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> 影視聽說 > 美劇推薦 > 吸血鬼日記第四季中英文字幕 >  第18篇





   Previously1 on "The Vampire2 Diaries"... 《吸血鬼日記》前情提要
  He's dead. 他已經(jīng)死了
  No, no! I can't, I can't! 不,不,我做不到,我做不到
  Turn it off. 關(guān)掉
  Her humanity, Damon. 她的人性,達(dá)蒙
  That was all she had left. 那是她僅剩的東西
  Humanity means nothing 在乎的人都不在了
  when you don't have anyone to care about, Stefan. 要人性干什么,斯特凡
  I know how to bring Jeremy back. 我知道怎么使杰里米復(fù)活
  It's called an expression triangle. 這種魔法叫"表達(dá)三角式"
  I need to complete it for Silas. 我得為賽拉斯完成三角形
  The nutty professor has got her totally brainwashed. 古怪的教授已經(jīng)給她洗腦了
  You've had 36 people killed? 你殺了36個(gè)人
  No. I've had 24 people killed... 不,我殺了24個(gè)人
  12 people at the Young farm, 12 hybrids4. 在楊農(nóng)場(chǎng)的12條人命,12個(gè)混血兒
  You and I are gonna complete the triangle. 你和我要一起完成這個(gè)三角
  Well, I was looking for answers, 我想追尋答案
  and all I found was your professor Shane, dead. 卻只發(fā)現(xiàn),你們的肖恩教授死了
  I think Silas followed us back from that island. 我覺得賽拉斯跟我們從島上回來了
  You and I, we are the beginning. 我們兩人,我們是開始
  The cure. I know someone has it. 治愈方法,我知道有人拿到了
  Katherine. The doppelganger? 凱瑟琳,二重身
  where are you right now? 你現(xiàn)在人在哪里
  In the boonies looking for a dead vampire 郊區(qū)一個(gè)貨車停車場(chǎng)找一個(gè)死掉的吸血鬼
  that might lead to Katherine and the cure. 也許能找到凱瑟琳和治愈方法
  Damon? Will? 達(dá)蒙,威爾
  Hey, buddy5. 兄弟
  Everyone just needs to stop telling me 你們都別再跟我說
  that I need to feel. 我需要感覺了
  Be honest. You like me better like this. 說實(shí)話吧,你更喜歡這樣的我
  So where are we going? 我們?nèi)ツ睦?/div>
  A place every newbie vampire 每個(gè)新吸血鬼
  Should go at least once in their life. 一生至少該去一次的地方
  New York. 紐約
  You were right. 你說得對(duì)
  Told you. 我就說吧
  That was really good. Yeah? 真的很棒,是吧
  Glad you liked it. 很高興你喜歡
  Yeah. Thanks for inviting6 me. 是啊,謝謝你邀請(qǐng)我
  Do it again next weekend? 下周末再來嗎
  If you're lucky. 看你的福氣了
  Oh, god. Is he 天啊,他是不是...
  Do you think he's dead? 你覺得他是不是死了
  I don't know. 不知道
  Stay there. 待在那兒
  Oh, my god! 我的天哪
  You're that serial7 killer8, aren't you? 你是那個(gè)連環(huán)殺手,是嗎
  The son of Sam. 山姆之子
  Son of Giuseppe, 朱塞佩之子
  but close enough. 但是,差不多了
  No! 不要
  You dragged me all the way to New York 你大老遠(yuǎn)拉我來紐約
  because you were feeling nostalgic? 就是因?yàn)閼雅f了嗎
  No. I dragged you to New York 不,我拉你來紐約
  because in a matter of 3 days 是因?yàn)槟阒挥昧巳?/div>
  you managed to piss off everyone in Mystic Falls. 就惹怒了神秘瀑布的每一個(gè)人
  A little more difficult to do in a city of millions. 想把紐約的百萬居民都惹怒可不容易
  I was hungry. 我餓了
  You were reckless. 你行事魯莽
  Emotionless. There's a difference. 是無情,不一樣的
  Look. All that matters is that when I lived here 聽著,重點(diǎn)是,我住這兒的時(shí)候
  I fed like crazy and had a blast 我瘋狂飲血,玩得很高興
  and went undetected for years. 持續(xù)數(shù)年沒被人發(fā)現(xiàn)
  So we're just here to have fun? 我們就是來玩的嗎
  What's the catch? 你打的什么算盤
  There's no catch. 沒有啊
  Look. You wanted out. I got you out. 你想離開,我就帶你離開
  You wanted to feed, 你想飲血
  I brought you to a citysized allyoucaneat buffet9. 我?guī)銇砹艘粋€(gè)城市大的自助餐廳
  That's the beauty of New York. 這就是紐約的好處
  There's so much life 這里有那么多人
  that a little death goes unnoticed. 死一兩個(gè)也沒人在意
  Come on. Let's go get some lunch. 走吧,去吃飯吧
  Wait. What do you mean you took her to New York? 等等,什么叫你帶她去紐約了
  And that tone is the reason I didn't pick up the phone 你這個(gè)語氣就是我之前20次
  the first 20 times you called. 都沒接電話的原因
  Where is she now? 她現(xiàn)在在哪
  Out exploring. Maybe she's eating a hot dog... 自己去轉(zhuǎn)悠了,或許在吃熱狗...
