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> 影視聽說 > 美劇推薦 > 吸血鬼日記第四季中英文字幕 >  第10篇





   Mystic Falls... I was born here. 神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn),我在這里出生
  This is my home. 這里是我的家
  And mine. And mine. 也是我的,還有我
  For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us. 幾個世紀(jì)以來,超自然生物生活在我們之中
  They were vampires2, werewolves, doppelgangers... 有吸血鬼,狼人,二重身
  witches. And even hybrids4. 女巫,甚至還有混血兒
  Some search for a cure... 有些人尋找著治愈方法
  No matter what the consequences. 不計后果
  Others plot a revolution. 有些人密謀著一場革命
  Do you want to be free? 你們想要自由嗎
  We have to work together. 我們就要齊心協(xié)力
  And some try to walk away. 有些人試圖離開
  Elena is sired to Damon. 埃琳娜對達(dá)蒙認(rèn)祖歸忠了
  You don't think I'm gonna be able to do what I need to 你覺得我做不到
  when I have to tell Elena to stay away from me. 告訴埃琳娜讓她遠(yuǎn)離我
  I know what you're about to do. 我知道你要做什么
  Please don't do this to me. 求你了,不要這樣對我
  I'm not the good guy, remember? 我不是那個好人,記得嗎
  I'm the selfish one. 我是自私的那個
  But I have to do the right thing by you. 但我得做對你來說正確的事
  This would be so much more fun if we were naked. 要是我們都裸著那該多開心
  That was your call, not mine. 這可是你的決定,不是我的
  I was being a gentleman. 我是想做個紳士
  You shouldn't have stayed. 你不該留下來的
  I know. 我知道
  I should have made you leave, 我應(yīng)該讓你離開
  sent you packing. 讓你去收拾行李
  I promised Stefan. 我向斯特凡保證了
  I know. 我知道
  You're sired to me, Elena, 埃琳娜,你對我認(rèn)祖歸忠了
  which means everything that you think you feel 也就意味著你覺得你感受到的一切
  might not even be real. 可能都不是真的
  I know, Damon, but... 我知道,達(dá)蒙,但是...
  It feels real. 這感覺很真實(shí)
  And I'm not ready to let go of that. 而且我還不想放棄
  I could make you. 我可以讓你放棄
  Invoke5 the sire bond. 運(yùn)用認(rèn)祖歸忠
  So do it. 那動手吧
  I told him I would set you free. 我跟他說我會還你自由
  Right after I didn't tell him that we slept together. 還向他隱瞞了我們上床的事
  So, what do you want to do? 你想怎么做
  I want to throw you back in my bed and never let you leave. 我想把你扔回床上,一輩子不讓你離開
  So do it. 那動手吧
  Saved by the cell phone. 因為你得接電話
  I have to meet Bonnie. 我得去見邦妮
  She's teaching Jeremy how not to kill me. 她在教杰里米,如何才能不殺死我
  Want to come? 你要一起去嗎
  Looks like a giant snowflake. 你在畫巨型雪花嗎
  I prefer to think of it as an expression of postmodernism. 我更愿意將它看成后現(xiàn)代主義的代表作
  It's my donation to the Winter Wonderland Charity Event. 這幅畫我要捐贈給冬季仙境慈善活動
  You said it was urgent? 你找我有急事
  Yes. Take this to the Mystic Grill6 immediately. 是的,把這個送到神秘酒吧
  You want me to be a delivery guy? 你叫我來就為了替你跑腿
  What I want is for you to do whatever I say, 我叫你來是執(zhí)行我的命令
  without the attitude. 要態(tài)度恭謹(jǐn)
  Be careful with that. 送去時要小心
  It's still wet. 畫還沒干透
  Abraham lincoln freed the slaves, you know. 亞伯罕姆·林肯解放了黑奴
  What is the point of my hybrids being sired to me 這些混血兒已經(jīng)對我認(rèn)祖歸忠
  if I can't maximize on the benefits of free labor7? 為什么不能任我差遣
  What are you doing here? 你來干什么
  Elena is sired to Damon. 埃琳娜對達(dá)蒙認(rèn)祖歸忠了
  I into it as much. 我對此也很感興趣
  Which means I need to find the cure now more than ever, 這意味著我找到治愈方法的決心更勝以往
  and here you are making postmodern snowflakes. 你卻還在這畫什么后現(xiàn)代雪花
  I've delivered. 我已經(jīng)完成使命
  I retrieved8 the hunter's sword from Italy, 我從意大利找回了獵人的劍
  Which 'll use to decipher the map 我會用這把劍破解藏在
  hidden in the hunter's mark. 獵人紋身中的地圖
  You're the one who's supposed to deliver the hunter 將獵人和其紋身送來是
  and his mark. 你的責(zé)任
  Jeremy is the hunter, 杰里米就是獵人
  and he has to keep killing9 vampires to complete his mark, 要想看到紋身,他就要不停去殺吸血鬼
  but we can't quite figure out how to keep him from killing us. 但我們還沒想到辦法,如何不被他追殺
  Sounds like quite the chore, 聽起來真讓人困擾
  which is why I feel perfectly10 justified11 所以我決定做個好人
  in doing a little charity work. 投身慈善事業(yè)
