
2021-10-26 09:26:38  每日學(xué)英語(yǔ)


Steve Jobs told his daughter that she smelled 'like a toilet' during one of their last meetings together, her new memoir reveals.史蒂夫·喬布斯的女兒在她的新回憶錄中透露,在她與喬布斯最后會(huì)面的一次中,喬布斯對(duì)她說(shuō),她聞起來(lái)“就像廁所”。

The Apple founder made the cruel dig at Lisa Brennan-Jobs as he lay dying of cancer because he smelled the rose facial mist she had sprayed on herself.那時(shí)蘋(píng)果公司的創(chuàng)始人喬布斯因身患癌癥而不久于人世,當(dāng)時(shí)他聞到了麗薩·布倫南-喬布斯身上的玫瑰噴霧的味道,所以對(duì)麗薩說(shuō)出了這樣殘忍的話。

In her new book, Small Fry, Lisa reveals how her billionaire father once turned nasty and told her: 'You're getting nothing' when she asked to have his Porsche when he was done with it.在她的新書(shū)《一些小事》中,麗薩透露她的億萬(wàn)富翁父親曾令她非常難受。當(dāng)她請(qǐng)求喬布斯在他不要他的保時(shí)捷跑車(chē)就把車(chē)送給她的時(shí)候,他對(duì)她說(shuō):“你什么都得不到”。

'You're not getting anything, you understand?' Jobs told her.“你什么都得不到,懂嗎?”喬布斯告訴她。

Lisa writes that Jobs spoke in 'such a sour, biting way' and that he once told 'I'm one of the most important people you will ever know.'麗薩寫(xiě)道,喬布斯曾“用一種非常令人討厭且刻薄的語(yǔ)氣”告訴她,“我是你將會(huì)認(rèn)識(shí)的最重要的人中的一個(gè)。”

Her memoir gives unprecedented detail about the troubled relationship with her father.她的回憶錄記述了她與她的父親之間糟糕的關(guān)系中的那些從未透露過(guò)的細(xì)節(jié)。

She says that for her father, her very existence was a disappointment and a source of shame.她說(shuō),對(duì)她的父親而言,她的存在令他失望,她是他的恥辱。

She writes: 'My existence ruined his streak. For me, it was the opposite: the closer I was to him, the less I would feel ashamed; he was part of the world, and he would accelerate me into the light.'她寫(xiě)道:“我的存在毀掉了他的人設(shè)。對(duì)我而言,一切卻恰恰相反:我越靠近他,我越不覺(jué)得羞愧;他是我的世界中的一部分,他會(huì)使我更快地走向光明。”

Lisa was born in 1978 after Jobs had a five-year relationship with her mother Chrisann Brennan which ended when she became pregnant.麗薩出生于1978年,在那之前喬布斯與她的母親克里斯安·布倫南交往過(guò)五年,然而在布倫南懷孕的時(shí)候,他們兩個(gè)人卻分手了。

Acrimony and a court case followed during which Jobs took a paternity test and still denied that he was Lisa's father.之后他們對(duì)簿公堂,但諷刺的是,在喬布斯進(jìn)行了親子鑒定之后,他仍然否認(rèn)自己是麗薩的父親。

Jobs even claimed that he was 'sterile and infertile' yet went on to have three children with his wife Laurene Powell.喬布斯甚至稱(chēng)自己“不孕不育”,然而他與他的妻子勞倫·鮑威爾卻育有三個(gè)孩子。

Jobs finally reconciled with Lisa and apologized when she was nine years old, but the wounds of his behavior never really healed and the two had a strained relationship.當(dāng)麗薩九歲的時(shí)候,喬布斯最終與麗薩和解,并向她道歉,但他給麗薩帶來(lái)的創(chuàng)傷永遠(yuǎn)都無(wú)法痊愈,而且兩人的關(guān)系一直很緊張。