  vendor10. 小販
  So I take it your search for Katherine is off. 那么你是不打算找凱瑟琳了
  Relax, man. This little joy ride is actually a cure hunt. 別擔(dān)心,我們是邊玩邊找治愈方法
  That vampire that Katherine sent after Hayley is a friend of mine. 凱瑟琳派去殺海莉的吸血鬼是我的朋友
  He lived in the city. 他就住這兒
  Will gets vampires11 fake identities, 威爾專幫吸血鬼造假證
  and I'm sure that Katherine's one of his clients. 凱瑟琳肯定也是他的客戶
  And Elena's ok with this little field trip? 埃琳娜也愿意跟你一起找嗎
  Just yesterday, she was living the vampire high life. 昨天她還在盡情享受吸血鬼的樂趣
  She doesn't want the cure. 她根本不想要治愈方法
  That's why I didn't tell her. 所以我沒告訴她啊
  Damon, if she finds out you're still looking for it, 達(dá)蒙,如果她知道你還在找那個(gè)
  she'll bolt. 她會(huì)跑掉的
  I'm aware of that, Stefan. 這我知道,斯特凡
  What I'm hoping is she's gonna be so wasted on booze and blood 我希望她能喝酒和血喝到醉生夢(mèng)死
  that she won't even think about it. 根本無心多想
  Don't underestimate her. 別低估她
  If I can handle you when you flip12 your switch, 你發(fā)狂嗜血的時(shí)候我都應(yīng)付得來
  I can handle her. Trust me. 她也沒問題,相信我
  Listen to me. She's ruthless without her humanity. 聽我說,她失去了人性十分無情
  The cure's the fastest way to get it back. 治愈方法是恢復(fù)她人性的最快方法
  Just be a good brother and keep Mystic Falls afloat for me 做個(gè)好哥哥,替我看好神秘瀑布吧
  and let me do my thing. 讓我做我該做的
  You've got an immortal13 named Silas to deal with, remember? 你還要對(duì)付永生的賽拉斯呢
  Desperate times I take it. 這么饑不擇酒啊
  What are you doing here? 你來干什么
  Not judging you for starters, 首先我沒有指責(zé)你的意思
  although if you are determined14 to get drunk, 不過你要是真心想買醉
  then perhaps I might recommend something a little more sanitary15. 那或許我能推薦你喝點(diǎn)更干凈的東西
  Well, then. You showed me. 好吧,我什么都不說了
  Shouldn't you be out chasing Tyler to the ends of the earth, 你不是應(yīng)該去追蹤泰勒到天涯海角嗎
  or are there some hopes and dreams 或者這里還有誰的希望和夢(mèng)想
  you want to crush around here? 你要打破的
  Depends. Do you happen to know where the young Brutus is? 看情況了,你知道那位年輕的領(lǐng)袖在哪嗎
  I know where he's notwith me. 我知道他不在哪,沒在我身邊
  He gave Matt the deed to the house, 他把房契給了馬特
  so he's gone for good. 所以他不會(huì)回來了
  Tyler made it his life's mission to kill me. 是泰勒決心要?dú)⒘宋?/div>
  You can't hate me for driving him away. 你不能為我把他趕走而怨我
  No. I can, and I do. 我能,我就怨你
  Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to spiraling, 如果你不介意,我要繼續(xù)借酒澆愁了
  so go away. 滾開吧
  Actually, I asked him to be here. 其實(shí),是我找他來的
  We need his help. I think Silas is in Mystic Falls. 我們需要他幫忙,我認(rèn)為賽拉斯就在神秘瀑布
  Ok. Come on. Take a deep breath. 好了,深呼吸
  And 5, 4 五,四
  I can't do this. 我做不到
  Bonnie, relax, ok? Trust me. 邦妮,放松,相信我
  How can I trust you if you won't show me your real face? 你都不向我顯露真容讓我怎么信你
  Don't you think it's a little creepy 你不覺得這樣很恐怖嗎
  that you're appearing as my dead professor? 你現(xiàn)在是我死去教授的樣子
  I told you that I'm Silas, 我告訴你我是賽拉斯
  I told you Shane died on the island. 我告訴你肖恩死在了島上
  I'm trying to earn your trust. 我想博得你的信任
  All right. Look. 好吧,聽我說
  You invited me into your home, right? 你把我請(qǐng)進(jìn)了家門,對(duì)不對(duì)
  Why? 為什么
  Why'd you lie to your friends and tell them everything was fine? 你為什么要騙你的朋友,告訴他們一切都好
  Why did you convince your dad 你為什么讓你爸爸相信
  that you needed Professor Shane's help to control your magic? 你需要肖恩教授幫你控制魔法
  What am I doing here? 你找我來是為什么
  You're in my head. 你鉆進(jìn)了我的腦海
  You're making me see things and do things. 你讓我看到幻象,做我不想做的事
  Hey. Now. See? Look. I'm strong, 聽我說,我是很強(qiáng)大
  But you're a witch, 但你可是女巫
  and I can't force you to do anything 我不能逼你做任何
  that you don't already want to do. 你真心不想做的事
  You care about Jeremy, right? 你在乎杰里米,是吧
  I do. 是的
  Yeah. You were with him, 沒錯(cuò),你們當(dāng)時(shí)在一起
  and you promised to protect him, 你保證會(huì)保護(hù)他
  but you failed, 但你沒做到
  And now in order to bring him back... 現(xiàn)在你要讓他起死回生
  I need to get rid of the other side. 就得讓那邊消失
  You are descended16 from Qetsiyah, 你是凱茨雅的后人
  one of the most powerful witches of all time. 她是史上最厲害的女巫
  Only you can complete the triangle 只有你能完成"三角式"
  and cast the spell. 施那個(gè)咒語
  Completing the triangle means killing17 12 people. 完成三角式要再殺12個(gè)人
  12 people you can bring back. 但你可以讓他們?cè)購(gòu)?fù)活
  Bonnie, you can do this 邦妮,你能行的
  for Jeremy. 為了杰里米
  So some blood went missing from a few hospitals. 不就是幾家醫(yī)院的血庫失竊嗎
  What about Elena? 埃琳娜呢
  Don't vampires with their humanity off 沒有人性的吸血鬼
  tend to overindulge in human blood, 不是會(huì)大肆飲血狂歡嗎
  Or were you the exception? 還是只有你這樣
  It's not Elena. 不是埃琳娜
  Well, let's say for a moment that it was Silas. 那么就當(dāng)做是賽拉斯