  Or maybe you're lying about having found the sword. 或許找到那把劍不過是個謊言
  Why would I lie to you, Sefan? 我為什么要對你撒謊,斯特凡
  We're in this together. 我們是一條船上的人
  The hilt acts as a cypher which 杰里米殺夠一定數(shù)量的吸血鬼后
  we'll use to decode12 the marks on Jeremy's tattoo13 紋身會全部顯現(xiàn),我們就可以
  when he's killed enough vampires 用刀柄上的圖案去破譯
  to complete it. 紋身內(nèi)容
  I heard you moved out of your house. 我聽說你搬出大宅了
  Bit of a martyr14 move? 這算是自我犧牲嗎
  I'm not here to bond, Klaus. 我不是來和你談心的,克勞斯
  On the contrary, 恰恰相反
  I think right now I'm the best friend you've got. 我覺得現(xiàn)在我是你唯一的最佳盟友
  I'm sick of taking his crap. 我受夠他了
  I should rip his throat off, 我就該擰斷他的脖子
  see if he can boss us around without a larynx. 看他還怎么對我們隨意呼喝
  You won't have to take it much longer. 再忍耐一下就好
  You keep saying that, but here we are hiding, 你一直這么說,但我們卻躲在這里
  plotting a revolution that's never gonna happen. 計劃一場永不可能實(shí)現(xiàn)的革命
  Never say never. 不要輕易言敗
  And never say I don't pull through. 不要總說自己堅持不下去
  I found the witch that's gonna save your lives. 我找到了可以拯救你們的女巫
  Are you serious? 你說真的嗎
  We promised you guys we'd free you from Klaus. 我們保證會讓你們從克勞斯那獲得自由
  You did your part by breaking your sire bond. 你們成功解除了認(rèn)祖歸忠
  Now Hayley and I are going to do ours. 現(xiàn)在輪到海莉和我出手了
  You're going to do what? 你們要干什么
  Hayley found a witch strong enough to do the bodyjump spell 海莉找到了法力強(qiáng)大的女巫,能借用人身
  You know, the Klaus specialty15. 這是克勞斯的拿手好戲
  So you're going to put him in someone else's body, 你們打算把他困在別人身體里嗎
  And then what? 然后怎么辦
  We'll encase the body in concrete, then bury it. 我們用水泥把那具身體包起來,深埋地底
  Why not just desiccate him like Bonnie did? 為什么不能像邦妮一樣,把他做成人干
  Because to do that spell, 因為要施這種咒語
  you have to stop a human heart. 必須要令人心跳停止
  I was a little short of volunteers. 沒人愿意自動獻(xiàn)身
  Who was dumb enough to volunteer 哪個傻子愿意獻(xiàn)出身體
  their body to be a Klaus sublet16? 為克勞斯的靈魂陪葬啊
  Ok, don't freak out. 好吧,別抓狂
  Freak out? 抓狂
  Freak out? 我抓狂
  I'm about to hemorrhage. You volunteered? 我都要七竅流血了,你居然自愿去
  It's not forever, 不會永遠(yuǎn)都那樣的
  just long enough for the hybrids to be able to completely disappear. 只要等到混血兒全都能消失得無影無蹤
  I can think of better ways for us to spend our senior year 我能想出很多更好的方法來度過我們的高三
  than you buried in concrete, Tyler. 而不是你被埋在混凝土下面,泰勒
  This started with me. 這事因我而起
  This has to end with me. 也應(yīng)該由我來結(jié)束
  I need your support. 我需要你的支持
  Jeremy? 杰里米
  They shouldn't be here. 他們不該來這里
  They're here to help you. 他們是來幫助你的
  Do you trust me? 你相信我嗎
  Yeah, I trust you. 我相信你
  Let's go inside. 我們進(jìn)去吧
  What the hell is professor shadypants doing here? 那個可疑的教授為什么也在這兒
  I invited him. 是我邀請他的
  Hey, listen. We are ready to get started, 聽著,我們準(zhǔn)備好可以開始了
  but before we can do that, 但是在那之前
  we need her... 需要她
  in here. 進(jìn)來這里
  This is your house now, Jer. 現(xiàn)在這是你的房子,杰里
  You have to invite me in. 你得邀請我進(jìn)去
  Go ahead, Jeremy. Invite her in. 去吧,杰里米,邀請她進(jìn)來
  You can come in. 你們可以進(jìn)來
  Jeremy! 杰里米
  Hey. Sorry. I know I'm late. 抱歉,我知道我遲到了
  If I'm gonna be a friend in your time of need, 如果你要我在你需要的時候出現(xiàn)
  then you need to work on your punctuality. 你就得做到準(zhǔn)時
  I'm in a crisis. Where are you? 我正處在危機(jī)之中,你在哪里
  I'm at my house. Why? What's wrong? 我在自己家,怎么了,出什么事了
  My boyfriend dumbass martyr. 我的男朋友是個蠢蛋殉道者
  And why are you at your house? 還有你在家干什么
  Aren't you trying to keep your distance from Elena? 你不是要和埃琳娜保持距離嗎
  Well, she's not here anymore. 她現(xiàn)在不在這里
  Damon took Jeremy Gilbert lake house with Bonnie, 達(dá)蒙和邦妮在杰里米·吉爾伯特的湖邊小屋
  so I guess her house is safe for her again. 所以她現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該在那里很安全
  Hey, listen, I got Klaus to tell me 聽著,克勞斯告訴我
  a little bit more hunter's sword. 更多關(guān)于獵人的劍的事
