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2017-07-17CNN News: 敘利亞發(fā)生疑似使用了化學(xué)武器的恐襲事件

And our first stop today is in the Middle East. Officials worldwide are investigating an att... [查看全文]

2017-07-16CNN News: 罕見現(xiàn)象! 美國參議院全體參加安全會議

It's pretty rare for the entire 100-member U.S. Senate is called to the White House for... [查看全文]

2017-07-15CNN News: 美國副總統(tǒng)訪問朝韓非軍事地區(qū)

We're back to our daily coverage of explaining international events today. It starts with... [查看全文]

2017-07-14CNN News: 特朗普希望巴以能達(dá)成和平協(xié)議

For the second stop on his first international trip as U.S. leader, President Donald Trump l... [查看全文]

2017-07-13CNN News: 全球種子庫出現(xiàn)缺口滲水

Another story we're covering, what's known as the Doomsday Vault has been breached.下面... [查看全文]

2017-07-12CNN News: 特朗普受到沙特盛大歡迎 兩國簽署價(jià)值千億協(xié)議

President Donald Trump is taking his first international trip as U.S. leader. He arrived in ... [查看全文]

2017-07-10CNN News: 朝鮮關(guān)押多名美國公民

A University of Virginia student, an accounting teacher, a Pyongyang university employee and a... [查看全文]

2017-07-09CNN News: 談話內(nèi)容被公布 特朗普真的蓄意非法干擾政府工作?

First today, an explanation of a controversy swirling around the Trump administration. It conc... [查看全文]

2017-07-05CNN News: 報(bào)道稱特朗普總統(tǒng)與俄官員分享絕密信息

A lot of discussion is going on right now with Washington, D.C., about whether U.S. Presiden... [查看全文]

2017-07-04CNN News: 朝鮮核試驗(yàn)取得成功 美方呼吁加重對其經(jīng)濟(jì)制裁

Up next today — unlike the last couple of missile tests conducted by the Asian country of... [查看全文]