  I'm struggling to see how this affects me. 我真是不理解這跟我有什么關(guān)系
  Look. Silas wants to die and be reunited with his one true love, 賽拉斯想死去然后跟他的唯一的真愛重聚
  but he's supernatural, 但他是超自然生物
  so if he takes the cure and dies, 所以他使用治愈方法死去后
  he gets stuck on the other side. 他會(huì)被困在另一邊
  How Shakespearian. 真有莎士比亞著作的氣息
  But if he destroys the other side altogether, 但如果他徹底毀掉那邊
  he can take the cure, die, and pass on, 他就能使用治愈方法,然后進(jìn)入來世
  but in destroying it, 但一旦他毀了那邊
  every dead supernatural being 每一個(gè)死去的超自然生物
  will return to our side. 都會(huì)回到我們這邊
  That means every werewolf, every witch, 就是說每個(gè)狼人,巫師
  every vampire. 吸血鬼都會(huì)回來
  I wonder how many of those you personally killed. 不知道其中多少是死于你手呢
  Care yet? 還不在乎嗎
  My interest is piqued18. 我有點(diǎn)興趣了
  How do we stop him? 我們?cè)趺醋柚顾?/div>
  Bonnie said Silas needs to complete 3 massacres20 to do this spell. 邦妮說要完成咒語賽拉斯需要三場(chǎng)屠殺
  Before professor Shane died, 肖恩教授死前
  he convinced the pastor21 to blow up the council. 他讓牧師炸死了委員會(huì)
  Next, he had you kill your hybrids, 接下來又讓你手刃了你的混血兒
  and now he only needs one more massacre19, 現(xiàn)在,他只需要一場(chǎng)屠殺了
  so if he's here, that's what he's doing. 如果他在這兒,他就在策劃這個(gè)
  We need to find him. 我們得去找他
  Looks about right. 挺不錯(cuò)
  I was promised hedonism. 不是說要狂歡嗎
  Well, it's early. 還早嘛
  Hedonism isn't a big fan of the sunlight. 狂歡不喜歡見太陽
  Or soap. 或是肥皂
  Easy, judgy. 別這么挑剔
  Not everybody got a hot new haircut today. 不是每個(gè)人今天都剪了新發(fā)型
  Give it a couple of hours. 等幾個(gè)小時(shí)吧
  This place will be crawling with more punkedout nihilists 這地方會(huì)滿是嗑大的虛無主義者
  than you can eat in a decade, trust me. 你幾十年都吃不完,相信我
  How do you know? 你怎么知道
  Because I spent most of the seventies here. 因?yàn)槲?0年代基本都待在這兒
  The factory was too clean, 工廠太干凈
  CBGB's was too highprofile,  CBGB太招眼
  but Billy's Billy's was 但是比利酒館
  the underground of the underground. 可是低調(diào)得不能再低調(diào)了
  1, 2, 3, 4! 一,二,三,四
  There you go. 給你
  Two for one. Rock 'n' roll. 買一贈(zèng)一,生意愉快
  That's the third 5'7" brunette I've gotten from you, Billy boy. 這是我給你的第三個(gè)一米七的黑發(fā)女了,比利
  Is that the same client? 都是一個(gè)客戶嗎
  She's a runner. 她在逃命
  Some vampires need more identities than others. 有些吸血鬼比其他人需要更多的身份
  Hey! Watch what you're doing! 看著點(diǎn)啊
  What the hell? 干什么
  Hey. Be discrete22. 謹(jǐn)慎點(diǎn)
  I kill people and give you their I.D.s, 我殺人并替你盜取身份
  you let me feed in your club. 你讓我在這兒覓食
  Discretion23 was never part of the deal. 我可從沒保證過會(huì)謹(jǐn)慎
  Lexi? 萊希
  You're gonna feed on him right here? 你就在這兒吸食他嗎
  You're getting sloppy25, Damon. 你可太馬虎了,達(dá)蒙
  You got Lexied? 你遇上她了
  Following a lead without me? 不找我就來追查線索嗎
  Poor form, Damon. 真不該啊,達(dá)蒙
  I have to say I'm a little hurt, Damon. 我有點(diǎn)受傷啊,達(dá)蒙
  I thought we made a good team. 我以為我們是好搭檔呢
  Not without its fireworks, but what classic pairing isn't? 雖然也有摩擦,但是好搭檔不都這樣
  Wait. What the hell are you talking about? 等等,你在說什么啊
  Damon's following a lead to the cure. 達(dá)蒙在追查治愈方法呢
  I'm following him. 我在跟著他
  Notice your name never came up. 好像沒有你的份啊
  You're doing what? 你在做什么
  How does it feel to be wrong all the time? 總是猜錯(cuò)是種什么感覺
  I brought Elena here to feed. 我?guī)ОA漳葋硎亲屗?/div>
  I mean, Mystic Falls isn't exactly vamp xanadu right now. 神秘瀑布現(xiàn)在不是最適合吸血鬼待的地方
  Right. So you drove 7 hours to New York city? 那你就驅(qū)車七小時(shí)來紐約嗎
  Yes, and as I was explaining to Elena 是的,正如你粗暴地打斷我們之前
  before we were so rudely interrupted, 我正跟埃琳娜說的那樣
  that my history in this city 我在這城市里的經(jīng)歷
  has a particular resonance26 to her current situation. 與她現(xiàn)在的情況很有些類似
  When I had my humanity off. 那是我失去人性的時(shí)候
  That explains it. 這就說得通了
  Your switch is flipped27. 你關(guān)掉人性了
  Ugh. Would you mind? 能閉嘴嗎
  I can't even hear my prey28 over your constant babbling29. 你老這么嘮叨我都聽不到獵物的聲音了
  You're not even covering your tracks. 你根本毫不掩飾
  We heard about you back in Mystic Falls. 我們?cè)谏衩仄俨级悸犝f你的事跡了
  So Stefan sent you. 是斯特凡派你來的
  Hmm. I thought we were on the off part 我以為我們永世不盡的
  of our endless onagain, offagain, 仇視和休戰(zhàn)循環(huán)
  eternityofmisery cycle. 現(xiàn)在處于休戰(zhàn)階段呢
  Lucky for you he cared just enough to send me. 所幸他在乎你,所以派我來了
  So why'd you flip it? 你為什么關(guān)掉人性
  What traumatic event was too much for Damon Salvatore to handle? 有什么慘事讓達(dá)蒙·塞爾瓦托都承受不住
  "Leave it to beaver30." The fifties bored me. 《天才小麻煩》,50年代太沒勁了
  Well, it's the seventies now, 現(xiàn)在是70年代了
  and keeping it off is gonna get you caught and killed. 你這樣下去會(huì)被人抓到?jīng)]命的
  And I'll take my chances. 我寧愿碰運(yùn)氣了
