【英文解析】to give false alarms; to warn of danger where there is none
【典型例句】① Is the economic future really so bad, or are the economists just crying wolf?未來的經(jīng)濟真的有那 么糟糕嗎?還是經(jīng)濟學家們在謊4艮險情?
Nobody will believe he is in trouble because he has cried wolf so many times.沒人會相信他已陷入困境,因:為 這種話他說過很多次了
【注釋】源自《伊索寓言牧童和狼》(Aesop’s Fables: The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf): 一個牧童常喊“狼來 了! ”使村民們驚慌地趕來相救,而他自己卻從中取 樂。后來,狼真的來了,那個牧童再呼號求救時,卻 再也沒有人相信他了.