CNN News: 特朗普上任100天 民眾評價褒貶不一
CNN News: 特朗普上任100天 民眾評價褒貶不一
Tomorrow marks 100 days since U.S. President Donald Trump was inaugurated. It's considered a mile stone for an American leader. And the president is expected to attend a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on Saturday to talk about his accomplishments. Like the three previous presidents, Mr. Trump has gotten mixed reviews on his first 100 days in office, but he's gotten lower approval ratings.
In a CNN/ORC poll conducted between April 22nd and April 25th, 44 percent of respondents said they approve of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president, 54 percent said they disapprove. The findings were similar in several other national polls.
On the issue of national security, 50 percent of respondents approve of the president's work, 48 percent disapprove. That number has held steady in recent months.
For health care policy, 36 percent approve of the job the president is doing, 61 percent disapprove. That number took a hit after Republicans in Congress failed to pass the first version of their plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, though they say they're working on a compromise.
On immigration, 41 percent approve, 57 percent disapprove. The president's executive order temporarily banning immigration from certain countries is current tied up in court.
But regarding the Supreme Court, the president's nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill avacancy was a success. He was narrowly confirmed by the Senate and is now seated on the bench.
不過,提名法官尼爾•戈薩奇(Neil Gorsuch)法官填補最高法院主席這一空缺被認為是一大成功。戈薩奇勉強獲得參議院的確認,目前已經就任最高法院大法官。
And on the economy, 59 percent said U.S. economic conditions are good, 41 percent said they're poor. The stock market has continued to climb despite hitting some bumps.
Tomorrow marks 100 days since U.S. President Donald Trump was inaugurated. It's considered a mile stone for an American leader. And the president is expected to attend a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on Saturday to talk about his accomplishments. Like the three previous presidents, Mr. Trump has gotten mixed reviews on his first 100 days in office, but he's gotten lower approval ratings.
In a CNN/ORC poll conducted between April 22nd and April 25th, 44 percent of respondents said they approve of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president, 54 percent said they disapprove. The findings were similar in several other national polls.
On the issue of national security, 50 percent of respondents approve of the president's work, 48 percent disapprove. That number has held steady in recent months.
For health care policy, 36 percent approve of the job the president is doing, 61 percent disapprove. That number took a hit after Republicans in Congress failed to pass the first version of their plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, though they say they're working on a compromise.
On immigration, 41 percent approve, 57 percent disapprove. The president's executive order temporarily banning immigration from certain countries is current tied up in court.
But regarding the Supreme Court, the president's nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill avacancy was a success. He was narrowly confirmed by the Senate and is now seated on the bench.
And on the economy, 59 percent said U.S. economic conditions are good, 41 percent said they're poor. The stock market has continued to climb despite hitting some bumps.
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