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第5章 代 詞 5.7 不定代詞





5.7 不定代詞

5.7.1 兩類不定代詞


1) 由body, one, thing構(gòu)成的合成代詞:



5.7.2 合成不定代詞

1) somebody,someone,anybody,anyone:


a. Somebody (someone) said that you'd been ill. 有人說你病了。

There's somebody at the door. 門口有個(gè)人。

Somebody (someone) has turned off the light. 有人把燈關(guān)了。

Someone had placed a lamp on the table. 有人在桌上放了一盞燈。

I need somebody to help me in the work. 我需要人幫我的忙。

She wants someone to look after her. 她要人照顧她。

b. Did anybody ever hear of such a thing? 誰曾聽說過這樣的事?

Has anybody anything more to say? 還有誰有話要說?

I didn't know anybody at the party. 晚會(huì)上我誰也不認(rèn)識(shí)。

Is there anyone (anybody) here who can speak Japanese? 這兒有會(huì)說日語的人嗎?

I do not know anyone connected with the exhibition. 我不認(rèn)識(shí)與展覽會(huì)有關(guān)系的人。

I hope our delay will not worry anyone. 我希望我們的延誤不會(huì)使什么人著急。


Anybody can tell you how to get there. 誰都能告訴你怎么到那里。

I never discussed it with anybody. 我從未和任何人談?wù)摯耸隆?

Anyone can do that. 這事誰都能做。

She felt that she could do it better than anyone. 她覺得這事她能比任何人都做得好。

2) everybody和everyone意思相同,表示“人人”、“大家”:

Everybody was glad to see Martin back. 看到馬丁回來大家都很高興。

Everybody's business is nobody's business. (諺)人人都管等于沒人管。

Everyone laughed, me included. 大家都笑了,我也笑了。

The police questioned everybody (everyone) in the room. 警察盤問了屋里所有的人。

3) something表示“某樣?xùn)|西”(a),在疑問句及否定句中用anything(b):

a. Something has happened. 出事了。

There was something missing. 里面缺了點(diǎn)什么。

She'll be able to do something for you. 她將有能力為你做點(diǎn)什么。

I will tell you something of my own experience. 我將告訴你一點(diǎn)我自己經(jīng)歷的事。

b. Has anything happened? 出什么事了嗎?

(Is there) Anything I can do? 我能做點(diǎn)什么嗎?

We can't decide anything now. 現(xiàn)在我們不能決定什么。

I can't do anything like that. 我不能做這樣的事。


If you want anything, you can call me. 你如果需要什么可以叫我。

Hereafter when you need anything, I want you to come to me. 從今以后當(dāng)你需要什么時(shí),希望你來找我。


Anything is better than nothing. 有總比沒有好。

I want something to eat, anything will do. 我想吃點(diǎn)東西,什么都行。

If it's possible I'd do anything for you. 只要可能我愿為你做任何事情。

Take anything you fancy. 你喜歡什么就拿什么。

4) everything表示“一切”(a), nothing用于否定句(等于not anything),表示“沒有什么”(b):

a. How is everything? 一切可好?

We're anxious for everything to be settled. 我們亟盼一切得到解決。

The strike brought everything to a standstill. 罷工使一切都停頓了。

Money isn't everything. 金錢不是一切。

b. But nothing could make her alter her views. 什么都不能使她改變看法。

He had nothing to say against you. 他對(duì)你沒有什么(不滿的)意見。

He knew absolutely nothing. 他完全一無所知。

Oh, that's nothing. 哦,沒什么。

5) nobody與no one意思相同,表示“沒有人”:

Nobody stands on much ceremony with us. 沒人跟我們講客套。

Who's in the dining-room? "Nobody (No one)." “誰在餐廳里?”“沒人。”

He said he would marry me or nobody. 他說他要娶我,否則就誰也不娶。

No one dared speak of it. 沒人敢談及此事。

Apart from them, I had no one to talk to. 除了他們,我沒有別人可以交談。


Why does he give himself such airs;he's a mere nobody. 他干嗎擺這種架子,他只是個(gè)無足輕重的小人物。

I want to be famous! I'm tired of being a nobody. 我要出名! 當(dāng)無名小卒我都當(dāng)膩了。

5.7.3 some, any,no的用法

1) some和any的用法:

some和any都表示“一些”,可以指人或其他可數(shù)的東西(a),也可代表不可數(shù)的東西(b),可用作主語、賓語等, some用于肯定句,any用于疑問句及否定句:

a. Some of them can speak Japanese. 他們有些人會(huì)說日語。

Some of his books are very exciting. 他的書有些很激動(dòng)人心。

Some still believe he was innocent. 有些人仍然認(rèn)為他是無辜的。

Did any of your photos come out well? 你的照片洗出來都好嗎?