  I won't. I promised Stefan 我不愿,我答應(yīng)斯特凡
  Look. You and Stefan have a thing. I get it. 聽著,你跟斯特凡有感情,我理解
  He falls off the wagon31, you pick him up. 他一舊癮復(fù)發(fā),你就幫他戒掉
  He's redeemed32, you get your Florence Nightingale jollies, ok? 他獲得救贖,你也過了把圣人癮
  Well, I'm not him. 但我不是他
  I don't need or want you. 我根本不想要你
  Too bad because you got me. 可惜啊,我就是來了
  Wow. She sounds dreadful. 她聽起來真可怕
  She had a mother Teresa complex. 她有點(diǎn)圣母情節(jié)
  So let me guess. 我猜猜
  After many dark nights with Lexi, 跟萊希度過數(shù)個(gè)陰暗的夜晚后
  she convinced you to turn your emotions back on, 她終于勸服你把人性重新開啟
  And that's exactly what you plan to do with me. Hmm. 你也打算這么對(duì)付我
  You read the last page of a book first, too? 你也是拿到書先讀最后一頁嗎
  I'm gonna get a drink, many drinks. 我要去喝一杯,好幾杯
  So you really buy all this? 你真的信了嗎
  Not one bit. 一點(diǎn)不信
  I know he's after the cure. 我知道他在找治愈方法
  I'm not stupid. 我不傻
  Well, let's not say things we don't mean. 咱們就別心口不一了
  Damon is like a dog with a bone. 達(dá)蒙執(zhí)迷于此
  Stefan, too. 斯特凡也是
  They won't give up until they find the cure 他們不找到治愈方法并且逼我使用
  and then make me take it. 是絕不會(huì)罷休的
  So I guess I'm gonna have to find it first. 那我就得先找到治愈方法了
  You're playing him. 你在耍他
  No. He's playing me. 不,是他在耍我
  I'm just returning the favor. 我只是借力打力
  What are we even looking for? 我們要找什么啊
  Well, if Shane really was working with Silas, 如果肖恩真在為賽拉斯做事
  chances are he was helping33 him plan his next move. 那他可能也幫他策劃了下一步行動(dòng)
  Where, on his evil villain34 todo list 那么在他邪惡的任務(wù)清單上
  steal blood, perform 3 massacres, 有盜血,實(shí)施三起屠殺
  pick up dry cleaning? 收衣服嗎
  Actually not to nitpick, 我倒不是挑刺
  but we evil villains35 usually use minions36 但我們這些大壞蛋一般讓仆人
  to pick up our dry cleaning, that sort of thing. 去取干洗衣物什么的
  Why is he necessary again? 為什么非要帶上他來著
  Well, we don't know what Silas can do, 我們不知道賽拉斯有什么本事
  so if we do have to go head to head with him, 如果我們一定要去找他
  an original hybrid3 who can't die 不死原始混血兒
  might come in handy. 或許能派上用場(chǎng)
  Besides, Stefan and I work well together, 再說,我和斯特凡合作愉快
  or at least we did in the twenties. 至少20年代的時(shí)候是這樣
  Well, granted my emotions were off. 是啊,當(dāng)時(shí)我沒有人性嘛
  And that's why you were more fun 所以你那時(shí)更有趣
  just as Damon is probably relishing37 就像達(dá)蒙此刻大概也
  in Elena's emotionless company in New York. 在紐約享受毫無感情的埃琳娜
  My brother knows what he's doing. 我哥哥他心里有數(shù)
  Does he? 是嗎
  Don't underestimate the allure38 of darkness, Stefan. 可別低估了黑暗的誘惑,斯特凡
  Even the purest hearts are drawn39 to it. 即使最純凈的心也禁不住
  Still, I'm sure it will all be fine. 不過,我相信會(huì)沒事的
  I think I found something. 我好像有發(fā)現(xiàn)
  "Symbolic40 figures in the dark arts." 《黑暗藝術(shù)中的象征符號(hào)》
  Didn't Bonnie talk about expression triangles? 邦妮不是提到了表達(dá)三角式嗎
  Here. 瞧
  "In some schools of magic such as expression, 在某些魔法形式,譬如表達(dá)中
  "Human sacrifice can be used as a focus for power. 人祭可被當(dāng)做力量的聚集方式
  "It's rumored41 that the addition of two supernatural sacrifices 據(jù)傳,加上兩次超自然生物的祭祀
  "Compounds the mystical energy, 就能混合出神秘能量
  creating an expression triangle." 并創(chuàng)造表達(dá)三角式
  Humans 人祭
  That was the council fire. 委員會(huì)大火
  DemonsKlaus' hybrid failure. 惡魔,克勞斯在混血兒上栽的跟頭
  Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a failure. 也不能說是栽跟頭了
  What's the third? 第三場(chǎng)呢
  Oh, no. 不
  You want me to kill witches? 你要我殺巫師
  We've been over this. 這我們說過了
  It's temporary. They'll come back. 這是暫時(shí)的,他們還會(huì)復(fù)生
  What if I'm not strong enough? 如果我不夠強(qiáng)大呢
  You are strong enough. 你夠強(qiáng)大
  Look. It won't be easy. 這不會(huì)是易事
  Once they realize how strong you are, 一旦他們意識(shí)到你的力量
  they'll channel each other one by one using spirit magic 他們就會(huì)用靈魂魔法跟彼此相連
  till they can strip you of expression. 直到他們能奪去你的表達(dá)魔法
  You have to endure them 你得承受他們
  until al 12 are linked as one. 直到他們12人合為一體
  Listen. Your dad's here. 你爸爸來了
  We have to convince him. 我們得說服他
  Hey. How was the session? 進(jìn)行得怎么樣了
  To be honest, 說實(shí)話
  not that great. 不太順利
  The meditation42 isn't really working. 冥想不怎么好用
  Here magic's too strong. 法力太強(qiáng)大了
  You told me you could help her. 你說過你能幫她
  Dad, it's it's not his fault. 爸爸,這不能怪他
  Not his fault? He's the one who taught you this magic, 不怪他,是他教了你這種魔法
  and now he can't control it. 現(xiàn)在他又無法控制它
  Listen. We have an idea. 聽我說,我們有個(gè)主意
  I'm done listening to your ideas. 我不想再聽你的主意了
  I want you to get out of my house. Dad! 滾出我家,爸爸
  We just call on the spirits. 只要我們召喚靈魂
  I want you out of my house! 我要你滾出去
  Wait! 等等
  What the hell is happening to her? 她這是怎么了
