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第7章 動詞概說 7.3 動詞的限定形式和非限定形式





7.3 動詞的限定形式和非限定形式

7.3.1 動詞的限定形式

1) 動詞在作謂語時要受主語的制約,例如:

a. 它要和主語在“人稱”上一致:

I speak English.(第一人稱)

She speaks French.(第三人稱)

b. 它在“數(shù)”上也要和主語一致:

She is a student.(單數(shù))

They are students.(復(fù)數(shù))

2) 它還應(yīng)表示:


I was ill yesterday. 昨天我病了。(過去時)

I feel better today. 我今天好一點了。(現(xiàn)在時)

I'll be all right in a couple of days. 過兩天我就會好了。(將來時)

b. 語態(tài)(Voice):

She wrote a play. 她寫了一個劇本。(主動語態(tài))

The play was written by Cao Yu. 這個劇是曹禺寫的。(被動語態(tài))

c. 語氣(Mood):

The children are noisy. 孩子們很吵。(陳述語氣,說明事實)

Don't be so noisy, children! 孩子們,別這么吵?。ㄆ硎拐Z氣,提出要求)

I wish they weren't so noisy. 但愿他們別這么吵。(虛擬語氣,表示愿望)

動詞的這些形式都稱為限定形式(Finite Forms),也有人稱之為謂語形式,即作謂語時用的形式。有少數(shù)動詞,如情態(tài)動詞,不受主語影響,在任何人稱后形式都無變化,因此它們被稱為無變化動詞(Defective Verbs)。動詞的限定形式比較復(fù)雜,能否掌握是學好英語的關(guān)鍵。

7.3.2 時態(tài)

1) 英語中不同時間發(fā)生的動作或情況要用不同的形式表示,稱為時態(tài)。英語中共有十六種時態(tài),它們是:

2) 各種時態(tài)的構(gòu)成方法大致可歸納如下:

a. 一般現(xiàn)在時用現(xiàn)在式(動詞原型),但在第三人稱單數(shù)的主語后要加-s詞尾;

b. 一般過去時用動詞的過去式,不分人稱,但動詞be有兩個過去式:was用于第一、三人稱單數(shù),其他情況用were:

I was (They were) excited.

c. 一般將來時,一般由“will+動詞原形”構(gòu)成,但在有第一人稱主語的問句中用“shall+動詞原形”這種形式:

I'll do it.

Shall I do it?

Will you do it?

d. 一般過去將來時用“would+動詞原形”構(gòu)成:

She hoped the weather would be favourable.

e. 各種進行時態(tài)都由“be+現(xiàn)在分詞”構(gòu)成,時間由be表現(xiàn)出來:

I am (You are/He is/They are) studying.

She was playing the piano. They were playing football.

I (We/She) will be watching TV tonight.

I thought you would be waiting for us.

f. 各種完成時態(tài)都由“have+過去分詞”構(gòu)成,時間由have表現(xiàn)出來:

She has (I have) written a novel.

He said he had written a novel.

They will have finished the work by tomorrow.

He said he would have finished the work by tomorrow.

g. 各種完成進行時態(tài)都由“have been+現(xiàn)在分詞”構(gòu)成,時間、人稱由have表現(xiàn)出來:

I have (She has) been waiting for you.

She said she had been waiting for you.

I will have been waiting for two hours by 9 o'clock.

She told me she would have been teaching for 20 years by this summer.

3) 各種時態(tài)形式可歸納成下表:


一般現(xiàn)在時 現(xiàn)在進行時 一般過去時 一般將來時 現(xiàn)在完成時


過去進行時 過去完成時 現(xiàn)在完成進行時 過去完成進行時



4) 否定式的構(gòu)成:

主 語 be,助動詞或情態(tài)動詞+ not 其他部分

* * *

* * *

* * *

She is not (was not)              in Paris now (then).

She is not (was not)working            at the moment.

She does (did) not know              English.

She has not done                  her exercises.

She will not stay                 here long.

She cannot run                   very fast.

She may not like                  the idea.

You mustn't (needn't/doesn't have to) leave   so soon.

5) 疑問式的構(gòu)成:


疑問詞  動詞be,助動詞或情態(tài)動詞     主語     其他部分

* * *

* * *

* * *

* * *

       Are (Is)         you (he)    a Canadian?

       Were (Was)        you (he)    there then?

       Does (Did)        he       know you (then)?

       Is (Was)         she      waiting?

