Summer is in the air, so a lot of people are working out and watching what they eat: 夏天到了,很多人在健身、注意飲食
They might have started a little late: 現在開始好像遲了點
Better late than never: 遲做總比不做好
It's never too late: 只要做了,就為時不晚
A lot of our listeners are into fitness as well, so today we'll talk about some specialized fitness terms: 很多我們的聽眾也很愛健身,所以今天我們就來聊一聊專業(yè)的健身術語
Kill two birds with one stone: 一石二鳥
I could talk about this for days: 我三天三夜也說不完
We need to condense your knowledge and passion: 節(jié)目會濃縮你的健身知識和熱情
Working out: 健身,通常指在健身房
Exercise: 所有的鍛煉、運動基本都包括在內
Bodybuilding: 健美
Fitness: 強身健體,形容全方位良好的身體狀態(tài),涵蓋的范圍最廣
There're many expressions for that, but they mean slightly different things: 有很多表示“鍛煉”、“健身”的詞,但他們的意思有微妙的差別
Exercise incorporates everything, whether you're swimming or lifting: “Exercise”涵蓋的范圍最廣,各種形式的鍛煉,不管是游泳還是舉重,都算“exercising”
If you say you're working out, it implies that you're in the gym: 在英語里如果你跟別人說你在“work out”,大家普遍會認為你是在健身房鍛煉
If you're running outdoors, you wouldn't say "I'm working out": 如果你在戶外跑步,你不會說“I'm working out”
You would say "I'm going for a run": 通常跑步會獨立說“I'm going for a run"
Bodybuilding: 健美
Muscles: 肌肉
If you're into fitness, it doesn't mean you're into bodybuilding: 如果你說自己“into fitness”, 這個指的不是喜歡健美
You could be into yoga, eating right, focusing on your diet, running, swimming, rock climbing, martial arts: 你可能喜歡瑜伽,很注意飲食,或者是對跑步,游泳,攀巖,武術感興趣
Fitness implies a healthy and balanced lifestyle, not just exercise, but dietary as well: Fitness指的是一種很健康很均衡的生活方式,不僅是鍛煉,飲食也是一部分
A way of life: 一種生活方式、生活態(tài)度
Spencer和Jenny這集節(jié)目里一直用到“into”這個詞。它的意思是很喜歡、很著迷一件事。如果你愛健身,口語里最好的說法就是“I'm into working out", "I'm into fitness".
大家要特別注意Diet (形容詞dietary)這個詞,它可以是減肥的意思。比如“I'm going on a diet", 但是它另外一個意思就是飲食、膳食。
If you say someone is fit, they don't have to be muscular, but they look toned at least: 說一個人“fit”, 他不一定要肌肉很大塊,但至少看上去身材不錯
toned and tight: 身材緊致
In essence, they are healthy: 總而言之就是他們很健康
muscular: 肌肉發(fā)達
muscle head: 四肢發(fā)達、頭腦簡單暗,貶義詞
ripped: 肌肉精干型
If you say someone is ripped, it means their body fat percentage is low and they look sculpted: 說一個人"ripped",那他應該是體質很低,肌肉看上去跟雕刻出來的一樣
You don't have to be huge to be ripped, for example Bruce Lee was ripped: 一個“ripped”的人不一定要人高馬大、大塊肌肉,比如李小龍,就是“ripped”的代表
Spencer's got huge arms: Spencer的手臂練得非常壯
Biceps: 二頭肌
Triceps: 三頭肌
Weightlifting, lift weights: 舉重
Body weight workouts, for example pull-ups: 靠身體自重來進行的鍛煉,比如引體向上
Dumbbells: 啞鈴
Barbells: 杠鈴
可以叫V lines,因為線條很像V字型。
腹肌則是abs。美國人日常用abs一詞更多,V lines這個概念似乎沒有中國這么熱。比如Google, Instagram上的搜索,關鍵詞"abs"要比"v lines"多得多。
I want toned abs: 我想要緊致的腹肌
core strength exercises: 核心肌群訓練
V lines (not mermaid lines): 人魚線
Many people are obsessed with getting these lines: 很多人特別迷這兩條線
Looking and feeling good is important, but sometimes people go overboard: 鍛煉是為了身材好,心情好,但有些人太極端了
A while back, the A4 waist meme was trending: 前一陣子,A4腰風靡一時
I like a girl with a nice, developed waist: 我喜歡女生稍微有點腰
butt: 臀部
wide hips: 寬的胯部
A waist that's too thin might come off as sickly: 腰瘦過頭了可能看起來會有些病態(tài)
There's a point where something that's healthy becomes unhealthy: 凡事都有個度,如果做過了頭,健康的東西也變的不健康了
Too much of a good thing is a bad thing: 過猶不及
30% gym, 70% diet: 三分靠健身、七分靠飲食
Abs are carved in the kitchen, built in the gym: 腹肌是在廚房里塑造出來的,在健身房里練出來的
Elliptical: 橢圓機
Treadmill: 跑步機
What's your workout routine? 你都練什么?