  This happened to my wife. 我妻子也是這樣
  Expression consumed her. 表達(dá)吞噬了她
  She had no control. 她完全無法控制
  I need you to call mom. 你去打電話找我媽
  We need witches, 我們需要巫師
  a lot of them. 很多巫師
  Is this allowed? 這可以嗎
  What would Lexi say? 萊希會(huì)怎么說啊
  Lexi thought the only way I would turn my emotions back on 萊希認(rèn)為唯一能讓我恢復(fù)人性的辦法
  was if I started enjoying my life again. 就是讓我享受生命
  Do not tell me she took you to Bon Jovi concerts, too. 別告訴我她還帶你去看邦·喬維演唱會(huì)了
  No. Wrong decade. 不,不是那個(gè)年代的
  Lexi was not allowed to feed with Stefan. 萊希不能跟斯特凡一起進(jìn)食
  I didn't have that problem, 我可不在乎這個(gè)
  and neither do you. 你也沒有
  I'm hungry. 我餓了
  Pick. 選吧
  Don't scream. 別叫
  Your turn. 到你了
  Packrat. 真亂啊
  Thanks, Will. 謝了,威爾
  Is it just you? 只有你嗎
  This place wasn't easy to find. 這地方挺難找的
  Figured you wouldn't want to draw attention. 我猜你不會(huì)想引起注意
  It will work. 會(huì)行的
  I'm Aja. 我是阿加
  You friends with my mom? 你是我媽媽的朋友嗎
  I was. 曾經(jīng)是
  After she became a vampire, 在她變成吸血鬼之后
  we didn't have a whole lot in common. 我們就沒什么共同語言了
  So she's not coming. 那她不會(huì)來了
  This is witch business. 這是巫師的事情
  Look. I know you're scared, 聽著,我知道你害怕
  but I've dealt with expression before. 但我之前也遇到過表達(dá)
  I know the hold it can have on you. 我知道它對(duì)人的吸引
  It's not that. 不是那樣的
  I'm just I'm strong. 我很強(qiáng)大
  You won't be able to do this alone. 你一個(gè)人是不夠的
  Oh, honey, who said anything about being alone? 親愛的,誰說是一個(gè)人了
  There's almost nothing as strong as a full coven, 巫師集會(huì)才是最強(qiáng)大的
  so I brought 11 of my closest friends. 所以我?guī)砹耸晃幻苡?/div>
  Won't be fun, 這肯定不容易
  but we're gonna cleanse43 you. 但我們會(huì)凈化你
  You ready? 準(zhǔn)備好了嗎
  Let's do this. 開始吧
  Leave. 走開
  Looks like Damon gave us the slip. 看來達(dá)蒙成功甩掉了我們
  Good. Hopefully he'll find whatever he's looking for, 很好,希望他能找到他想要的
  and then I can take it. 然后我就可以占為己有
  And what if you can't? 如果你不能呢
  I mean, he is stronger than you. 他比你強(qiáng)壯
  You know, I could help you. 我可以幫你
  You want the cure off the table, 你不想要治愈方法
  I want to take it. 我想要
  We could work together. 我們可以合作
  Work together? Don't you hate me? 合作,你不是恨我嗎
  I hated the moral, selfrighteous version of you, 我恨那個(gè)有道德感自以為是的你
  but this one's not so bad. 但是現(xiàn)在的你挺不錯(cuò)
  Maybe it's your new haircut. 也許是因?yàn)槟愕男掳l(fā)型
  Do you remember what it's like to be human 你還記得作人的感覺嗎
  Weak, fragile? 虛弱,脆弱
  Why would you want to go back to that? 你為什么想要變回去呢
  Because someday, I want a family' of my own. 因?yàn)橛幸惶?,我想建立自己的家?/div>
  And that's exactly why I don't want your help. 正是因此我才不想要你幫忙
  The best part of having no emotions 沒有情感最好的一點(diǎn)
  is that I can think rationally. 就是我能理性思考
  I'll do whatever it takes to get this done. 我會(huì)不惜一切達(dá)到目的
  You're the opposite, a pile of neuroses and insecurities, 而你恰恰相反,感情用事,缺乏安全感
  hopes and dreams. 有希望和夢(mèng)想
  You're basically one big emotional variable that I just don't really need. 你就是個(gè)我不需要的情感變數(shù)
  You just made me miss the old Elena. 你讓我都懷念以前的埃琳娜了
  There's been two massacres. 已經(jīng)發(fā)生了兩場(chǎng)屠殺
  Pastor Young's farm is here, 楊牧師的農(nóng)場(chǎng)在這里
  and the old Lockwood cellar, 洛克伍德的地下室
  where you spitefully slaughtered44 12 of your own hybrids, 你殘忍屠殺十二名混血兒的地方
  is here. 在這里
  According to the book, 根據(jù)書中內(nèi)容
  the expression triangle 表達(dá)三角式
  is equilateral, 是等邊三角形
  putting it here. 也就落在了這里
  Somebody's been skipping their geometry classes. 某人幾何學(xué)課沒好好上
  There are actually two places 第三場(chǎng)大屠殺
  where the third massacre could be. 可能發(fā)生地點(diǎn)有兩個(gè)
  Well, you didn't let me finish. 我還沒說完呢
  Hey. What's going on? Did you find Bonnie? 怎么樣了,找到邦妮了嗎
  No, but I talked to her dad. 沒,但是我和她爸爸聊了聊
  I think I found Silas. 我覺得我找到賽拉斯了
  Call out to the sprits, Bonnie. 召喚靈魂,邦妮
  Let them in. 讓他們進(jìn)來
  Phesmatos tribumaah! (咒語)
  I can't. It's hurting. 不行,很痛
  It hurts! Ohh! 很痛
  It's because you've rejected the spirits. 那是因?yàn)槟憔芙^了靈魂
  The expression's consumed you. 表達(dá)吞噬了你
  Phesmatos tribum nas ex viras... (咒語)
  I changed my mind. 我改主意了
  Purgal animum sous... (咒語)
  I don't want to do this anymore! 我不想再繼續(xù)了
  Obscarus! (咒語)
  Let me go! 讓我走
  She's fighting. I need help. 她在反抗,我需要幫助
  Link with me. 和我連接起來
  Lend me your power. 借我汝之力
  Phesmatos repallus tantian... (咒語)
  Maltuscanum anium par24 vas. (咒語)
  We need more strength! 我們需要更多的力量
  Phesmatos repallus tantian (咒語)
  Maltuscanum anium par vas. (咒語)
  So Silas is appearing as professor Shane. 賽拉斯以肖恩教授的形象出現(xiàn)
  Wouldn't be my first choice. 換了我可不會(huì)選他