       Has (Have)        he (you)    got my letter?

Where    are (is)         you (he)    from?

How     are (is)        they (she)   doing?

What time  did           you      arrive?

How long   has           she      been teaching here?

Where    can (must)        I       put it?


7.3.3 語態(tài)

1) 英語中有兩種語態(tài),一是主動語態(tài)(The Active Voice),一是被動語態(tài)(The Passive Voice),主動語態(tài)表示主語的動作,即主語是做這動作的人,如:

She wrote a poem. 她寫了一首詩。(詩是她寫的)

She loves the children. 她愛孩子。(孩子是她愛的對象)


She is loved by all the children. 她受到所有孩子的愛戴。(她是愛戴的對象)

The poem was written by a girl. 詩是一個女孩寫的。(詩是寫出的成品)


She is respected by everyone. 她受到大家的敬重。(一般現(xiàn)在時)

He was born in 1980. 他于1980年出生。(一般過去時)

When will the book be published ? 書什么時候出版?(一般將來時)

The auditorium has been rebuilt. 禮堂重建好了。(現(xiàn)在完成時)

The road is being widened. 路正在拓寬。(現(xiàn)在進行時)

2) 并不是所有時態(tài)都有被動語態(tài),有被動語態(tài)的基本上只有八個,在下面表中可以看出主要的被動語態(tài):


7.3.4 語氣

1) 按說話意圖,動詞要用不同形式,稱為語氣。英語中有三種語氣:

a.陳述語氣(Indicative Mood)——陳述事實或提出看法或問題:

She is very busy. 她很忙。(陳述事實)

She may not agree. 她可能不會同意。(提出看法)

Who's on the phone? 誰打電話來?(提出問題)

b. 祈使語氣(Imperative Mood)——表示請求、命令、叮囑等:

Be seated, please. 請坐。(請求)

Get out! 出去!(命令)

Take care. 保重。(叮囑)

c. 虛擬語氣(Subjunctive Mood)——表示假想情況或主觀愿望:

If she were here, how nice it would be! 她要是在這里就好了。(假設(shè)情況)

God bless you. 上帝保佑你。(祝愿)

2) 英語中大部分句子都用陳述語氣,祈使語氣也用得比較多,虛擬語氣只在有限的場合下使用。關(guān)于虛擬語氣的形式和用法,詳見第10章。

7.3.5 動詞的非限定形式

動詞除了在句中充當謂語,還可充當許多其他成分。由于它們不受主語制約(即不必和主語在人稱、數(shù)等方面保持一致),所以被稱作動詞的非限定形式(Non-finite Forms),也有人稱之為非謂語形式。英語中有三種非限定形式:

1) 不定式(The Infinitive):


I hope to see you soon. 希望不久能見到你。(作賓語)

She has a lot of things to do. 她有很多事要做。(作定語)

I've come to ask your advice. 我是來找你出主意的。(作狀語)

My idea is to rent a car. 我的主意是去租一輛車。(作表語)

She seems to know everything. 她似乎什么都知道。(構(gòu)成謂語)


You had better go there by plane. 你最好坐飛機去那里。(構(gòu)成謂語)

Let me help you. 讓我來幫你。(構(gòu)成復(fù)合賓語)

2) 動名詞(The Gerund):


Stop talking now. 別講話了。(作賓語)

Thank you for helping us. 謝謝你幫助了我們。(作介詞賓語)

Smoking is hazardous to your health. 吸煙危害健康。(作主語)

One of my duties is typing letters. 我的職責之一是打信件。(作表語)


living-room 客廳

sleeping-pills 安眠藥

singing contest 歌詠比賽

swimming-pool 游泳池

3) 分詞(The Participle):

分詞有兩種,一為現(xiàn)在分詞(The Present Participle),一為過去分詞 (The Past Participle),這兩種分詞除了可構(gòu)成謂語外,還可用作句中的許多成分,例如:

The food looks inviting. 這菜看起來很誘人。(作表語)

There are two girls dancing on the lawn. 有兩個女孩在草坪上跳舞。(作定語)

She hurried on, hoping to catch the bus. 她著急趕路,希望趕上公共汽車。(作狀語)

She seemed surprised. 她似乎很驚訝。(作表語)

These are the seats reserved for you. 這是給你們留的座位。(作定語)

Guided by the new theory, the researchers made a major breakthrough in biology. 在這種新學說的指引下,研究人員取得了生物學方面的重大突破。(作狀語)



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