  You know that map in Jeremy's tattoo? 你知道杰里米紋身上的地圖吧
  The sword decodes18 it. 劍可以破解地圖
  It's literally19 the key to finding the cure. 它是找到治愈方法的關(guān)鍵
  Klaus told you this? 克勞斯告訴你的嗎
  Yeah. Why? 是的,怎么了
  And did he happen to hand over the sword for safekeeping? 他是不是還碰巧把劍交給別人妥善保管
  Uh, what do you think? 你覺得呢
  What's wrong? 怎么了
  We need to get our hands on that sword, like, today. 我們得拿到那把劍,就今天
  Tyler his hybrids are taking out Klaus tonight. 泰勒和他的混血兒今晚要拿下克勞斯
  Here to steal Tiny Tim's crutches20? 來這兒偷小提姆的拐棍嗎
  Dickens was a dark man. 狄更斯是個黑暗的人
  You would have liked him. 你會喜歡他的
  Nice snowflake, by the way. 順便一說,雪花很美
  Is my work really that literal? 是我的畫還是字面上的
  I'm serious. 我說真的
  There's something... 看起來
  Lonely about it. 很孤獨(dú)
  I'm gonna take that as a compliment. 我就把這當(dāng)做是恭維了
  Can I offer you some champagne21? 我去給你倒點(diǎn)香檳吧
  Can't. Too many adult prying23 eyes. 不能喝,大人都有千里眼
  Don't wanna be a highschool cautionary tale 我可不想在下次鎮(zhèn)大會上成為
  at the next town meeting. 高中反面教材
  Well, then, it's a good thing 那好在
  the highschool part is nearly over. 高中就快結(jié)束了
  If we're gonna be nice to each other, 如果我們要好好相處
  then I will need that glass of champagne. 那我需要來杯香檳了
  Is that our thing? 就我們之間的事
  We don't have a "thing." 我們之間什么事也沒有
  Allow me. 讓我來
  Well, he's not walking around with it. 他也沒有帶著劍到處走
  Check the rest of the house. 找找房里其他地方
  I am. I haven't found anything. 我找了,什么都找不到
  Try the sock drawer. 找找襪子抽屜
  People leave the sketchiest24 stuff in sock drawers. 人們總把亂七八糟的東西放在襪子抽屜
  I'm gonna need real ideas, Damon. 達(dá)蒙,我需要真正的意見
  Here's two: kill Tyler before he goes to Klaus, 有兩種,一是在泰勒去找克勞斯之前殺了他
  or, since Klaus has suddenly become MVP 二是自從克勞斯變成了老大以后
  in our ray race for the cure, 在我們找到治愈方法的激烈競爭上
  tell him about the hybrids. And he will kill Tyler. 告訴他混血兒的事,他會直接干掉泰勒
  Nobody's killing Tyler. 沒人要干掉泰勒
  Hello? 你在聽嗎
  Stef. 斯特凡
  Look, I know it's a touchy25 subject, 我知道這是個敏感話題
  but do you know where Elena is today? 不過你知道埃琳娜今天在哪嗎
  I think she's running around... 我想她在忙自己的事吧
  trying to figure out how to deprogram Jeremy. 試著如何改變杰里米
  W'd take it last night 昨晚還順利嗎
  You telling her to stay away from you? 你告訴她得和你保持距離了嗎
  Not well. 不怎么順利
  You ok? 你還好嗎
  Peachy. 還不錯
  Got to go Bonnie's enlisted26 Dr. Evil 得掛了,惡魔教授也加入了邦妮的計劃
  in her plan, and I have to thwart27 him. 我得去阻止他
  All Jeremy feels when he sees a vampire1 當(dāng)杰里米看到吸血鬼他只能感受到
  is a burning desire to kill them. 促使他產(chǎn)生殺掉吸血鬼的強(qiáng)烈欲望
  Even if consciously he doesn't want to, 即使是在他清醒并且不情愿的狀態(tài)下
  as in your case, 對于你來說
  it's his subconscious28 that's calling the shots. 是潛意識激發(fā)了他的行動
  Persuasion29 helps reverse your conscious thoughts. 信念幫助改變你意識里的想法
  Think of it as kind of a conditioned response, right? 把它設(shè)想成一種條件反射
  See vampire, kill vampire. 看到吸血鬼,就殺掉
  What I'm doing is creating a kind of middle step. 我的做法是建立一個中間的過程
  It's like a detour30 where his subconscious 就像是潛意識繞了個彎
  learns to recognize you as someone he loves, 認(rèn)出你是一個他很愛的人
  someone he wants to protect. 一個他想去保護(hù)的人
  And that gives him a choice. 這就給了他選擇的余地
  He can choose to take the detour 他可以選擇繞個彎
  instead of a conditioned response. 而不是直接條件反射
  Ok. Talk to him. He'll listen. 好了,和他說話,他可以聽到
  I'm not... sure what to say. 我不確定要說什么
  You chose to do this here 你選擇在經(jīng)常
  at your family's vacation house, right? 和家人度假的地方來做這件事
  So maybe just start by telling him why. 也許就從告訴他為什么開始
  Every holiday, we came here. 我們每個假期都來
  This place was family, 這個地方曾經(jīng)是我們的家
  and when mom and dad died, 當(dāng)爸爸媽媽去世的時候
  Jenna made us come here, 珍娜讓我們來這
  and we thoug it was an awful idea, 可我們覺得這個主意糟透了
  but it was like they were here with us. 但這就就像他們陪在我們身邊一樣