  Well, it would be if you needed to brainwash Bonnie 如果你想給邦妮洗腦實(shí)施大屠殺
  into committing a massacre. 你也會(huì)這么做的
  You need me to come home? 你需要我回去嗎
  No, we got it. 不用,我們能行
  How's the cure search going? 治愈方法找得怎么樣了
  Well... not great. 不是很順利
  I mean, it's no massacre in the making, 這里沒有屠殺
  but Rebekah trailed us here. 但麗貝卡找到了我們
  Then in addition to my buddy being a brilliant identity thief, 我的朋友除了是個(gè)有才的身份竊賊
  he's also a hoarder45. 還是個(gè)囤積狂
  What are you trying to find? 你想要找什么呢
  Will had a repeat customer, 5'7" Brunette. 威爾的回頭客,一米七的黑發(fā)女子
  Said she was a runner. 說自己在逃命
  Katherine. 凱瑟琳
  Turns out I was helping her run from me. 我當(dāng)年居然幫她逃避我
  Ironic46. 真諷刺
  Problem is I'm pretty sure 問題是我確定
  that his filing system goes by birthdate, 這些文件是按生日排序的
  but I can't for the life of me remember Katherine's. 但我就是記不得凱瑟琳的生日了
  June 5, 1473. 1473年6月5日
  And that, brother, is why you are the better boyfriend. 所以弟弟你才是更合格的男朋友
  Well, will you look at that? 瞧瞧
  It's all her former addresses, 都是她以前的地址
  including a couple from the last two months. 還有前兩個(gè)月的兩個(gè)
  I mean, they're mostly P.O. Boxes, 大部分都是郵箱地址
  but, hey, it narrows the search. 但還是縮小了搜索范圍
  Well, you're welcome. 不用謝
  So you headed back now? 你現(xiàn)在要回來了嗎
  Yeah. Tomorrow morning. 對(duì),明天一早
  Got to keep up the ruse47 for the terrible twosome outside, 為了外面兩個(gè)可怕的小妞得繼續(xù)裝相
  pretend like I'm having a good time. 裝作我玩得很開心
  And you're not? 你不是嗎
  I'll tell you tomorrow. 明天說
  Sorry. I needed some quiet. 抱歉,我需要靜一靜
  Couldn't hear Stefan over the Runaways48 2.0. 逃亡樂隊(duì)2.0聲音太吵,聽不清斯特凡說話
  Let me guess. He's worried. 讓我猜猜,他擔(dān)心了
  Jealous mainly. 主要是嫉妒了
  He's having acid flashbacks of me and Lexi in the seventies in New York. 他想起了70年代我和萊希在紐約的日子
  I'll tell you about it over a drink. Come on. 邊喝酒邊告訴你,走吧
  Lexi stuck with me for months, 萊希和我在一起好幾個(gè)月
  partying with me, showing me a good time, 和我一起參加派對(duì),教我如何找樂子
  but late every night, she'd torture me in the worst way possible. 但每到深夜,她又用最惡劣的方式折磨我
  Tell me about her. 跟我說說她吧
  No. 不要
  What did she look like, 她長(zhǎng)什么樣
  what did she sound like? 她聲音什么樣
  Tell me everything you remember about her. 告訴我你記得的一切
  Every night. 每天晚上
  And that's my cue. 我該上場(chǎng)了
  You have a nice fight. 你打得很漂亮
  Try not to break anything. 只是盡量別打碎任何東西
  Every night. 每天晚上
  Every night, we get wasted, 我們每天晚上都喝得爛醉
  and the second I bottom out, 我一喝完
  you have to bring up Katherine. 你就提到凱瑟琳
  Because you loved her, 因?yàn)槟銗圻^她
  and love is the most powerful emotion. 而愛是最強(qiáng)大的情感
  If I can just get you to remember how you felt about her... 如果我能幫你想起對(duì)她的感覺
  I don't want to remember. 我不想記起
  I mean, why do you care so much? 你為什么這么在乎
  Do you remember how we first met? 你記得我們第一次見面嗎
  It was 1864. 是在1864年
  Stefan had just killed you father, 斯特凡剛剛殺死你們的父親
  made you turn into a vampire, 讓你變成吸血鬼
  and he was killing his way through Mystic Falls. 在神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)四處殺人
  You hated him. 你恨他
  Rightfully so, 你有充分理由
  but before you left, you asked me to help him 但在你離開前,你讓我?guī)退?/div>
  because no matter what happened, 因?yàn)椴还馨l(fā)生什么
  he was still your brother, 他始終是你弟弟
  and you cared about him. 你在乎他
  Now you need help, and he cares about you. 現(xiàn)在你需要幫助,他在乎你
  We both do. 我們都在乎你
  Let me help you. 讓我?guī)湍?/div>
  Tell me about Katherine. 跟我說說凱瑟琳
  Talking about Katherine's not gonna help me. 談凱瑟琳是幫不了我的
  Why not? 為什么不能
  Because she's not the person I care about. 因?yàn)樗皇俏以诤醯娜?/div>
  It flipped. 開啟了
  The switch. Why didn't you tell me? 你的人性,你為什么不告訴我
  Because I barely felt it at first, 因?yàn)橐婚_始我?guī)缀醺杏X不到
  but every night, it's gotten stronger. 但每一晚感覺都漸漸變強(qiáng)
  It worked. 起作用了
  You worked. 你做到了
  You and Lexi? 你和萊希
  Here on the bar? 在這個(gè)吧臺(tái)上
  On the bar, on the stage, on the roof. 在吧臺(tái)上,舞臺(tái)上,屋頂上
  It was a very long night. 長(zhǎng)夜漫漫
  Yeeh. 是啊
  Where you going? 你去哪
  To the roof. 屋頂
  I want to hear the rest of the story. 我想聽完剩下的故事
  Ok. 好吧
  Excuse you. 原諒你
  I just want to see where we are. 我想知道我們?cè)谀?/div>
  You know, when we split up, 我們分頭行動(dòng)的時(shí)候
  you did have the option of going with Stefan. 你可以選擇和斯特凡走
  Yeah? And leave Bonnie's life your hands? 把邦妮的命交給你嗎
  Fat chance. 想得美
  Do you even know how to read a map? 你知道怎么看地圖嗎
  Yes, and do you know who taught me? 是的,你知道誰教我的嗎
  My friend Magellan. 我的朋友麥哲倫(葡萄牙航海家)
  Wow! You had a friend. 你還有朋友啊
  Was he drawn to your darkness, too? 他也被你的黑暗吸引了嗎