Do you know any of the people? 這些人中有你認(rèn)識(shí)的嗎?

I don't expect to see any of them there. 我估計(jì)不會(huì)在那里看到他們中的什么人。

b. I don't need any more money—I've still got some. 我不需要再多的錢,我還有一些。

He kept some and gave the rest away. 他留下一些,把其余的都給人了。

I don't think there's any left. 我想已不剩什么了。

Did she give you any? 她給你一點(diǎn)了嗎?

Is there any left in the fridge? 冰箱里還有嗎?


Did some of you sleep on the floor? 你們中有些人在地板上睡的?

Can I take some of this paper? 這紙我拿點(diǎn)行嗎?


He was just as hard up as any of us. 他和我們中的任何人都一樣手頭拮據(jù)。

Any is good enough for me. 隨便哪個(gè)對(duì)我來說都是夠好的。

I'll take any that you don't want. 你不要的我都要。

His gift was unknown to any (of us) except himself. 他的天賦除了他自己(我們)誰也不知道。

2) some, any, no作定語的用法:

some, any, no都可用作定語,some和any都表示“一些”,some用于肯定句,any用于疑問句及否定句,no表示“沒有”,等于not any。這些詞有些語言學(xué)家稱為限定詞,也有些人稱為形容詞,它們可以修飾可數(shù)名詞(a),也可以修飾不可數(shù)名詞(b):

a. She bought some biscuits. 她買了一些餅干。

Some children learn languages easily. 有些孩子學(xué)語言很容易。

There are scarcely any flowers in the garden. 花園里幾乎沒有花。

Are there any cows in the field? 這牧場(chǎng)里有奶牛嗎?

Did he catch any fish? 他捕到魚了嗎?

No man is born wise. (諺)聰明非天生。

b. Some work is pleasant. 有些工作是令人愉快的。

I enjoy some music. 我喜歡某些音樂。

Some French wine is quite sweet. 有些法國(guó)酒相當(dāng)甜。

I have hardly any spare time. 我?guī)缀鯖]有空余時(shí)間。

Have you any money on you? 你身上帶錢了嗎?

I don't think there is any petrol in the tank. 我想油箱里沒油了。

Martin did no reading that night. 馬丁那天晚上沒看書。

3) some, any, no的特別用法:

a. some可用于請(qǐng)求或反問句中:

Could you lend me some money? 你能借我一些錢嗎?

Would you like some tea? 你要不要喝點(diǎn)茶?

Aren't there some eggs in the fridge? 冰箱里不是還有些雞蛋嗎?

Didn't you put some stamps on the envelopes? 你信封上難道沒貼郵票?

b. some有時(shí)和單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞連用,表示“某個(gè)”(=certain):

He had a good position in some shipping firm. 他在一家船運(yùn)公司有個(gè)好職位。

He's living at some place in East Africa. 他住在東非某個(gè)地方。

Ask some typist to come here. 找一位打字員到這里來。

There must be some reason for what he's done. 他這樣做總有某種原因。

c. any可表示“任何(一個(gè))”,有時(shí)意思較弱,接近于一個(gè)不定冠詞:

He wanted a job, any sort of a job. 他需要一份工作,什么工作都行。

Any time you want me, just send for me. 凡你需要我時(shí)就派人來找我。

Any colour will do. 什么顏色都行。

What I have told her isn't any secret. 我告訴她的話已不是什么秘密。

If you see any (=an) interesting book, please buy it for me. 如果你看到什么有意思的書,請(qǐng)給我買一本。

d. no可構(gòu)成否定句,等于not a:

He is in no mood (not in a mood) for jokes. 他沒有心情說笑話。

He found that this was no light task. 他發(fā)現(xiàn)這不是個(gè)輕松的工作。

He's no fool, he isn't. 他不是傻瓜,他并不傻。

He's no friend of mine. 他不是我的朋友。

He's no financial expert. 他不是金融專家。

5.7.4 many, much, few, little

1) 這幾個(gè)詞都是表示數(shù)量的,都可用作定語(有人稱作限定詞,也有人稱作形容詞),可構(gòu)成六個(gè)詞:


a. Do you have many friends? 你有很多朋友嗎?(肯定句多用a lot of: He has a lot of friends.)

