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2014-09-20VOA常速英語: 脫水是亞利桑那州南部移民的頭號殺手

Dehydration Is Top Killer of Southern Arizona's MigrantsTUCSON, ARIZONA— The border separating the United State... [查看全文]

2014-09-19VOA常速英語: 埃博拉病毒使經(jīng)濟遭受打擊

Ebola Deals Economic Blow埃博拉病毒使經(jīng)濟遭受打擊The World Bank Group warns that the West Africa Ebola crisis could... [查看全文]

2014-09-18VOA常速英語: 阿里巴巴尋求投資者,可能會轟動一時

Alibaba Seeks Investors, May Hit Record阿里巴巴尋求投資者,可能會轟動一時The huge Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba is... [查看全文]

2014-09-17VOA常速英語: 埃博拉疫情檢驗人權(quán)

HRW: Ebola Outbreak Tests Human RightsWest African governments are being urged to ensure human rights are respecte... [查看全文]

2014-09-15VOA常速英語: 衛(wèi)生保健專家正在考慮治療埃博拉病毒的不同方法

Health Care Specialists Consider Different Treatments for Ebola衛(wèi)生保健專家正在考慮治療埃博拉病毒的不同方法In West Africa... [查看全文]

2014-09-14VOA常速英語: 巴勒斯坦人致力于重建加沙

Palestinians Turn to Rebuilding GazaWASHINGTON— After almost two months of conflict in Gaza, Palestinians are prep... [查看全文]

2014-09-13VOA常速英語: 美國穆斯林領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人譴責(zé)伊斯蘭國家

US Muslim Leaders Condemn Islamic StateSTERLING, VIRGINIA— Leaders of America's Muslim community are condemning... [查看全文]

2014-09-12VOA常速英語: 中美關(guān)系:“戰(zhàn)略再保證與決心”

US-China Relations: ‘Strategic Reassurance and Resolve’The relationship between China and the United State... [查看全文]

2014-09-11VOA常速英語: 批評人士希望關(guān)于世界危機,奧巴馬可以更深思熟慮

Critics Hope for More Deliberate Obama on World CrisesWASHINGTON— From too cautious to too slow, there has been... [查看全文]

2014-09-10VOA常速英語: 蘋果在9月9日推出 iPhone 6

Apple Set to Launch New iPhone Sept. 9Apple’s next big thing is just around the corner. But if you’r... [查看全文]