  Actually, I was referring to Damon and Elena when I said that, 其實(shí),我當(dāng)時(shí)指的是達(dá)蒙和埃琳娜
  but clearly it struck a chord with you. 但顯然這引起了你的共鳴
  It's because it's not true! 因?yàn)槟遣皇钦娴?/div>
  There is no allure to darkness. 黑暗的誘惑根本不存在
  Really? 是嗎
  So you've never felt the attraction 那么你從沒覺得
  that comes when someone who's capable of doing terrible things 一個(gè)邪惡至極的人,卻只在乎你
  for some reason cares only about you? 很有吸引力嗎
  I did once when I thought he was worth it, 有過一次,當(dāng)時(shí)我以為他值得我在乎
  but it turns out some people can't be fixed49. 但事實(shí)證明有些人無藥可救
  People who do terrible things 做出可怕事情的人
  are just terrible people. 就是可恨的人
  We're here, 我們到了
  although judging by the lack of witches, 但是,這里一個(gè)巫師都沒有
  here is not the correct location. 說明不是這里
  Yield to the spirits, Bonnie! 向靈魂屈服吧,邦妮
  You can't fight us! 你反抗不了我們
  Stop it. It's not what you think. 住手,這不是你想的那樣
  This is no place for a vampire. 這不是吸血鬼該來的地方
  She's working for Silas. 她在為賽拉斯做事
  Silas? 賽拉斯
  He brainwashed her to kill you. 他給她洗腦了,要?dú)⑺滥銈?/div>
  Wait. What are you doing? 等等,你要干什么
  If Silas has her, she's lost. 如果賽拉斯控制了她,她已迷失
  We can't save her. 我們救不了她
  Wait. 慢著
  I have the power of 12 witches. 我擁有12名巫師的力量
  You don't stand a chance! 你無法和我抗衡
  They're linked. Bonnie's gonna kill them. 他們聯(lián)通能量了,邦妮會(huì)殺死他們
  Not if the witches kill her first. 或者巫師們先殺了她
  Klaus, we need to save her. 克勞斯,我們得救她
  How? The only way to stop the witches is to kill them, 怎么救,想要阻止巫師就只能殺了他們
  and then Silas gets what he wants. 那樣賽拉斯便可如愿
  Spirits, take her soul. 靈魂,請(qǐng)帶走她的靈魂
  Free her from darkness. 將她帶出黑暗
  No! 不
  Bonnie. 邦妮
  Bonnie! 邦妮
  The triangle is complete. 三角已經(jīng)完成
  It's beautiful up here. 屋頂上風(fēng)景真美
  I could do this, you know? 我可以做到的
  The Lexi method. 萊希的方法
  Hang with you, party with you. 和你出來玩,參加派對(duì)
  It wouldn't be the worst way to turn my emotions back on. 用這種方法幫我找回感情還不賴
  I thought you hated emotions. 我以為你討厭有感情
  I do. 確實(shí)
  Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to... 也許我只是想找借口
  spend more time with you. 多陪在你身邊
  I've never done it on a rooftop before. 我從沒在屋頂上做過
  You're not missing much. 其實(shí)也沒什么
  You don't have to take the high road, Damon. 達(dá)蒙,你不必這么高尚
  I'm not sired to you anymore. 我對(duì)你的認(rèn)祖歸忠已經(jīng)解除
  I want this. You want this. 我想這么做,你也想
  What? 怎么了
  Looking for that? 在找這個(gè)嗎
  You really think that was gonna work, 你真以為這樣有用嗎
  the sex, the temptation, the booze? 獻(xiàn)身,色誘,灌酒
  What, are you kidding me? 開什么玩笑
  I invented that trick. 這把戲我最在行
  Good luck! 祝你好運(yùn)
  Spent all night reinforcing it. 我花了一整晚加固呢
  It was tough. 這可是個(gè)技術(shù)活
  Had to be really quiet not to wake you up. 為了不吵醒你得躡手躡腳
  What is this? 這算什么
  Payment. 報(bào)復(fù)
  For what? 報(bào)復(fù)什么
  For the last 6 months of my life, 我過去六個(gè)月的人生
  for the nagging50, 你的嘮叨
  for the selfrighteous platitudes51. 自以為是的陳詞濫調(diào)
  I'm paying you back for 6 months of you. 我報(bào)復(fù)的是過去六個(gè)月的你
  Your humanity isn't back on, is it? 你的人性并沒有復(fù)蘇,對(duì)嗎
  Never was. 根本沒有
  So this was all just 這一切只是...
  A joke! 一個(gè)玩笑
  It was a big, fat lie. 一個(gè)巨大的謊言
  Best part of it is, you believed it. 但最逗的是,你居然相信了
  You thought I was a like Stefan, 你以為我跟斯特凡一樣
  a wounded little bird that you could nurse back to health, 都是你好好照顧就能康復(fù)的小可憐
  but he's a victim. 但他是受害者
  I choose to be this way. 而我主動(dòng)選擇了這條路
  Enjoy the day. 好好享受日光吧
  I hear it's gonna be a scorcher. 聽說今天超級(jí)曬哦
  So you pretended to have feelings for her 你假裝對(duì)她有好感
  just to get her off your back? 就為了甩掉她
  I was willing to do whatever it took. 不達(dá)目的誓不罷休
  Sound familiar? 聽起來挺耳熟的吧
  Aw. I hurt your feelings. 我傷害你的感情了
  Not my feelings. I'm looking out for you. 不是我的感情,我這是為你好
  Because one day, you will flip that switch back on, 因?yàn)榭傆幸惶?,你的人性?huì)再度開啟
  and all the bad stuff that you did 你干過的所有壞事
  is gonna come rushing back, 都會(huì)一涌而上
  and it is going to suck. 到時(shí)你會(huì)苦不堪言
  So you're saying that you felt bad for Lexi? 那你是對(duì)萊希心懷愧疚嗎
  She became a walking, talking reminder52 她成了一個(gè)對(duì)我種種罪行
  of all the awful things I'd done. 不厭其煩的提示機(jī)
  I managed to avoid her for decades, 我好不容易避開她幾十年
  and then she just shows up in Mystic Falls 突然她又出現(xiàn)在神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)
  to wish my baby bro happy birthday, and boom 為我寶貝弟弟慶生,結(jié)果一下子
  rush of memories, rush of guilt53. 所有記憶和悔恨涌現(xiàn)出來
  So you killed her? 所以你殺了她
  Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不見心不煩嘛
  Every day that you're like this 你繼續(xù)這樣下去