I wonder how many people will be at the party. 我不知道將有多少人來參加這個(gè)聚會(huì)。

Were there many pictures by women artists? 女畫家的畫多嗎?

He didn't make many mistakes. 他出錯(cuò)并不多。

Not many people are interested in the activity. 沒多少人對(duì)這活動(dòng)感興趣。

b. Many people do not get enough to eat. 許多人沒有足夠的東西吃。

Many students supported the plan. 許多學(xué)生贊成這項(xiàng)計(jì)劃。

Rain has been forecast in many areas of the country. 預(yù)報(bào)國(guó)內(nèi)很多地區(qū)要下雨。

The financial report had many flaws. 財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)告中有許多小毛病。

c. There are many mistakes in this essay. 這篇論文錯(cuò)誤太多。

I never saw so many swans on the lake. 我從未看見湖上有這么多天鵝。

As many as ten people were found living in a single room. 一間屋里住有十個(gè)人之多。

much也表示“多”,但只能用來修飾不可數(shù)名詞,主要用于疑問句和否定句(a),也可在肯定句中和too, so等詞連用,或用在句首(b):

a. Do you take much interest in it? 你對(duì)此興趣大嗎? (肯定句多用a lot of: I've a lot of interest in it. 我對(duì)此很有興趣。)

We don't have much free time. 我們沒多少空余時(shí)間。

Did you have much difficulty in finding the house? 找到那所房子你費(fèi)了很多周折嗎?

I haven't got much money on me. 我身上沒帶多少錢。

How much time have you got? 你有多少時(shí)間?

b. You've given me too much food. 你給我的食物太多了。

So much time has been wasted that way. 那樣可是浪費(fèi)了大量時(shí)間。

Much money has been spent on it. 這上面花的錢太多了。


The news brought us much joy. 這消息使我們很高興。

There is much good in him. 他很善良。

I have much pleasure in introducing our speaker. 我很高興介紹我們的演講者。


They exchanged few words. 他們沒交談幾句。

There are few men more than six feet tall. 身高超過六英尺的男子很少。

Few people live to be 100. 活到一百歲的人很少。

There are fewer cars here today than yesterday. 今天這里的車比昨天少。


They had very little money. 他們沒幾個(gè)錢。

There is little hope that she will recover. 她痊愈的希望很小。

She had little spare time. 她空閑的時(shí)間很少。

I had little opportunity of seeing the country. 我很少有機(jī)會(huì)到鄉(xiāng)下看看。

a few表示“有幾個(gè)”,可修飾可數(shù)名詞,意思接近于some:

He asked us a few questions. 他問了我們幾個(gè)問題。

This happened a few days ago. 這事發(fā)生在幾天前。

Only a few students were awarded scholarships. 只有幾個(gè)學(xué)生獲得獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金。

David had a few problems. 大衛(wèi)有幾個(gè)問題。

a little表示“有一點(diǎn)”,可修飾不可數(shù)名詞,意思也接近于some:

Come in and have a little whisky. 進(jìn)來喝點(diǎn)威士忌。

She had a little money, ten pounds or so. 她有一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)錢,十鎊左右。

There's only a little time left, isn't there? 只剩一丁點(diǎn)時(shí)間了,對(duì)吧?

Shall I go a little way with you? 要不要我陪你走一段路?

2) 這些詞還可在句中作主語、賓語等:


Not many of us will pass the examination. 我們中不會(huì)有很多人通過這個(gè)考試。

Many of the mistakes were just careless. 錯(cuò)誤中有很多是粗心造成的。

Many of the people at the meeting left early. 許多與會(huì)者都早早走了。

How many do you need? 你需要多少?


