時態(tài)上一致。例如右邊例句的主動結(jié)構(gòu)(Tim broke the window./Her husband has deserted her./They will complete the railway.)和它們在時態(tài)上是一致的。

12.4.3 過去分詞作定語

1) 有很多過去分詞可用作定語,特別是表示情緒的詞:

Mr. Knight gave a satisfied smile. 奈特先生滿意地笑了笑。

She threw me a quick, frightened glance. 她迅速而驚恐地看了我一眼。

The worried look deepened upon her face. 她臉上的愁容加重了。

She had a pleased look on her face. 她臉上現(xiàn)出高興的神情。

Martin's confused sorrows turned to optimism. 馬丁煩亂的悲哀情緒轉(zhuǎn)而變成了樂觀情緒。

His embarrassed manner increased her doubt. 他尷尬的態(tài)度增加了她的懷疑。

He didn't noticed the surprised (astonished) look on her face. 他沒有注意到她臉上驚訝的表情。

She could hear his agitated voice. 她可以聽到他激動的聲音。

His face wore a puzzled expression. 他臉上有一種困惑的表情。

2) 還有許多其它的過去分詞可用作定語:

printed matter 印刷品

a written report 書面報告

guided missile 導(dǎo)彈

armed forces 武裝力量

cooked food 熟食

boiled water 開(過的)水

frozen food 冷凍食品

canned food 罐頭食品

smoked fish 熏魚

fried eggs 煎雞蛋

condensed milk 煉乳

dried fruit 果干

finished products 成品

classified document 機密文件

required courses 必修課

united front 統(tǒng)一戰(zhàn)線

animated cartoons 動畫片

furnished rooms 有家具的房間

a forced smile 勉強的笑容

mixed feelings 混雜的情緒

3) 還有許多由過去分詞構(gòu)成合成形容詞:

air-conditioned rooms 有空調(diào)的房間

a simply-furnished apartment 一套陳設(shè)簡單的房間

half-finished products 半成品

a hand-operated pump 手搖泵

a well-dressed woman 穿著講究的女子

hand-made goods 手工制品

closed-circuit TV 閉路電視

a cautiously-worded statement 措辭謹慎的聲明

strongly motivated students 學習動力很強的學生

4) 絕大多數(shù)過去分詞都有被動的意思,有少部分過去分詞卻不然,而帶有完成的意思:

the risen sun (=the sun that has an exploded bomb (=a bomb that has

just risen) 初升的太陽

exploded) 爆炸了的炸彈

faded flowers 萎謝的花

vanished jewels 消失了的珠寶

faded flowers 萎謝的花

vanished jewels 消失了的珠寶

returned students 歸國留學生

a retired professor 退休的教授

escaped prisoners 逃犯

departed friends 離去的朋友

fallen leaves 落葉

abdicated emperor 退位的皇帝

his deceased wife 他的亡妻

new arrived visitors 新到的客人

swollen eyes 腫脹的眼睛

a dated map 過時的地圖

5) 有些過去分詞短語跟在所修飾詞后面, 作用接近于一個定語從句:

What's the language spoken (=that is spoken) in that country? 那個國家講的是什么語言?

Is there anything planned for tonight ? 今晚有什么活動嗎?

They're problems left over by history. 它們是歷史遺留下來的問題。

Suddenly there appeared a young woman dressed in green. 突然出現(xiàn)一個穿綠衣服的青年女子。

This is something unheard of in history. 這時史無前例的事。

In the end the program offered by Wilson was adopted. 最后威爾遜提出的計劃通過了。

The conference suggested by the Czar was held in Hague. 沙皇建議的會議在海牙召開了。

The play put on by the teachers was a big success. 老師們表演的戲很成功。

6) 間或跟在名詞后的可能是一個單一的過去分詞,而不是短語:

They didn't allow us to make the alterations suggested. 他們不允許我們根據(jù)建議進行修改。

The experience gained will be of great value to us. 取得的經(jīng)驗對我們將有重大價值。

The designers decided to change the materials used. 設(shè)計者決定改變所用的材料。

The man concerned was her husband. 有關(guān)者即是她的丈夫。

Is there anybody injured? 有人受傷了嗎?

Do you know the number of books ordered? 你知道訂購的書有多少?

She liked all the courses offered. 她對所開的課程都很喜歡。

How much time is there left? 還剩下多少時間?

7) 作定語的過去分詞常指已經(jīng)完成的動作,若要表示現(xiàn)在正在進行的動作,要用過去分詞的進行形式,也就是現(xiàn)在分詞的被動形式:

We must keep a secret of the things being discussed (=which are being discussed) here. 我們必須對在此討論的問題保密。

What do you think of the summit meeting being held in Vienna? 你對正在維也納召開的峰會有什么看法?

