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世界500強CEO訪談 第7期:寶潔雷富禮 設(shè)計是我們的核心能力(1)




Design Is Our Core Competency


Reporter:Is it true that you once spoke to a group of Wall Street analysts on the importance of design?


Lafley:Yes. I believe that design is as important as the materials that go into a new product and is critical to innovation and building brand equity. It is part of the communication of a brand name and brand promise. Design is an area where we have to have core c apahilit v We want to (Icvate it, invest in it and make it a core competence.

雷富禮:是的。我認為設(shè)計就像制造產(chǎn)品的材料一樣重要,對于創(chuàng)新以及創(chuàng)建新的品牌效應(yīng)是有決定性作用的。它把品牌名稱和品牌承諾聯(lián)系起來。設(shè)計是一個我們必須有核心能力的領(lǐng)域,我們想要提升它、投資它,并且使之成為一 項核心的技能。

Reporter: P&G*s 166-year success record is convincing. Products like Tide, Crest, Pampers, Charmin and Ivory are more than brands; they are consumer icons. Is there a secret to gaining such strong brand recognition?


Lafley:I wish there were. We have 13 brands that do over one billion dollars a year in sales. That's when you consider that most of our brands sell for $2—$5 per unit in the store. We are very attentive to brand creation and innovation. We also, generally, have enough sense not to change a brand identity when we think we’ve got it right. If you look at a Tide package from 1946, it was orange with a bull’s eye graphic and the Tide name in block letters. While we have continuously improved and refreshed the package design, the primary elements are the same. When the consumer is responding in a very positive way, we try to identify the design elements that have equity and keep them.

雷富禮:我希望我們有。我們有13個 品牌一年的銷售額可以達到10億美元以上,如果你想到我們的單件產(chǎn)品在商店里只賣2?5美元,那你就會覺得這個銷售額是非同一般的。我們很注意品牌創(chuàng)建和創(chuàng)新??傮w 來說,如果我們覺得自己走的方 向是對的,我們就不會輕易去改 變某一個品牌的特性。如果你去看一下1946年汰漬的包裝袋,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)那是一個橘色的袋子,上面有一個生動的牛眼睛,汰漬的名字采用的是粗體字。盡管我們不斷地提升、改變我們的包裝設(shè)計,但其主要因素并沒有變,如果顧客對此反應(yīng)良好,那我們就試圖確定那些設(shè)計合理的因素并把它們保留下來。

Reporter: P&G was the first to introduce brand management in the 1930s. Is this how you continue to work?


Lafley:Yes, we are in the business of creating and building brands, so we have kept the brand management system intact. Basically, P&G is a collection of brands. In the US we are known more by our brands than we are as a company. A major change over the years is that our brand teams are way more cross-disciplinary. We still have strong functional disciplines, but they are highly integrated into brand teams-and, yes, design does have an important place at the table. Another significant change is that we are now a worldwide business. Half of our sales come from outside the US, so we have global business units that have brand groups within them.

雷富禮:是的,我們在不斷地設(shè)計和創(chuàng)建新的品牌,因此我們?nèi)匀煌暾乇A糁虡斯芾淼膫鹘y(tǒng)。基本上,寶潔就是品牌的集合。在美國,人們更多地知道的是我們的品牌,而不是我們的公司。這些年來一個主要的改變是,我們 的品牌團隊開始走跨領(lǐng)域的道路,我們?nèi)匀挥袕姶蟮幕A(chǔ)服務(wù)領(lǐng)域,但是它們 與品牌團隊很好的融合在了一起,這其 中設(shè)計確實起了重要作用。另一個重大 的改變是,我們現(xiàn)在是一個跨國企業(yè),公司一半的銷售額都來自于美國以外的 國家,因此我們擁有全球范圍的營業(yè)單位,在那里也有我們很多品牌的產(chǎn)品。

Reporter: Does P&G market products differently overseas?


Lafley:The retailing environment is different. The media we use can be different, but fundamentally our global brands like Pantene look the same pretty much everywhere. We try to have the brand design equity be the same worldwide. We adapt the execution to the marketplace. Keep in mind that only 12 to 15 of our brands are truly global; most of our brands are only sold domestically.

雷富禮:零售的環(huán)境不同了,我們運用的媒介也不同了。但是基本上,比如潘婷這些全球知名的品牌,在世界各地看起來都是一樣的。我們希望我們的品牌設(shè)計權(quán)益在全球都是一樣的。在市場方面我們采用一定的技巧,要記住,我們 品牌中只有12到15個是全球公認的,大多數(shù)還都只是在國內(nèi)進行銷售。


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