Much of this information has been inaccurate. 這信息很多都不準(zhǔn)確。

Much hangs on his decision. 許多事有賴于他的決定。

I haven't time to do much. 我沒有時(shí)間做很多的事。

I have much to talk over with him. 我有很多事要和他談。


Few of the players played really well. 沒幾個(gè)球員真正打得好。

Very few of the books are easy enough for me. 這些書沒幾本容易到我能讀。

We saw few of the sights as we had so little time. 我們只有那么一丁點(diǎn)時(shí)間,所看的景點(diǎn)寥寥無幾。

I knew few of the people there. 那兒的人我認(rèn)識(shí)的很少。


You have done very little for us. 你幾乎沒為我們做什么事。

He had little to tell us. 他沒什么可告訴我們。

I understood little of his speech. 他的報(bào)告我?guī)缀醵紱]聽懂。

You eat too little. 你吃得太少。

a few有肯定的意思,表示“有幾個(gè)(一些)”, 代表可數(shù)的東西:

Only a few of the people who applied were suitable. 只有少數(shù)幾個(gè)申請(qǐng)者合適。

I met a few of my friends there. 我在那里碰到了我的幾個(gè)朋友。

She's written lots of books but I've only read a few (of them). 她寫了很多書,但我只看過幾本。

I knew a few of the people there. 那兒的人我認(rèn)識(shí)幾個(gè).

a little也有肯定的意思,表示“一點(diǎn)兒”, 代表不可數(shù)的東西:

Try and eat a little. 盡量吃一點(diǎn)吧。

Tell me a little about his illness. 告訴我一點(diǎn)他的病情。

If you've got any spare milk, could you give me a little? 如果你有多余的牛奶,能否給我一點(diǎn)?

Is there any butter left ? "Yes, just a little." “黃油還有剩的嗎?”“有,就剩一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)。”

5.7.5 all, each, none

1) all可用作定語(有人稱作限定詞),可修飾可數(shù)名詞,表示“所有的”(a),也可修飾不可數(shù)名詞,表示“一切”(b),還可與可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)連用,表示“整個(gè)”c):

a. All these girls were anaemic. 這些姑娘都貧血。

All my children can swim. 我的孩子都會(huì)游泳。

She has read all these books. 這些書她全看了。

b. All hope has gone. 一切希望都破滅了。

Not all food is good to eat. 并非所有的食物都適宜食用。

He has lost all his money. 他的錢全都丟了。

c. He spent all that year in London. 那一整年他都在倫敦。

He worked hard all his life. 他一生辛勞。

It has been raining all day. 雨下了一整天。


Auntie Ruth was all sweetness. 露絲姨媽非常親切。

He was all tenderness and kindness. 他非常溫柔和藹。

That afternoon it seemed all disappointment. 那天下午情況似乎很令人失望。

2) all也可用作代詞,代表可數(shù)的東西(a)或不可數(shù)的東西(b),在句中作主語、賓語等:

a. All were pale and had dark rings under their eyes. 所有的人都臉色蒼白,眼圈發(fā)黑。

All were sharply criticized. 所有的人都受到嚴(yán)厲的批評(píng)。

I brought all of them. 它們都是我?guī)淼摹?

All of them voted against the plan. 他們都投票反對(duì)這項(xiàng)計(jì)劃。

b. Now all was changed. 現(xiàn)在一切都變了。

I know that all was well with her. 我知道她一切都好。

It was she who was the cause of all. 這一切都是她造成的。

Take all of it. 把它全拿走。


The people at the meeting all voted against it. 開會(huì)的人都投票反對(duì)它。

My children can all swim. 我的孩子們都會(huì)游泳。

She has read them all. 所有這些她全看了。

He's pretty sick about it all. 他對(duì)這一切相當(dāng)厭煩。


All that she lacked was training. 她欠缺的就是訓(xùn)練。

All I desired was leisure for study. 我想得到的只是用于學(xué)習(xí)的空閑時(shí)間。

All I can say is that we are extremely sorry. 我能說的就是我們甚為抱歉。

I have said all I intend to say. 我想說的都說了。

You've seen all there is to see. 可看的你都看了。

Is that all you want to say? 你想說的就是這些?

