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2010-06-04邁克爾-杰克遜經(jīng)典專輯之Best Of Jackson 5

專輯一: Best Of Jackson 5 專輯二: Ben 專輯 三: Off The Wall 專輯 四: Thriller 專輯 五: Bad 專輯 六: Dangerous 專輯 七: HIStory 專輯 八: Blood on the Dance Floor 專輯 九: Invincible 專輯 十: [查看全文]


Celine Dion pregnant again at last — with twins LOS ANGELES – Celine Dion's struggle to have one more baby has more than paid off... [查看全文]


Paul McCartney to be honored by Barack Obama at White House concert 前披頭士樂隊(duì)成員、著名流行音樂人保羅•麥卡特尼將于下月初在美國(guó)白宮接受第三屆“... [查看全文]


憑借炫酷舞蹈模仿“流行天王”邁克爾•杰克遜的四歲天才兒童王一鳴,人稱“小寶”,開始受到世界各地觀眾的熱捧。小寶曾在美國(guó)電視節(jié)目秀“Ellen”的舞臺(tái)上展現(xiàn)舞... [查看全文]


With the indentations left by fishnets still visible across her midriff, here is the proof that Madonna is still confident enough in... [查看全文]

2010-05-21西蒙變身貴族 即將受封為爵士

Simon Cowell is set to receive major gongs in the Queen's birthday honours list, senior sources in Whitehall have confirmed.   Simon... [查看全文]

2010-05-20周杰倫回歸樂壇 “超人”是否不會(huì)飛

導(dǎo)讀:近日,周杰倫推出第十張個(gè)人專輯《跨時(shí)代》。近年來(lái)貴為樂壇天王的他開始“不務(wù)正業(yè)(goof around)”,希望能在影壇大展拳腳,結(jié)果卻反響平平。此次周董回歸樂壇,很多... [查看全文]


THE star-making British talent show "Britain's Got Talent" is coming to Shanghai.   英國(guó)選秀節(jié)目英國(guó)達(dá)人即將登陸上海。   City-based Dragon... [查看全文]


 Britain's Got Talent star Janey Cutler has captured the attention of US television bosses, according to re... [查看全文]

2010-05-10Lady Gaga淪為美軍發(fā)泄對(duì)象?

In the two weeks since it first hit the Internet, the YouTube video of Afghanistan-based soldier recreating Lady Gaga's "Telephone" ... [查看全文]