  They would have wanted us to stick together, Jer... 他們希望我們一直相親相愛,杰里
  To fight for each other 為了彼此而奮斗
  no matter what. 無論發(fā)生什么
  Jeremy, how do you feel about Elena right now? 杰里米,你現(xiàn)在對埃琳娜是什么感覺
  She ruin our lifes. 她毀掉了我們的生活
  She's not even my real sister. 她甚至不是我真正的姐姐
  She's just the reason that 她是造成所有我曾愛過的人
  everyone I've ever loved has died. 都死去的原因
  She means nothing to me. 她對我來說毫無意義
  I will kill her even if that means I die myself. 我要?dú)⒌羲词挂r上自己的命
  Did it work? 奏效了嗎
  Did you find the sword? 你找到劍了嗎
  Nope. 沒有
  What are we gonna do now? 那現(xiàn)在我們該怎么辦
  Klaus is the only shot we have at finding the cure. 克勞斯是我們找到治愈方法的唯一線索
  We need him. Tyler has to call it off. 我們需要他,泰勒得停止他的行動
  Well, that's not gonna happen. 那是不可能的
  You told him? 你全告訴他了
  I've had 12 hybrids sworn to secrecy31 for a month. 我向12個混血兒發(fā)誓保密一個月
  I have Hayley and a witch risking their lives, 我有海莉和一個女巫,都冒著生命危險
  and you're blabbing my plan to him? 你卻把我的計劃泄露給他
  Look, all I'm asking you for is a little bit of time, ok? 聽著,我所有的要求只不過是要多一點(diǎn)的時間
  How long? An hour? A day? 多久,一個小時還是一天
  Because every minute that goes by that we don't do this, 因為如果我們不執(zhí)行計劃
  they're at risk. 他們就有危險
  You and Klaus already 你和克勞斯
  served one of them up for Jeremy to kill. 已經(jīng)把他們中的一個奉獻(xiàn)給了杰里米
  I don't owe you anything. 我不再欠你什么了
  I'm taking him out. 他我要定了
  I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that. 抱歉,我不能任由你那么干
  Stephan 斯特凡
  I'm sorry, but I can't. 抱歉,但我真的不能
  Stefan. 斯特凡
  Sorry, man, but you don't have a choice. 抱歉兄弟,但你沒得選
  You're not allowed to feel this sorry for yourself 你不必自責(zé)
  unless you're sitting on a bar stool. 除非你是坐在酒吧高腳凳上
  Fortunately, I travel with we bar. 幸運(yùn)的是,我有移動酒吧
  It didn't work. 沒什么效果
  I shouldn't have put so much hope 我不該寄希望于
  into reprogramming someone's mind. 重置一個人的心智
  If it were that easy, 如果那么簡單的話
  Then you and I wouldn't be in this situation. 你我就不會像現(xiàn)在這樣了
  Right? 對吧
  Last time I was here, 上次來這里時
  I was so completely in love with Stefan. 我深愛著斯特凡
  Now it's barely a memory. 現(xiàn)在剩下的只有回憶了
  Is that the sire bond... 是因為認(rèn)祖歸忠嗎
  or just that I'm so happy to be here with you? 還是因為能和你一起在這里,我很快樂
  Maybe there's something else they can try. 也許他們可是試試其它方法
  Tyler. 泰勒
  Keep them down here until 我們準(zhǔn)備好叫克勞斯來之前
  we're ready to bring Klaus in. 把他們關(guān)在這里
  Use these if you have to. 有必要的話用這些
  Come on, Tyler. 別這樣,泰勒
  This is bigger than you. 事情比你想象的復(fù)雜的多
  It's about more than revenge for us. 不僅僅牽扯到我們的復(fù)仇計劃
  I know what it's about for you, Stefan. 我知道這對你意味著什么,斯特凡
  It's about the cure. 是關(guān)于治愈吸血鬼的方法
  You know what happens to a hybrid3 如果把混血兒的吸血鬼一面治愈的話
  when he's cured of being a vampire? 你知道他會怎樣嗎
  We go back to being werewolves, 我們變回狼人
  turning on every full moon. 每到滿月都會變身
  We could give a rat's ass17 about the cure. 我們才不關(guān)心有沒有治愈方法呢
  Tyler, come on. 泰勒,別這樣
  I needed you on my side, Caro. 我需要你支持我,卡羅琳
  That's all I wanted. 這是我唯一的要求
  You ok? 你還好嗎
  Shane wants to try again. 肖恩想再試一次
  Survey says... 調(diào)查顯示...
  Professor Shane has been dipping into the magical herbs 如果肖恩教授認(rèn)為通過找來一個吸血鬼
  a little too much if he thinks using a vampire to suppress 來抑制獵人殺吸血鬼的沖動
  the need to kill another one is going to work on a hunter. 那看來他的魔法配方有些過量了
  It's like dangling32 a cheeseburger 這就好像給一個過齋月的人面前
  in front of someone on a master cleanse33. 掛了一個奶酪漢堡一樣
  Just find someone else to touch 隨便找一個人來
  your warm and fuzzy detour feelings to. 撫慰你的饑餓感吧
  Gee34, I wonder who that could be. 天吶,那個倒霉人是誰啊
  You. 你
  I feel that way about you. 我對你能產(chǎn)生那種感覺
  Well, this isn't awkward at all. 這一點(diǎn)都不尷尬
  I'll be...anywhere else. 我還是...去別處吧
  It was good thinking using Bonnie 利用邦妮來...