3) each可作定語,表示“每一個(gè)”(這時(shí)有人稱之為“限定詞”):

Each delegation began to state its viewpoints. 各代表團(tuán)都開始陳述其觀點(diǎn)。

He gave each child a present. 他給了每個(gè)孩子一份禮物。

Each lesson lasts an hour. 每堂課時(shí)間為一小時(shí)。

Each day passed without any news. 一天天過去,音信杳然。


Each of the houses is painted a different color. 每座房子都漆成了不同顏色。

Each went his way. 各走各的路。

A chrysanthemum was presented to each of the ladies. 送給每位女士一朵菊花。

He gave two to each. 他給了每人兩個(gè)。


They were each sentenced to thirty days. 他們各被判處一個(gè)月的徒刑。

They went each to the room assigned. 他們各自走向所分配的房間。

We had each said a few words. 我們每人講了幾句話。

He gave the children a present each. 他給了每個(gè)孩子一份禮物。

4) none和no都是否定詞, no用作定語(前面已經(jīng)說過), none則用作主語(a)、賓語或介詞賓語(b)或同位語(c):

a. None of us would have said such a thing. 我們誰也不會(huì)說出這種話。

None of my friends ever come(s) to see me. 我的朋友一個(gè)都沒來看我。

None of them has (have) replied yet. 他們都還沒有回信。

None of these improvements has cost much. 這些改進(jìn)花費(fèi)都很少。

b. "Have you brought any books to read?" "No, none." “你帶了什么書看?”“沒有,一本也沒帶。”

I like none of these pictures. 這些畫我都不喜歡。

Some people own several houses, others have none. 有些人擁有幾處房子,而另外的人則一處也沒有。

How many questions are difficult?——None. 難題有幾個(gè)?——一個(gè)也沒有。

c. We none of us live round here. 我們誰也不住在附近。

They have none of them fulfilled their tasks. 他們誰也沒完成任務(wù)。


How much petrol is there in the car? "None!" “車?yán)镞€有多少油?”“一點(diǎn)都沒有了!”

He has none of his brother's selfishness. 他完全沒有他哥哥的那種自私。

He has lost none of his charm for her. 他絲毫沒失去對(duì)她的吸引力。

5.7.6 both, either, neither


1) both在句中可用作定語(這時(shí)可說是限定詞)(a),還可用作主語(b)、賓語(c)或同位語(d):

a. Both women were French. 兩個(gè)婦女都是法國(guó)人。

Both (her) children are at college. (她的)兩個(gè)孩子都在上大學(xué)。

He is blind in both eyes. 他雙眼都失明了。

She held something in both (her) hands. 她兩只手都拿著東西。

b. He has two brothers;both live in Seattle. 他有兩個(gè)兄弟,都住在西雅圖。

Both felt that they ought to do something. 兩人都感到應(yīng)該做點(diǎn)什么。

Both of the women were French. 兩個(gè)婦女都是法國(guó)人。

Both of my parents live in London. 我的父母都住在倫敦。

c. Why not do both? 為什么兩件事不都做?

I'll borrow both of them. 兩個(gè)我都借。

I like these shirts. I'll take both (of them). 我喜歡這襯衫,兩件我都要。

I'll do something for both of you. 我要為你們兩人都做點(diǎn)什么。

d. His parents were both dead. 他的父母都不在了。

They have both seen the film. 他們倆都看過這部電影。

I shall read them both. 兩本書我都要看。

We both went to their wedding. 我們倆都參加了他們的婚禮。

2) either可用作定語(這時(shí)可說是限定詞)(a)、主語(b)或賓語(c):

a. Either proposal will have my support. 兩個(gè)建議我都支持。

He could write with either hand. 他用哪只手寫字都行。

Take either half;they're exactly the same. 拿哪一半都行,它們完全一樣。

You can park on either side of the street. 你把車停在街的哪邊都行。

b. Either (of these) would do. (這兩個(gè))哪個(gè)都行。

Either of us is willing to help. 我們兩人都愿意幫忙。

Either of the plans is equally good. 兩個(gè)計(jì)劃一樣好。

She is younger than either of us. 她比我們倆都年輕。

c. I did not bring either with me. 兩個(gè)我都沒帶。

I like either of these. 兩個(gè)中哪一個(gè)我都喜歡。

I don't want to owe anything to either of you. 我不想欠你們兩人中任何一人的情。

You can ask e of us for help. 你可以要求我們中隨便哪個(gè)幫你。


It is a pleasant road, with trees on either side. 這是一條怡人的馬路,兩邊都有樹。

There are shops on either side of the street. 街道兩邊都有商店。

There's a staircase at either end of the corridor. 走廊的兩頭都有樓梯。

3) neither可用作定語(a)、主語(b)、賓語(c)或同位語(d):

