第3課:力量 - 3【迷你小對話】A: I started working out regularly a few months ago. I feel really healthy.B: I thou... [查看全文]
第3課:力量 - 2【迷你小對話】A: He looks athletic. Look at those muscles!B: Did you see him pick up that box? He... [查看全文]
第3課:力量 - 1【迷你小對話】A: Those football players are huge. They look burly.B: You know, they have to be tou... [查看全文]
第2課:笨拙 - 14【迷你小對話1】A: Do you think you’ll get the job teaching at ABC English School?B: Are you... [查看全文]
第2課:笨拙 - 13【迷你小對話1】A: Man, that Mr. Kovacs is such a nincompoop. I told him I was ill and could not... [查看全文]
第2課:笨拙 - 12【迷你小對話1】A: My English is a bit rusty. I haven’t used it since high school.B: Yeah. M... [查看全文]
第2課:笨拙 - 11【迷你小對話1】A: My football team’s playing like garbage this year.B: So’s mine, and th... [查看全文]
第2課:笨拙 - 10【迷你小對話1】A: I am as awkward as a cow on skates.B: I know. These formal dinners just aren&r... [查看全文]
第2課:笨拙 - 9【迷你小對話】A: Did you see him fall all over himself making excuses?B: He really messed up this... [查看全文]
第2課:笨拙 - 8【迷你小對話】A: I am really klutzy on the dance floor. It’s like I have two left feet and... [查看全文]