  as Jeremy's emotional touchstone. 作為杰里米的感情寄托是個好想法
  Damon is very intuitive. 達(dá)蒙太靠直覺辦事
  And Bonnie told me 邦妮告訴了我
  about your relationship with him. 你和他的關(guān)系
  I don't mean pry22, obviously. 我不是故意要打聽
  It's...complicated. 很復(fù)雜
  Any ideas how to hypnotize me out of it? 有沒有什么催眠術(shù)能讓我擺脫
  You know, in all my world travels, 在我周游世界的旅行中
  the one spell that I've never found 我一直沒有找到的咒語
  is how to break some one from loving too much. 就是如何減少一個人對另一人的愛
  Trust me, I've looked. 相信我,我真的找過
  My wife and son died. 我的妻子和兒子死了
  I was justI was trying to figure out a way not to miss them. 我想盡辦法讓自己不去想起他們
  If your hypnoherbs work, 如果你的催眠藥有用的話
  we should be singing "Kumbaya" around the fire by dinner. 我們就得晚飯時圍著火唱"到這里來吧"
  So now tell me why I'm not killing you. 為什么我還沒有殺你
  Damon. 達(dá)蒙
  I'm serious. 說真的
  Why are you after the vampire cure? 你為什么對治愈吸血鬼那么感興趣
  I didn't say I was looking for the cure, 我沒說我在找治愈方法
  but I can tell you where to find it. 但我能告訴你在哪可以找到
  Klaus' sword tellls us where to find. 克勞斯的劍告訴了我們到哪里找
  The sword will lead you there, sure, 那把劍的確會帶你們?nèi)?/div>
  but so can I. 但是我也可以
  What? How? 什么,怎么去
  Because I've already been there. 因為我已經(jīng)去過了
  Instruct the guest to drop their donations 引導(dǎo)來賓們把禮物
  at the gift tree in the grill. 放到烤架旁的禮物樹那里
  Yes, ma'am. 好的,女士
  Excuse me. 失陪一下
  There you are. 原來你在這里
  Quick, a toast before people can judge us. 快點(diǎn),人們抱怨之前趕緊干一杯
  What's wrong? 怎么了
  Please say something. 求求你了,說點(diǎn)什么
  But you'll miss graduation. 但你會錯過畢業(yè)典禮的
  Which...I guess is a ridiculous thing to worry about. 我想...擔(dān)心這事真的挺荒謬的
  I'm their alpha. 我是他們的首領(lǐng)
  They're looking to me to help them. 他們指望著我的幫助
  You do what you have to do, Tyler. 泰勒,做你該做的去吧
  Don't look so shocked. 別那么驚訝
  I'm trying to channel your father. 我想和你爸爸建立溝通
  He'd be proud of you, you know. 你要知道他會為你驕傲的
  You're a leader of people, just like he was. 你是眾人的領(lǐng)導(dǎo),跟他一樣
  Thank you, mom. 謝謝你,媽媽
  It's a rock. 是塊石頭
  It's not just any rock. 不是塊普通的石頭
  Hmm. So this is the little wives' tale 這就是你在神秘展覽會上
  that you told at the occult exhibit? 講的那個關(guān)于妻子的小故事嗎
  All right, long story short 好吧,長話短說
  Once upon a time, there was a witch named Silas 很久以前,有個叫賽拉斯的巫師
  who loved a girl and wanted to be with her forever. 他愛上了一個女孩,想和她廝守終生
  So he and his best friend, another witch, 所以他和另一個巫師好朋友
  made an immortality36 spell. 造了一個永生咒
  And then Silas' best friend witch got jealous 可是后來塞拉斯的巫師好朋友嫉妒了
  and killed Silas' girl 于是在塞拉斯
  before he had a chance to make her immortal35. 還沒能讓女孩永生之前,就把她殺了
  Well, cursed to an eternity37 without his one true love, 雖然受到無法和真愛在一起永生的詛咒
  Silas finds a way to reverse the immortality spell. 但塞拉斯找到了扭轉(zhuǎn)永生咒的方法
  And then, before he has a chance to take it, 可是,他還沒來得及施咒
  his former friend buries him underground, 他之前的那個朋友就把他
  leaving him and the cure to rot. 和他的治愈方法長埋地下了
  So it's a cure for immortality? 也就是說是治愈永生的方法
  Human blood is the life force of an immortal. 人類的血液是永生的根本力量
  No more immortality, 不永生
  no more need to feed on blood. 也就不用喝人血為生了
  You dig up Silas, 你們找到塞拉斯
  and you've got your cure. 就找到了治愈之法
  Oh, this is ridiculous. 這真是太荒謬了
  We are not hostages. 我們不是什么人質(zhì)
  Sure you are, sweetie. 你當(dāng)然是人質(zhì),親愛的
  Relax. 別緊張
  It's my brother. 是我哥哥
  What's up? 什么事
  Don't ask how or why or who, 不用問是誰,為什么,怎么辦
  but I just found the answer to your Tyler problem. 但是我已經(jīng)找到解決泰勒問題的方法了
  You're kidding. 真的嗎
  We don't need the sword. 我們不需要劍了
  This is the mark 這個就是
  of the brotherhood38 of the five. 五人兄弟會的標(biāo)志
  Then up the arm, you have the murder 胳膊上是巫師
  of a girl by a witch. 殺了一個女孩的標(biāo)志
  The symbols in the vines are your map, 藤蔓上的標(biāo)記就是地圖
  which you obviously no longer need. 但現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)不需要了
  When this mark is complete, 印記完成之后
  it will contain the spell that we need 就會有我們需要的咒語
  to dig up Silas. 來挖出塞拉斯
  And where did you say he was buried? 你說他被埋在哪里來著