a. Neither man knew the way. 兩人都不知道路。

Neither book is satisfactory. 兩本書都不令人滿意。

Neither statement is true. 兩個(gè)說法都不真實(shí)。

Neither train had a restaurant car. 兩列火車都沒有餐車。

b. I tried on two dresses, but neither fits me. 我試了試兩件套裙,哪一件也不合身。

Neither of them knew the way. 他倆誰都不知道路。

Neither of them had a restaurant car. 它們中哪一列都沒有餐車。

Which is your car? "Neither, mine is being repaired." “哪輛車是你的?”“都不是,我的車在修。”

c. I've read neither of these books. 這兩本書我都沒看過。

I could answer neither of the questions. 兩個(gè)問題我都答不上來。

She got neither of your letters. 你的兩封信她都沒收到。

Will you have ice-cream or coca-cola ? "Neither, thank you." “你要冰淇淋還是可口可樂?”“謝謝你,我都不要?!?

d. They neither of them said anything. 他們誰也沒說什么。

I hope that you'll neither of you say anything more. 我希望你倆都別再說什么了。

These two books are neither of them very good. 這兩本書都不太好。

5.7.7 other, another

1) other可用作定語(這時(shí)可說是限定詞),表示“另外的”、“別的”、“其他的”:

Miss Brown and two other teachers were there. 布朗小姐和另外兩位老師在那里。

Other members may not like the idea. 其他成員可能不贊成這個(gè)想法。

Are there any other questions? 還有什么別的問題嗎?

I'm busy now. Please come some other time. 我現(xiàn)在很忙,請(qǐng)另找時(shí)間來。


a. One of the boys is named Tom, the other named David. 一個(gè)男孩叫湯姆,另外那個(gè)叫大衛(wèi)。

Some like chocolate ice-cream, others prefer vanilla ice-cream. 有些人喜歡巧克力冰淇淋,另外的人喜歡香草冰淇淋。

I went swimming while the others played tennis. 我去游泳,另外的人則打網(wǎng)球。

Some people came by car, others came on foot. 有的人開車來,另外的人走著來。

b. Show me some others. 另外拿幾個(gè)給我看看。

These shoes are dirty—I'll have to wear my others. 這鞋臟了——我得另穿一雙。

I don't like this one. Have you got any others? 我不喜歡這個(gè),你還有別的嗎?

He raised one arm and then the other. 他舉起一只手臂,然后又舉起另一只。

2) another也可用作定語(這時(shí)可說是限定詞),表示“另一個(gè)”(a)或“又一個(gè)”(b):

a. Now she was in another difficulty. 現(xiàn)在她碰到了另一個(gè)困難。

She's got another boyfriend. 她還有一個(gè)男朋友。

He's writing another novel. 他在寫另外一本小說。

He could get another girl to do my typing. 他可以找另外一個(gè)女孩來幫我打字。

b. She had another cup of tea. 她又喝了一杯茶。

Then another man rose to speak. 接著又有一個(gè)人起來發(fā)言。

She's going to have another baby. 她又要生孩子了。

In another year she'll go to school. 再過一年她就要上學(xué)了。


She'll remain in London for another four or five days. 她在倫敦還要逗留四五天。

I've still got another three questions to answer. 我還有三道題要答。

In another two weeks it'll be finished. 再過兩個(gè)星期這活就完成了。

We've got another 50 kilometres to go. 我們還得往前開五十公里。

3) another也可用作主語(a)、賓語(b)、或表語(c),表示“另外一個(gè)”:

a. We've had many letters like this—another of them came today. 我們收到過許多這樣的信,今天又來了一封。

Then another put up his hand. 又一個(gè)人舉手了。

There was a rainbow in the sky, and another in his breast. 有一道彩虹在天上,還有一道在他心里。

b. They've got three children already and they're having another. 他們已經(jīng)有了三個(gè)孩子,很快又將有一個(gè)。

If you've already seen that film, we can go and see another. 如果這部片子你已看過,我們可以去看另一部。

I don't like this room—let's ask for another. 我不喜歡這個(gè)房間——咱們另要一間吧。

c. Is this another of your silly jokes? 這是不是你又一個(gè)愚蠢的笑話?

