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The Flea, the Grasshopper, and the Skipjack once wanted to see which of them could jump highest; and they invit... [查看全文]


ApolloAmong the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was Apollo.He was the son of Zeus and Let t... [查看全文]

2014-03-03英語童話:Return to Paradise

生活是一條河,在靜靜的流淌中,總會遇到阻礙前進的石塊,這時除了蜿蜒前進,難道還有來路可退嗎?曾經的海誓山盟都已淡漠,兩人牽手真的已走到盡... [查看全文]


The Olympin GodsBetween Macedon and Thessaly of eastern Greece there stood a high mountain.Its cloudy top rushed ... [查看全文]


She had a little house of her own, a little garden too, this woman of whom I am going to tell you, but for... [查看全文]


Ajax(the Great)Ajax was a man of giant stature,daring but slow.When the Trojan War was about to break out he le... [查看全文]


  相信大家都看過童話王子與灰姑娘吧,那些華麗的衣服、精致的水晶鞋、夢幻的南瓜車都是如此美妙,然而今天小編帶給大家的灰姑娘這些都沒... [查看全文]


PandoraAfter the stealing of fire,Zeus became increasingly unkind to men.One day he ordered his son Hephaestus tob... [查看全文]


The Flea, the Grasshopper, and the Skipjack once wanted to see which of them could jump highest; and they invit... [查看全文]

2013-04-23英語童話:Old Rinkrank

There was once on a time a King who had a daughter, and he caused a glass mountain to be made, and said tha... [查看全文]