Spencer不愧是健身達人,去健身房一次最少也要45分鐘,一般一次要一個半到兩個半小時??磥硪鲂Ч€是得下苦功夫!Jenny去健身最喜歡的項目是ab cruncher,就是專門練腹肌的一個“虐腹神器”。
Ab cruncher: 腹肌鍛煉器
Anaerobic: 無氧的
Cardio, aerobic: 有氧的
What's your workout routine?: 你健身一般做哪些項目?
How long do your workouts normally last?: 一般去健身房一次鍛煉多久?
The shortest is around 45 minutes, but usually I work out for one and a half to two and ahalf hours: 最少是45分鐘,當我通常會花一個半到兩個半小時
想要好身材,不僅要運動, 最根本的是健康、科學的飲食。圖上這句話,就很好概括了這一點:"You are what you eat."
Since summer's around the corner, and a lot of people want to get in shape, so what's the best routine for losing weight? 夏天快到了,很多人想塑身,那么要減肥的話怎么鍛煉最好呢?
How many times a week should we work out, and what kind of exercise should we do? 一周要去健身幾次,最好做一些什么運動?
Exercise is important, but you are what you eat, so food is the biggest factor: 鍛煉很重要,但吃才是最重要的
Some people will starve themselves and eat very little, but that's a big mistake: 有的人不吃,或者吃得很少,但這是個大誤區(qū)
If you don't eat, it slows down your metabolism: 如果你不吃,新陳代謝就會慢
When that happens, your body goes into survival mode by preserving the fat and feast on your muscle: 這樣一來你的身體會進入一種求生模式,存儲脂肪,消耗肌肉
You might weigh less, but your body fat goes up: 也許你體重會減下來,但你的體脂會升高
You might become "skinny fat": 可能變成瘦胖子
It's not about how much you weigh but how much fat is on your body: 關鍵不是你體重多少,而是你身體上有多少脂肪
Spencer has given me a lot of workout tips, and whatever abs I have is all thanks to him:Spencer 給了我很多的健身建議,我有的腹肌都是多虧他
Six-pack abs, six-packs: 六塊腹肌
I don't think women need really developed abs. It's kinda gross: 我不覺得女生需要腹肌,怪嚇人的
Health is important and balance is important too: 健康很重要,均衡適度也很重要
健身房也有健身房的禮節(jié),美國著名網站Huffington Post有篇文章整理出了13 Rules of Gym Etiquette,13條健身房的禮節(jié),小編這里抽兩條特別重要的說:
Wipe off your sweat after you work out: 運動完把汗都擦掉
*美國健身房器械旁邊通常都會放wet wipes(濕紙巾), 目的不是擦你自己,而是擦器械*
If you can bench 300 lbs, congratulations. Brag about it on Facebook, but don’t leave all the plates on the bar for the next person to remove: 如果你杠鈴能舉300磅,恭喜你!但咬炫耀的話請上臉書,別把杠鈴片都留在桿子上,等著下個人幫你卸。