  Oh, I forgot. You didn't. 我差點(diǎn)忘了,你沒說
  You've threatened to kill me, what, 就這一周的時間
  like, 3 times already this week? 你已經(jīng)三次威脅要?dú)⑽伊?/div>
  The location is how I'm gonna survive your bad moods. 所以地點(diǎn)是我在你手里活下來的唯一籌碼
  And what's in it for you? 那你有什么好處
  If not the cure, then what? 不是為了治愈,那是什么
  I'm in this for Silas, all right? 我是為了塞拉斯
  Up until this point, he's only been a myth. 到現(xiàn)在為止,他就是個神話
  So write a thesis. 然后寫篇論文嗎
  Would you rather be the guy who writes about Noah's Ark 你是想做寫諾亞方舟的那個人
  or the one who sails it down the Hudson River? 還是想做在哈得遜河楊帆起航的那個人
  I'm not buying it. 我還是不相信
  You don't have to buy anything. 你什么都不用相信
  You just have to believe 你只要相信
  that I can fix your brother 我可以治好你弟弟
  and when his hunter's mark is complete, 獵人印記完成之后
  I'm gonna take you to the cure. 我會帶你找到治愈
  How the hell did you even get out? 你到底是怎么出來的
  I got out because even your idiot hybrids 我能出來是因為即使是你的笨蛋混血兒
  recognized the stupidity 都能看出來
  of your alpha hybrid martyr plan. 你的混血頭領(lǐng)殉道計劃是多么白癡
  I'm not going to fight with you anymore, Caroline. 卡羅琳,我不想再和你吵架了
  Oh, we're gonna do plenty of fighting, 你把克勞斯弄進(jìn)
  the second that you shove Klaus into someone else's body. 別人身體的時候,我們一定要吵個夠
  We've been through this. I don't have anyone else's body. 我們經(jīng)歷過這種事,我沒有其他人身體可用
  Yeah? Well, I do. 是嗎,那我有
  What? Who? 什么,誰的
  Klaus' sister Rebekah. 克勞斯的妹妹麗貝卡
  She's got a dagger39 in her. 她現(xiàn)在被匕首封著呢
  Stefan's been hiding her coffin40 in the tunnels. 斯特凡一直把她的棺材藏在隧道里
  We dump Klaus into her body and bury her. 我們把克勞斯弄進(jìn)她的身體然后埋了她
  We just killed two original birds with one stone. 我們這是一石兩個吸血鬼始祖
  It's too late to change the plans. 現(xiàn)在再改計劃已經(jīng)晚了
  Call Bonnie. 給邦妮打電話
  Make sure it'll work. 確保計劃順利進(jìn)行
  Tyler. 泰勒
  It's a brilliant plan, Hayley. 這是個很好的計劃,海莉
  You're a genius. I love you. 你太有才了,我愛你
  I love you, even when I hate you. 我愛你,對你真是又愛又恨
  I got to go find my mom, 我要找我媽去
  let her know I might actually graduate. 告訴她我這算是真正畢業(yè)了
  How's it going? 怎么樣了
  I think we're making progress. 我覺得我們有點(diǎn)進(jìn)展了
  Caroline, hey. 卡羅琳
  Bonnie, I need you to think fast. 邦妮,我要你幫我想想
  I know that the daggers41 don't work on Klaus, 我知道匕首殺不死克勞斯
  but what if we put his essence into Rebekah? 但如果我們把他的靈魂放進(jìn)麗貝卡體內(nèi)呢
  It'll work, right? Say it'll work. 這就有用了,對吧,快說這行得通
  Slow down what's happening? 慢點(diǎn)說,發(fā)生什么事了
  Just come on, Bonnie. Will it work? 快點(diǎn)啊,邦妮,行得通嗎
  Yeah. I don't see why not. 可以啊,沒什么不妥的地方
  Bonnie Bennett, I love you. 邦妮·貝內(nèi)特,我愛你
  Do you need my help? 你要我?guī)兔?/div>
  I can leave Elena here with Jeremy. 我可以讓埃琳娜留在這陪杰里米
  Elena? She's there, too? 埃琳娜,她也在那嗎
  Yeah, she came here with Damon, 是的,她和達(dá)蒙一起來的
  who's being slightly less horrible than usual. 最近他沒那么可惡了
  You know what? I can't deal with this right now. 你知道嗎,我現(xiàn)在沒辦法想這事
  She said it would work. 她說計劃行得通
  I gathered. Congratulations. 我明白了,恭喜你啊
  Thank you. 謝謝你
  My pleasure. 不客氣
  Jer and I should take these decorations home with us. 杰里米和我應(yīng)該把這些裝飾帶回家
  We could use the holiday cheer. 我們可以乘著過節(jié)放松一下
  Look at you, suddenly ply42 optimist43. 瞧瞧你,一下變成樂觀主義者了
  I think Shane's gonna get us through this. 我覺得肖恩會幫我們度過難關(guān)的
  I trust him. 我信任他
  Which you clearly don't. 而顯然你不相信他
  Maybe because I think he blew up 12 people at the Young farm. 也許是因為他在農(nóng)場炸死了12個人
  What? 什么
  A little tip, professor, 弱弱提醒下,教授
  I heard you before you even took your first step. 你第一步還沒邁完我就聽到你的動靜了
  I see we're back to the 我看我們的關(guān)系又回到了
  false accusation44 part of our relationship. 誣告陷害的關(guān)系了
  What is he talking about? 他在說什么
  DaDamon discovered that I was in contact 達(dá)蒙發(fā)現(xiàn)在農(nóng)場爆炸的那天
  Pastor45 Young prior to the explosion at the Young farm. 我和楊牧師有密切的聯(lián)系
  The pastor was severely46 depressed47. 那個牧師的情緒十分低落
  He had lost his wife to cancer, 他妻子因為癌癥而死
  and he sought me out for a little supernatural assistance. 他向我尋求有關(guān)超自然方面的幫助
