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京翰·天津圖書大廈校區(qū)·課外輔導補習 師資力量如何





想走多遠, 就走多遠


生活依舊忙碌, 各種雜事纏身, 而唯一慶幸的, 或許就是在學生做練習時我可以忙里偷閑地讀上幾頁散文或者小說. 最近剛讀完了<<讀者>>原創(chuàng)版的夏季卷, 感慨良多. 雖說里面的相當一部分文章對我來講有點無趣, 但是個別文章還是能引起我內心的共鳴與震憾的.

在卷頁里, 我看到了<<讀者>>原創(chuàng)版的作者之一蘇晟辭去令人羨慕的職位,毅然踏上騎行川藏線之旅. 這是一個艱苦而又浪漫的決定. 于是, 一個人, 一個背包, 一輛自行車, 他踏遍了千山萬水, 嘗盡百苦, 享盡萬千旖旎風光, 最后終于帶著滿身的傷痛勝利抵達拉薩, 露出自豪的笑容. 這個體重從未過百, 身子可以說比我還要弱的兄弟, 用黝黑的面孔和滄桑堅毅的眼神, 向我們展示了信仰與理想的力量!

而與蘇晟不相上下的, 甚至可以說更令人震憾與佩服的, 還有張廣柱和王鐘津這兩位年過六旬的老夫妻. 退休以后, 這兩位老人突發(fā)奇想,準備進行一次環(huán)游世界之旅. 他們不懂外語, 身體狀況也每況愈下, 卻想去那遙遠而陌生的國度尋奇和探索, 只為了實現(xiàn)自己由來已久的向信. 于是, 在決定了要環(huán)游世界之后, 兩人馬上學英語, 讀歷史, 攻地理……一年以后, 他們踏上了國際航班, 到達了西方文明的第一站—希臘. 在長達三年的旅途中, 他們游遍了歐洲十六國的70多個城鎮(zhèn), “窮游”了美國, 墨西哥,加拿大和古巴,6次穿越赤道, 行走阿根廷, 巴西,新西蘭, 澳大利亞等南半球十四國, 最后登上了南極大陸.

中國絕大部分老人在退休以后都會在家安度晚年, 甚少出門遠游, 而能夠像張廣柱和王鐘津那樣在晚年活得如此精彩的, 實在是罕見. 這不禁讓人想起 “老當益壯, 不墜青云之志”這句古話.

看到蘇晟在抵達拉薩時那自豪瀟灑的照片, 看到那兩位老人相互扶持踏遍世界的經歷, 我感到相當?shù)膭尤? 而反觀自己現(xiàn)在的生活, 忙碌得有時連飯也沒空吃, 壓抑得思慮深重, 不禁慨嘆不已! 別人能夠放下心靈的包袱去遠足旅行, 我們又何苦活得這么累呢?

<<讀者>>里的一個作者說, 旅行是一場身體和心靈的修行. 所以, 不要思考你能走多遠, 只要關注你想走多遠. 生活和工作累了, 就多出去走走吧.



Some British families decide not to buy televisions because they influence the development of the creativity of children. What do you think?


(With the rapid development of science and technology, television, as a new invention in the 20th century is becoming very populous in people’s life. People can be informed of the latest news and enjoy the colorful programs at home. In my opinion, television will not affect children’s creativity as exaggerated.

Firstly, television is the most effective tool to inform children of the latest news and scientific development over the world. Television tells us the recent development of some researches, such as clone technology, Genetic breakthroughs, the new computing technology and so on, which can stimulate the imagination of children and encourage them to carry out relevant experiments, making new findings and breakthroughs in their study

Secondly, some programs like adventures and geography can enlarge children’s knowledge of scope. With the emerge of information technology, the knowledge in textbooks cannot satisfy children’s curiosity any more. Children need to learn wider knowledge and know more about our world. Programs like adventures can cultivate children’s creativity and the ability to tackle difficulty; programs like geography can teach children knowledge about different countries in the world and initiate their aspiration to know about the nature; programs about science can inspire children’s interest in science and technology.

However, the improper programs on television sometimes play negative role in the growth of children. The shots about violence, crimes and pornography contents are making children walk on the criminal road.

To sum up, I believe that television will not influence children’s creativity. But meanwhile, the government and the whole society should do their utmost to prohibit the unhealthy contents on TV and provide the children with a clean growing environment (275 words)













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