I knew nothing about the experiment being conducted there. 我對在那里進行的試驗一無所知。

12.4.4 過去分詞構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語

1) 在某些動詞后可用過去分詞構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語:

We'll get her X-rayed. 我們要給她透視。

I've recently had my appendix removed. 我最近把盲腸割了。

Have you ever heard a song sung in Japanese? 你聽過用日語唱的歌嗎?

Rarely had I seen him so worked-up. 我很少見他這樣激動過。

He watched the bed carried out of the door. 他看著床被搬出屋去。

We all wished the problem settled. 我們都希望這問題得到解決。

She didn't want her daughter taken out after dark. 她不希望天黑后女兒被帶出門。

He felt a great weight taken off his mind. 他感到心頭如釋重負。

Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. (諺)少說多看。

The scents made her drunk. 這些氣味使她陶醉。

How would you like your hair cut? 你喜歡把頭發(fā)剪成什么式樣?

He found the house deserted. 他發(fā)現(xiàn)房子里空無一人。

At 4:30 p.m. the chairman declared the session closed. 下午四點半主席宣布閉會。

He acknowledged himself defeated. 他承認自己被打敗了。

We do consider ourselves justified in doing so. 我們的確認為我們這樣做是有道理的。

2) 介詞with后有時也可以跟這類復(fù)合賓語:

He sat with his arms clasped round his knees. 他雙手抱膝坐著。

All afternoon he worked with the door locked. 整個下午他都鎖著門在家工作。

That year ended with nothing settled. 那一年什么事也沒解決就結(jié)束了。

12.4.5 過去分詞作狀語

1) 過去分詞有時可用作狀語,修飾謂語(多放在句首,也可放在后面或插在中間):

Seen from the hill, the city looks magnificent. 從山上看這座城市非常壯觀。

Convinced that they were trying to poison her, she refused to eat anything.她認為他們想毒害她,便拒絕吃任何東西。

Weakened by successive storms, the bridge was no longer safe. 連續(xù)的暴雨使橋身受損,這座橋已不再安全。

A bit frightened, I handed it to her. 我略帶驚恐地把它遞給了她。

Greatly interested, I asked how he played these new works. 大感興趣之下,我問他是如何演奏這些新作的。

Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year. 如果身體好,我希望今年完成這工作。

She entered, accompanied by her mother. 她由她母親陪著走進來。

They came in, followed by their wives. 他們走了進來,妻子們跟隨在后。

He soon felt asleep, exhausted by the journey. 由于旅途勞頓,他很快就睡著了。

Henry, terribly embarrassed, blushed too. 亨利十分尷尬,臉也紅了。

Mr. Cooper, deeply moved, thanked him again and again. 庫柏先生深為感動,一再向他表示感謝。

Tom, horrified at what he had done, could at first say nothing. 湯姆對他做的事感到恐懼,一時說不出話來。

2) 有時一個單獨的過去分詞也可用作狀語:

Depressed, he went to see his elder sister. 情緒低沉時他就去看他的姐姐。

Frustrated, he went back to his hometown. 他灰心喪氣地回到家鄉(xiāng)。

She's right, he said, pleased. 他高興地說,“她是對的?!?

He turned away disappointed. 他失望地走開了。

Shelley, astonished, urged her to explain. 雪萊很是吃驚,忙催她解釋。

3) 過去分詞有時和連詞一起用:

I went on talking, though continually interrupted by George. 我繼續(xù)講我的,盡管不斷被喬治打斷。

They would never do this unless compelled. 除非受到強迫,否則他們決不會做這樣的事。

He will come if asked. 若受到邀請,他會來的。

When treated with kindness, he was very amiable. 當別人善待他時,他是非常和藹可親的。

He started as if awakened from a dream. 他嚇了一跳,仿佛從夢中驚醒似的。

Whenever asked about it, he could hardly hold back his emotions. 每當有人問及此事,他就難以控制自己的感情。

4) 在少數(shù)情況下,過去分詞可引導(dǎo)一個句子狀語:

Judged by ordinary standards, he was reliable. 用普通標準來判斷,他是可靠的。

Granted the exceptions, Tony agreed that all English women are haughty. 如果允許有例外的話,托尼同意英國女人都是很高傲的。

Given good weather, our ship will reach Bombay on Monday evening. 如果天氣好,我們的船星期一晚上可到達孟買。

Provided (that) there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting there. 如果沒有人反對,我們將在那里開會。


Everybody, myself excepted, said no. 除我之外,所有的人都不贊成。

They'll send you the book for $2.75, postage included. 你若寄去2.75美元,他們就會寄你這本書,郵資在內(nèi)。

Everything considered, his plan seems better. 從各方面考慮,他的計劃似乎好一些。


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