Would you like to go to the movies? 想看電影嗎?
Can I ask Jimmy to come together? 我能請Jimmy一起去嗎?
That would be great.那太好了。
Which movie shall we see? 我們看哪個(電影)好呢?
You pick the movie.你選電影吧。
I just love popcorns with movies. 我只喜歡電影就著爆米花。
I love Kung Fu Panda in 3D. 我喜歡3D版《功夫熊貓》。
We have to wear 3D glasses. 我們得戴3D眼鏡。
I'll get the tickets. 我去取票。
Any drinks? 要什么飲料嗎?
What time will the movie start?電影幾點開始?
Wake up. It's over. 醒醒,(電影)結束了。
I'm sorry. I have spoiled your enjoyment. 對不起,破壞你們興致了。
But I'm not very into it. 但是我不是很感興趣。
Anyhow, me and Jimmy had a good time. 無論怎樣, 我和Jimmy是很高興的。