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美國(guó)文化脫口秀 第395期:十一長(zhǎng)假 說(shuō)走就走的英語(yǔ)旅行!






We've got a one week long vacation coming up: 快要有一周長(zhǎng)假啦!

What are your holiday plans? 你的十一計(jì)劃是什么?

Are you traveling or on staycation? 你出去旅游嗎?還是留在自己的城市?

Leave us a comment and let us know: 留言跟我們分享你的節(jié)日計(jì)劃吧

The best comments will win a special prize: 寫得最好的留言有個(gè)特別獎(jiǎng)品哦

It's our love: 就是我們的愛(ài)

You've already got our love: 大家已經(jīng)擁有我們的愛(ài)了

Let's all go to Thailand and take over Phuket: 我們和聽(tīng)眾一起去泰國(guó)、到普吉島玩兒吧!

That'll be a huge party! 那會(huì)是個(gè)超級(jí)大派對(duì)!

Have some time off


For those following the public holiday schedule: 大都數(shù)人都會(huì)按照公眾假期的日子放假

Some people want to beat the rush, get out of town a few days earlier: 但也有人想錯(cuò)峰出行,早幾天走

Duck off work early: 早點(diǎn)下班

I'm going to make my time. I'm leaving early and come back late. 我想自己安排時(shí)間。我想早點(diǎn)走,晚點(diǎn)回來(lái)。

In that case, you need to ask for leave. 那你就得請(qǐng)假了

You should see what kind of relationship you have with your boss and what kind of company it is: 具體怎么請(qǐng)假還是要看你和老板的關(guān)系、你們公司是怎么樣的

Some companies are more uptight. You've got be more formal when you request time off. 有些公司比較緊,請(qǐng)假的流程很正式

Fill out a form of leave. 填請(qǐng)假單


Could I have some extra time off?

Could I take some extra days off?

May I have/take a few extra days off?

重點(diǎn)詞是extra, 多請(qǐng)幾天假

Reassure your boss that your work won't be affected. 當(dāng)然也要向老板保證,工作不會(huì)受影響

Holiday, vacation, break有什么不同?


Holiday: 可以是一天的假期,也可以是一段時(shí)間的假期。另外,英國(guó)人更常說(shuō)go on a holiday

Vacation: 假期,美國(guó)人更常用go on a vacation; 通常指一段時(shí)間, 比較長(zhǎng)的假期

Break: 通常指較短的假期、或者休息一會(huì)兒,比如:take a 10-minute break



The October holiday

The October break

A one-week vacation



National Day 國(guó)慶節(jié)

Public holiday 公眾假期

It's the founding of People's Republic of China. 是中華人民共和國(guó)成立的日子

It's a one-week-long holiday. 一周長(zhǎng)假

The Golden Week: 黃金周,但這并不是英語(yǔ)里的常用詞


What kind of a vacationer are you?


Staycation: stay+cation

It means to stay in where you usually live, but still have a vacation: 不離開(kāi)自己常居的城市度假

A lot of people fall under this category: 很多人都是這個(gè)類型

If you are traveling during National Holiday, you're also traveling with hundreds of millions of people. 如果你在國(guó)慶假期出游,那有上億人民和你一起出游

It's also very expensive: 而且也很貴

Yeah, that's the biggest turn-off for me: 對(duì),這是我最抗拒的因素

I'm on staycation: 我不出去,就地度假

十一長(zhǎng)假 說(shuō)走就走的英語(yǔ)旅行!


1.Outbound travel 出國(guó)游


I'm going abroad

I'm traveling abroad

I'm going to/I'm traveling to (the name of the country)

2.Domestic travel 國(guó)內(nèi)游


I'm traveling within China

I'm traveling inside China

I'm going to/I'm traveling to (the name of the place)

#3.Backpacking 背包客

Backpacking/to go backpacking: 背包客旅行

A backpacker is someone who goes backpacking: 背包客就是去背包旅行的人

I've never gone backpacking for a super long period of time: 我從沒(méi)長(zhǎng)時(shí)間的背包旅行

I've met people who've done it for months at a time: 但有人一次出去好久

They're hardcore: 他們很厲害

Suitcase/luggage: 箱子

#4.Romantic getaway 浪漫假期

Romantic getaway: 浪漫假期

Getaway: 假期、旅行,有種說(shuō)走就走的感覺(jué)

Let's get away, let's get out of this town: 我們出去玩玩、離開(kāi)這個(gè)城市

Weekend getaway: 周末游

#5.Remote getaway 世外桃源

Remote getaway:去一個(gè)僻靜、寧?kù)o的地方旅行

Remote means hard to get to, off the beaten path: remote的意思就是不容易去、知道的人很少

Escape from the hustle and bustle of city life: 逃離喧囂的都市生活

Zanadu: 世外桃源


#6.Road trip 自駕游

Road trip: 自駕游

I'm going on a road trip. 我要去自駕游

In America, a lot of people drive RV to go on road trips: 在美國(guó),很多人開(kāi)房車去自駕

RV: recreational vehicle, 房車、休旅車

RVs are huge! 房車好大呢

They're gas guzzlers: 都是油老虎、特別費(fèi)油

注意:self-driving 是自動(dòng)駕駛,不是自駕游哦

Route 66: 66號(hào)公路

#7.Family-friendly trips 親子游

Family-friendly: 親子的、適合家庭的

Family-friendly resort: 適合全家去的度假村、度假酒店

All-inclusive resorts: 全包的度假村

The rate includes accommodation, food and beverage, activities: 費(fèi)用包括住宿、吃喝、娛樂(lè)活動(dòng)

Cruise: 郵輪

最后,祝大家 Have a great October holiday!


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