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Chainlink Drives LST and LRT Adoption in DeFiChainLink在Defi中驅(qū)動LST和LRT采用Chainlink, a leading blockchain oracle n... [查看全文]

2024-05-22前沿資訊:Fetch AI與BlockAgent、Chainlink集成,強化區(qū)塊鏈監(jiān)測

Fetch AI (FET), a renowned AI and blockchain platform, unveiled BlockAgent, a significant advancement in blockchain... [查看全文]


BNB Chain is making significant progress in adopting and integrating AI technologies, making it an ideal platform... [查看全文]


Filecoin, a decentralized storage system, has highlighted the significant growth in its network and the vital role... [查看全文]

2024-05-22前沿資訊:Robinhood Crypto為歐洲市場推出質(zhì)押和本地化應用程序

Robinhood Crypto Expands in Europe with Staking and Localized AppsRobinhood Crypto在歐洲擴展,隨著藏匿和本地化應用Robinh... [查看全文]

2024-05-22前沿資訊:Sei V2發(fā)布綜合指南

Introducing the Sei V2 Launch引入SEI V2發(fā)布The highly anticipated Sei V2, a proposed upgrade to the live blockchai... [查看全文]


Generative AI: A Game-Changer in the Security Industry生成AI:安全行業(yè)的游戲改變者Founders of prominent security startu... [查看全文]


The Sui blockchain ecosystem showcases the importance of mobile wallets, with three emerging as leaders in the sp... [查看全文]


Wormhole Adds Support for Blast蟲洞增加了對Blast的支持Wormhole, a leading interoperability platform that powers multich... [查看全文]

2024-05-22前沿資訊:Core Scientific將在第19屆Needham科技與媒體年會上發(fā)表演講

Core Scientific to Present at Upcoming Needham Conference核心科學將在即將舉行的Needham會議上展示Core Scientific Corporati... [查看全文]