  I tried to help, but he was too far gone. 我想幫他,但他已經(jīng)喪失了心智
  It's just I never expected that he'd take 12 innocents with him. 我沒想到他竟然犧牲了十二條無辜的生命
  Elena. 埃琳娜
  It's ok. 沒關(guān)系的
  I think we've got this. 我覺得我們搞定了
  Elena, don't move, ok? 埃琳娜,別動,好么
  No matter what. 千萬別動
  Jeremy, remember the detour. 杰爾米,想想那些彎路
  Choose the right path. 選擇那條正確的路
  She doesn't like me much. 她不是很喜歡我
  Where have you been all day? 你這一整天都去哪里了
  I've been around. 就在附近
  I'm not interested in vagaries48, Stefan. 我不喜歡難以預(yù)測的情況,斯特凡
  You've been dodgy and Caroline's been lovely, 你閃爍其詞而且卡羅琳也對我態(tài)度大好
  which I've come to recognize as a tool of distraction49. 我覺得你們這是在分散我的注意力
  Now do you have something to share with me, 現(xiàn)在你有啥要對我說的嗎
  or should I compel it out of you? 還是我直接逼你說出來
  I broke into your safe to look for the sword. 我打開了你的保險箱找那把劍
  Why? 為什么
  Because I don't trust you. 因為我不相信你
  I showed you the sword. 我給你看那把劍
  I explained its value. 我給你解釋那把劍的價值所在
  I've been on your side the entire time. 一直以來我都站在你這邊
  What do you want from me? 你想從我這得到什么
  A secret brotherhood handshake? 秘密兄弟會握個手嗎
  I found the letters. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)了那些信
  You have a few pen pals50 over the centuries. 幾個世紀(jì)以來你都有筆友
  Well, is keeping my victims' letters really so different 保存我殺死的人的信
  from writing their names on a wall, 和就像你之前把受害者的名字寫墻上
  like you did? 有很大差別嗎
  Ripper? 開膛手
  Loneliness, Stefan. 孤獨(dú),斯特凡
  That's why you and I memorialize our dead. 所以我們會紀(jì)念殺過的人
  There's the briefest of moments before we kill 殺他們之前有那么一瞬
  where we literally hold their life in our hands, 我們手里掌控著他們的生命
  and then we rip it away, 隨后我們奪走他們的生命
  and we're left nothing. 我們就一無所有了
  So gathering51 other people's letters 所以不管是收集他們的信件
  or writing their names on a wall 還是把他們名字寫在墻上
  It's a reminder52... 都是一種提醒
  that in the end we're left infinitely53 提醒我們最終都會永遠(yuǎn)地
  and utterly54 alone. 徹底地孤單
  Oh. Sorry. 不好意思
  Hello? Are you ok? 你沒事吧
  Oh, my gosh! Caroline! 我的天哪,卡羅琳
  Somebody help! Help! 來人啊,救命,救命
  Holy crap! 神啊
  Have you seen Hayley? 你看見什么了,海莉
  You didn't have a pulse. 你剛才都沒有脈搏了
  You were dead. 你剛死了
  Stefan, it's me. 斯特凡,是我
  That little werewolf slut has lost her mind. 那個小狼人賤人瘋了
  Go to the Lockwood cellar and make sure 快去洛克伍德家地下室看一下
  that Rebekah's body is still there. 確保麗貝卡還在
  I'm gonna find Tyler. 我去找泰勒
  Hayley is trying to screw this up. 海莉在這兒添麻煩呢
  Forget everything you just saw and heard. 忘記你剛才看見聽見的一切
  You are Miss Mystic Falls, 你是神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)小姐
  and you have duties to fulfill55. 你還有任務(wù)要完成
  Ok 好的
  There you are. 終于找到你了
  Stefan has been looking for you. 斯特凡一直在找你
  Adrian's leading Klaus to the cellar. 艾德里安在把克勞斯引到地下室去
  How come the only time April young 為什么唯一一次小艾普莉
  isn't following you around like a lost puppy 沒有像個迷途小木偶跟著你的時候
  is when I'm lying dead with a broken neck? 她就看見我被人擰了脖子躺尸在地
  April saw you? 艾普莉看見你了
  Yeah. It's ok. I compelled her. 是啊,沒事,我催眠她了
  She'sshe's wearing Jere's vervain bracelet56 她,她戴著杰里米的馬鞭草手鏈
  She can't be compelled. 她不會被催眠
  Hey, mom. I don't see you. 媽,我沒看見你
  Things have changed. It's gonna be fine. 事情有變,沒事的
  I'll be back later. I'll pick you up. 我過會兒回來,我來接你
  What are you doing here? 你在這兒干什么
  You're supposed to be taking the witch to the cellar. 你本應(yīng)該把女巫帶到地下室去
  There is no witch, Tyler. 沒有什么女巫,泰勒
  What? 什么
  I made it up. 我編的
  Where the hell is the witch? 那女巫到底在哪兒
  Adrian should be here any minute. 艾德里安應(yīng)該隨時就會到
  Kim. 金姆
  No! 不
  I never intended for you to put Klaus down. 我從來都沒想讓你扳倒克勞斯
  I needed him for the sacrifice. 我需要他來進(jìn)行人祭
  The what? 什么祭
  I don't know how to explain it 我不知道該怎么解釋
  but I made a deal with someone 但是我和別人做了交易
  who can help me find my family. 他可以幫我找到我的家人
  What are you talking about? What kind of deal? 你在說什么,什么交易
  There needed to be 12 for the sacrifice, Tyler. 需要12個人來獻(xiàn)祭,泰勒
  12 what? 12個什么
  I'm sorry. 對不起
