
2022-02-28 09:07:42  每日學(xué)英語(yǔ)
A study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology found that children, like adults, inherently trust good-looking people more than unattractive ones.



For the study, a team of Chinese researchers recruited groups of 8-, 10-, and 12-year-olds, with 33 to 34 kids in each group (a similarly sized group of college students served as a control). These pint-size volunteers viewed a series of 200 unfamiliar faces, categorizing each one as trustworthy, untrustworthy, or neither; a month later, they came back to view the same faces, this time rating them on attractiveness.


Across age groups, the two judgments were closely linked — the more attractive faces, in general, were also considered more trustworthy. It's one more in a pile of similar findings about how kids make appearance-based judgments: Past research has shown, for example, that preschool-age children seek out more attractive peers as playmates, and that they prefer to rely on better-looking people as sources of information. Even kids as young as 3 can read a person's face to make assumptions about their character.


"The 'beauty is good' impression may gradually develop through children's daily experiences in witnessing the association between attractive individuals and trustworthy behaviors," the authors wrote.


As we have previously noted, beautiful people have it easier in many ways: They tend to be better paid, more confident, and better liked — even by the tiniest of humans.

