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第8章 時 態(tài) 8.7 過去將來時態(tài)





8.7 過去將來時態(tài)

8.7.1 一般過去將來時的用法

1) 一般過去將來時表示從過去觀點看將要發(fā)生的事:

It was four o'clock. Soon the sun would come up. 這時是四點鐘,一會兒太陽就要出來了。

Perhaps she would be willing to join us, I thought. 我想或許她會愿意加入到我們中來。

We stopped for a little while. After that we would go into town. 我們停留了一會兒,然后我們就將進城。

From their trip to the west, they would return in October. 他們西部之行后將于十月回來。

He was sixty-eight. In two years he would be seventy. 他六十八了,再過兩年就七十了。

2) 這個時態(tài)常用在賓語從句中:

I knew you would agree. (比較:I know you will agree.) 我知道你會同意的。

I little thought you would object to the plan. 我沒想到你會反對這計劃。

I arose, telling him I would wait for him outside. 我站起身,告訴他我將在外面等他。

We expected that you would stay here. 我們預料你會住這兒。

I thought the roses would come out soon. 我想玫瑰不久就會開花。

She never dreamed the place would be so beautiful. 她做夢也沒想到這地方會這樣美。


She was confident that she would find work. 她自信她會找到工作的。

I was certain that he would get over his illness. 我確信他會戰(zhàn)勝病魔。

He was sure that he would succeed. 他深信他能成功。

It was still a problem whether we would have time to do it. 我們是否有時間做這事還是個問題。

8.7.2 過去將來進行時和過去將來完成時

1) 過去將來進行時表示從過去觀點看將來某時會正在進行的動作:

I thought Richard would be looking after her. 我想里查德會照顧她的。

She didn't know when she would be seeing them again. 她不知道她什么時候會再見到他們。

I asked him what he would be doing that night. 我問他那天晚上他將會干什么。

He said he would be watching TV that night. 他說那天晚上他將看電視。

2) 這個時態(tài)和將來進行時是相似的,只不過是把觀點移到過去而已:

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3) 過去將來完成時表示從過去觀點看將來某時前會已發(fā)生的事:

I thought you'd have left by this time. 我想到這時你會已經走了。

She hoped that they would have got everything ready before she got back. 她希望在她回來以前他們已把一切都準備好。

He told them he would have finished by 8 o'clock. 他告訴他們他八點前就會干完。

I guessed that Helen would have told her something. 我猜海倫會已告訴她一些情況。

4) 過去將來完成進行時用得很少,但用法和將來完成進行時是一致的,只是把觀點移向過去而已:

She said she would have been teaching for twenty years by this summer. (比較:She will have been teaching for twenty years by this summer.)她說到今年暑期她教書就已滿二十年了。

They told me that by the end of the year they would have been working together for thirty years. 他們告訴我到今年年底他們在一起工作就滿三十年了。

8.7.3 “從過去觀點看將來”的一些其他表示法


1) was (were) going to——(過去某時)準備做某事:

He was just going to go to bed when there was a knock at the door. 他正準備睡覺時忽然有人敲門。

She was going to sell her old car and buy a new one. 她打算把舊車賣掉買輛新車。

I thought there was going to be a storm soon. 我想就將有一場暴風雨來臨。

Was Mary going to come with us? 瑪麗準備和我們一道去嗎?

2) 過去進行時——(過去某時)將要做某事:

He told me he was leaving in an hour. 他告訴我他一小時后就要走了。

I asked her whether she was coming to the party. 我問她是否要來參加晚會。

I heard they were getting married in June. 我聽說他們六月結婚。

She said she wasn't going out that evening. 她說她那天晚上不外出。

3) was (were) about to——(過去某時)正要做某事:

We were about to leave when a car drove up. 我們正要離開時一輛車開了過來。

He said that he was just about to phone us. 他說他正要給我們打電話。

I was about to take a bath when the telephone rang. 我正要洗澡時電話鈴響了。

He was about to win the race. Sudderly he stumbled and fell. 他賽跑就要獲勝時,突然腳下一絆摔倒了。

4) was (were) due to——定于(后來某時)做某事:

The passenger plane was due to take off in five minutes. 客機五分鐘后將起飛。

The conference was due to last five days. 會議將持續(xù)五天。

The Cox brothers were due to graduate that autumn. 考克斯兄弟將于那年秋天畢業(yè)。

He was due to speak that night. 他定于那天晚上發(fā)言。

5) was (were)+不定式——(過去某時)準備將來做某事:

She was to take the 10:30 train, but she got to the station too late. 她本來打算坐十點半的火車,但她到達車站時已經太晚了。

We were to have a picnic that afternoon. Suddenly it began to rain. 我們計劃那天下午去野餐,突然天下起雨來。

He was to go hunting after lunch. 午飯后他準備去狩獵。

How were they to cross the river? 他們該怎樣過河呢?

All this I was to learn later. 這一切我后來才知道。

6) was (were)+不定式的完成形式——本來打算做某事:

We were to have met in the park, but he didn't turn up. 我們本來要在公園里會面的,但他沒有來。

They were to have been married that year. Then the war broke out. 他們本來打算那年結婚的,后來戰(zhàn)爭爆發(fā)了。

I was to have told you about it, but haven't found time to do so. 我本來想告訴你的,卻沒騰出空來跟你說。


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