  Hayley, what did you do? 海莉,你做了什么
  If you run now, you might make it out alive. 如果你現(xiàn)在逃,可能還能活下來
  Where is Tyler Lockwood? 泰勒·洛克伍德在哪兒
  You'd do well to answer me, love. 你最好回答我,親愛的
  Where is he? 他在哪兒
  I don't know. 我不知道
  Wrong answer. 答錯了
  Check this out. 看這個
  Jenna used that to make out with Logan Fell. 珍娜常拿那個挑逗羅根·菲爾
  All the drama you're missing, the actual fun part. 你錯過了美好的部分
  Elena we can't. I can't. 埃琳娜,我們不能這樣,我不能
  Damon, you can't keep telling me that this isn't real. 達(dá)蒙,你不能一直告訴我這些都不是真的
  I know how I feel and that you feel it, too, 我知道自己的感覺,而你也感覺到了
  So stop fighting it. 所以不要再反抗了
  It's good to see you like that 看見你那樣我很高興
  all normal with your brother. 正常地和你弟弟相處
  I want that again for you. 我希望能為你找回那樣的時光
  Christmas was always mine and Stefan's favorite holiday 小時候,圣誕節(jié)一直是我和斯特凡
  when we were kids, not that I've celebrated57 since. 最喜歡的節(jié)日,不像那次之后圣誕節(jié)的樣子
  I kind of miss that. 真懷念啊
  You're thinking about how upset he'll be 你是在想如果他知道我們在一起
  when he finds out that you and I are together. 他會有多難受
  I've been lying to him all day. 我一整天都在騙他
  No. You were helping58 me with Jeremy. 不,你只是一直在幫我解決杰里米的事
  The point isn't what I was doing, 問題不是我在做什么
  the point is that I'm here with you. 而是我和你在一起
  I was supposed to invoke the sire bond, Elena. 我早該借著認(rèn)祖歸忠的力量,埃琳娜
  Send you away. 讓你遠(yuǎn)離我
  I was supposed to do the right thing by you 我應(yīng)該做對你最好的選擇
  and the right thing by my brother. 也做對我弟弟最好的選擇
  Which is what I'm gonna do right now. 我現(xiàn)在就要這么做了
  You're gonna go home. 你該回家了
  What? No. Damon 什么,不,達(dá)蒙
  I'm gonna stay here with Jeremy. 我會留下來,和杰里米一起
  I'm gonna help him complete the mark. 幫他完成獵人印記
  I'll teach him how to hunt. 我會教他如何追捕吸血鬼
  I'll protect him, and we'll kill vampires 我會保護(hù)他,我們會去獵殺吸血鬼
  without you. 只有我和他
  Damon, please. 達(dá)蒙,別這樣
  I'm setting you free, Elena. 我要放你自由,埃琳娜
  This is what I want. 這就是我想要的
  It is what will make me happy. 這就是能讓我高興的事
  I can't find April. I can't reach Tyler. 我找不到艾普莉,泰勒也不接電話
  This is a disaster. 真是一場災(zāi)難
  Is this you in crisis mode? 你怎么一點(diǎn)都沒有著急的樣子
  Because it's a lot more stealth than mine. 和我比起來你也太鎮(zhèn)定了吧
  I thought I'd be happier 我以為我會更開心的
  watching Klaus get led away to the slaughter59, 看到克勞斯被引著一步步走進(jìn)圈套
  but for some reason I can't help but feel kind of... 但是不知道為什么,我忍不住感到有種
  guilty. 罪惡感
  Yeah. You and me both. 是啊,我們都是
  All day I've been trying to remind myself 一整天,我都在努力提醒自己
  of all the horrible things he's done. 克勞斯做了那么多可怕的事
  See, that's the thing. 這就是問題所在
  We've all done horrible things. 我們都做了一些可怕的事
  And I'm sitting here trying to figure out 我坐在這里只是想弄明白
  what makes us any better than him. 我們到底比他好在哪里
  And I think it's just that we have family we can trust. 我想只不過是我們擁有可以信任的家人
  Yeah. 是啊
  You're right, Stefan. 說得沒錯,斯特凡
  Trust is everything. 信任就是我們擁有的一切
  Have you heard from Damon? 你有達(dá)蒙的消息了嗎
  Yeah. He's still with Jeremy at the lake house. 他還和杰里米在湖邊小屋
  Did he happen to mention... 他有沒有提到
  where Elena was? 埃琳娜在哪里
  Wait. Why are youwhy are you asking me this? 等等,為什么,為什么你這么問
  They're together, aren't they? 他們在一起,對不對
  How together are they? 他們怎么會在一起的
  Caroline, tell me. 卡羅琳,告訴我
  How together are they? 他們怎么會在一起的
  Thank you. 謝謝你
  I was ready to fight you on this, 我都準(zhǔn)備好要違背你讓我回家的意愿了
  but suddenly every part of my body 但突然我身體的每個部分
  is telling me that I need to get in this car 都在告訴我,我必須上車
  and leave you. 離開你
  So do it. 那就這么做吧
  Tyler, honey, 泰勒,親愛的
  you're supposed to be in my sober cab. 你不是要來為我提供代駕服務(wù)嗎
  I think I drank half the party. 我簡直把半個派對的酒都喝了
  Good evening, Carol. 晚上好,卡羅爾
  If you're looking for Tyler, 你在找泰勒吧
  I'd like a little word with him myself. 我也想親自找他聊聊呢
  Klaus, please. 克勞斯,拜托
  Don't hurt him. 不要傷害他
  He's my son. 他是我兒子
  He's all I have. 是我的一切
  And you're all he has. 你也是他的一切
  There's a beautiful symmetry to that, don't you think? 人與人感情的對等可真動人啊,不是嗎



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