Is this another of your schemes to make money? 這是不是你賺錢的另一個(gè)計(jì)劃?

Saying is one thing and doing another. 說是一回事,做是另一回事。

5.7.8 one, several

1) one可以用作定語(也可稱為限定詞),表示“一個(gè)”:

One flower makes no garland. (諺)一朵花不能編成花環(huán)。

One thing I'm sure of. 有一點(diǎn)我是肯定的。

He can't tell one tree from another. 他不會(huì)分辨樹木。

The journey takes one hour. 路上要走一個(gè)鐘頭。


One night there flew over the city a little swallow. 一天夜晚一只小燕子從城市上空飛過。

You'll regret it one day. 總有一天你會(huì)懊悔的。

One afternoon he went out with Arthus. 一天下午他和阿瑟一起外出。

One morning she was called to the headmaster's office. 一天早上她被叫到校長(zhǎng)辦公室去了。


He's the one man who can do it. 他是唯一能做這事的人。

It was her one great sorrow. 這是她唯一感到至為傷心的事。

She was the one bright ray in his narrow gloomy life. 她是他狹小而陰郁的生活圈子中唯一的一道亮光。

Her one fault appeared to be that she was too quiet. 她唯一的缺點(diǎn)似乎是過于沉默寡言。

2) one可以用作主語(a)、賓語或介詞賓語(b)或表語(c),表示“一個(gè)(人)”:

a. One of the three boys won a scholarship. 三個(gè)男生有一個(gè)獲得獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金。

Only one of them was invited. 他們中只有一個(gè)人受到邀請(qǐng)。

There were three coaches and one was black. 有三名教練,一個(gè)是黑人。

b. The twins are so alike that it's hard to tell one from the other. 這對(duì)孿生姐妹長(zhǎng)得那樣相像,很難把一個(gè)和另一個(gè)區(qū)分開來。

It's one for all and all for one. 這就是我為人人,人人為我。

Let me have one. 給我一個(gè)。

c. Perhaps you're one of the luckiest ones. 或許你是幸運(yùn)者中的一個(gè)。

She's a quiet one. 她是個(gè)文靜的女子。


a. One could see that he was very upset. 我們可以看出他很難過。

How is one to interpret his action? 人們?cè)撛鯓咏忉屗男袨槟兀?

One has to do one's best. 人總要盡力而為。

One can't work all the time. 你不能總是工作。

b. I haven't got a pen. Can you lend me one? 我沒帶鋼筆,你能借我一支嗎?

The question was a complicated one. 這是一個(gè)復(fù)雜的問題。

Your plan is a nice one on paper. 你的計(jì)劃在紙上是不錯(cuò)的。

And the big fish continues to devour the little ones. 大魚繼續(xù)吃小魚。


Which one do you mean? 你指哪一個(gè)?

I mean this (that) one. 我指這(那)一個(gè)。

Can you show me a better one? 你可否拿一個(gè)更好的給我看?

I want larger ones, not small ones. 我不要小的,我要大些的。

3) several可作定語, 表示“幾個(gè)”:

Several boys were injured. 有幾個(gè)小伙子受傷了。

I've read it several times. 我看了好幾遍。

My friend speaks several languages. 我的朋友能講幾種語言。

We received several replies to our inquiry. 我們的詢問收到了幾份回答。


a. Several of us decided to walk home. 我們中有幾個(gè)人決定步行回家。

Several (of them) were broken. (它們)有幾個(gè)破了。

Several of the apples are rotten, and several more have worm holes. 有幾個(gè)蘋果爛了,還有幾個(gè)有蟲眼。

There are several here that I don't know. 這兒有幾個(gè)人我不認(rèn)識(shí)。

b. I already have several. 我已經(jīng)有幾個(gè)了。

He invited several of his friends to the show. 他邀請(qǐng)了幾個(gè)朋友去觀看演出。

We managed to recover several of the missing articles. 我們?cè)O(shè)法找回了幾件丟失的東西。

If you are looking for a photo of Alice, you'll find several in here. 如果你是在找艾麗絲的照片,這里面你會(huì)找到幾張。


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