  is the day that you might do the one thing that you can't take back. 總有一天會(huì)做一件你無法彌補(bǔ)的事
  Here's what I don't get. 我有一點(diǎn)不明白
  You spent 6 months trying to get her to fall in love with you 你花了半年讓她愛上你
  just so that you could hurt her. 只為了傷害她
  You were spiteful, malicious54, borderline evil, 你口蜜腹劍,窮兇極惡
  and you say that you had your emotions turned off, 而你卻說你關(guān)掉了所有感情
  but those all sound like emotions to me. 可這些聽起來就是感情啊
  Maybe they were. 也許還真是
  Maybe hatred55 was the first one I got back. 也許恨意是我首先找回的人性
  All the more reason to cure you. 所以更要治愈你
  That way, we get the normal Elena back 這樣不必經(jīng)歷那些討厭的過程
  without all the ugly stages in between. 就能找回有人性的埃琳娜
  I'm not taking the cure, Damon. 我不要被治愈,達(dá)蒙
  Yes, you are, even if I have to break your neck 你非得,哪怕我得擰斷你脖子
  or tie you up in chains until we find it. 用鏈子捆住你,直到我們找到治愈方法
  What was that you said about handling things yourself? 你不是說自己搞得定嗎
  How you feeling? 你感覺如何
  What are you doing here? 你在這兒做什么
  How'd I get here? 我怎么會(huì)在這里
  What do you mean? II brought you home. 這話什么意思,我?guī)慊貋淼?/div>
  The witches almost killed you. 那些巫師差點(diǎn)殺了你
  What witches? 什么巫師
  You don't remember? 你全忘了
  Whatever the witches did must have messed with your memory. 一定是巫師的咒語讓你的記憶受損了
  How did I get off the island? 我怎么從島上回來的
  Wait. Bonnie... 等等,邦妮
  What's the last thing you can remember? 你能記起的最后一件事是什么
  I guess I remember being in that cave, 我記得我在那個(gè)山洞里
  and 然后
  Jeremy was trying to pry56 the cure out of Silas' hands. 杰里米想掰開賽拉斯的手拿到治愈方法
  Please tell me he got it. 告訴我,他拿到了吧
  We didn't get it, did we? 我們失敗了嗎
  Bonnie, there's something you need to know about Jeremy. 邦妮,關(guān)于杰里米,我得告訴你件事
  There. 12 graves for 12 witches. 好了,12個(gè)墓穴里躺著12個(gè)巫師
  Like it never happened. 就像什么都沒發(fā)生過
  Only it did happen, 但的確發(fā)生了
  and now silas has everything he needs 如今賽拉斯已經(jīng)獲得了他需要的一切
  to open the gates to hell on earth. 來開啟人間地獄之門了
  You were just gonna let Bonnie die. 你打算看著邦妮死的
  I know arithmetic isn't your strong point, 我知道你數(shù)學(xué)不好
  But one is still less than 12. 不過1個(gè)可比12個(gè)少
  Yeah, but that one is my best friend. 沒錯(cuò),但那一個(gè)是我最好的朋友
  You tell yourself whatever you need to 隨便你怎么自我安慰
  so you can sleep at night. 讓自己可以安心入睡
  I just killed 12 people. 我殺了12個(gè)人
  You look like you're in need of comfort. 你看起來需要安慰
  Why don't you find someone less terrible you can relate to? 去找不那么可恨的人尋求安慰吧
  Thank you. 謝謝你
  Of the 3 massacres, this is the one I was dreading57. 三場(chǎng)大屠殺中,我就擔(dān)心這一場(chǎng)
  Silas I presume. 你一定是賽拉斯
  Morning, Damon. 早安,達(dá)蒙
  Where are you? 你在哪里
  The better question would be where are we going? 其實(shí)你應(yīng)該問我們要去哪里
  Sorry, Damon. I think I broke your radio. 抱歉,達(dá)蒙,我好像把你的收音機(jī)弄壞了
  You're in my car?! 你們?cè)谖臆嚿?/div>
  Heh. We weren't gonna take the bus. 我們可不想坐公交
  I wish this could have gone differently. 我也希望事情不是這樣
  I really do, 真的
  but we'll give Katherine your best. 我們會(huì)代你給凱瑟琳問好的
  Damon, what did you do? 達(dá)蒙,你都了干什么
  Let's just say it involves a 5'7" Brunette 跟某個(gè)一米七的黑發(fā)美女
  and her blond accomplice58. 和她的金發(fā)幫兇有關(guān)
  Please don't tell me this is going where I think it is. 別告訴我事情是我想的那樣
  Wrong fantasy, brother, 那你就想錯(cuò)了,老弟
  unless you're into betrayal and snapped necks. 除非你想的是遭背叛被擰斷脖子
  The lead I had on Katherine Elena stole. 凱瑟琳的線索被埃琳娜偷走了
  If you're searching for 如果你在想
  the words to tell me how badly I screwed up, 怎么形容我干得多糟
  save your breath. 還是省省吧
  I didn't stop the massacre. 我沒能阻止屠殺
  Guess Silas has everything he needs. 那賽拉斯需要的都到手了
  Everything but the cure. 除了治愈方法
  I'm sorry, mate. 抱歉,老兄
  Don't have it. 我沒有
  But you know who does, 但你知道誰有
  and the last thing that you want 而且你最不想要的
  is for that cure to be used on you, 就是治愈方法被塞給你
  so you bring it to me, 所以你拿來給我
  and it won't be. 你就無憂了
  You get to live. 你就可以活命了
  Yeah. With all of my dead supernatural enemies 是啊,我那邊死去的超自然死敵
  from the other side. 也都會(huì)回來了
  You know, you don't scare me, Silas, 不論你是賽拉斯還是肖恩
  or, Shane, or, whoever you are. 或者任何人,你都嚇唬不了我
  I think I know what does. 但我知道什么能嚇倒你
  Now where did you get that? 你從哪里弄來的
  Well, let's just say your sister's mind 怎么說呢,你妹妹的思想
  is a little easier to read than yours. 比你的更容易讀
  So... 那么
  Care to reconsider my offer? 要不要再考慮一下我的提議
  I missed by an inch, but don't worry. 我故意錯(cuò)開了一寸,不用擔(dān)心
  I'm not trying to kill you, not just yet. 我不想殺你,至少現(xiàn)在不想
  Just a little something to remember me by. 給你留個(gè)念想
  I'll be in touch. 我會(huì)聯(lián)系你的

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