
2017-05-15 10:02:36  每日學(xué)英語(yǔ)
Layby 路邊停車(chē)

'Layby' refers to someone who is in a relationship but looking to get out. Instead of risking a period of singleness when it eventually ends, a layby starts laying the groundwork with other women or men who they might want to date next.


Those being pursued by a layby should be wary as he or she might well have a number of 'next' options lined up - not to mention the fact that they are not technically single. There is also a good chance the layby could be needy or insecure as they are not comfortable being single.


Catch And Release 撩完就跑

On the other end of the spectrum is the dater who practises the 'catch and release'. This is a move favoured by those who enjoys the 'chase' part of a relationship,the first flirtations before any commitments are made.


Once the object of their desire has been 'caught', this commitment-phobe will then 'release' them without ever being pinned down.


Snack Pack 零食袋

This playful name is given to the bag a man or woman brings when they spend the night at someone else's place. Most frequently carried in case of a one-night stand.


Items within a 'snack pack' might include a toothbrush, phone charger or spare pair of underwear.Condoms, birth control pills or other contraception are also a must.


Before couples have 'the talk' and define their relationship——also known by the acronym 'DTR' —— either party is at risk of being 'benched'.

Benching 備胎


This happens when one person is unsure of their future with their current partner and so puts them on the 'bench' - as with sports team reserves - and looks at other options. 


If nothing better comes along, they might come back into play.



The solitude of the winter months can leave even the most avowed singletons thinking twice about their relationship status.


Cuffing Season 銬牢期

Long nights in front of the television are better with company, so many people find themselves wanting to be 'cuffed' to someone else.


However these passionate dalliances can often fizzle out with the change in season, when daters find themselves distracted by the sunny days and skin on show.


The true mark of a full-blown relationship is when it is endorsed or 'shipped' by the couple's nearest and dearest.



line up  將……排成隊(duì); 排隊(duì)

spectrum英 ['spektr?m]  美 ['sp?ktr?m] n. 光譜;頻譜;范圍;

flirtation 英 [fl??'te??n]  美 [fl?'te??n] n. 調(diào)情

phobe 恐怖;懼怕

pin down確定;使受約束;阻止

avowed英 [?'va?d]  美 [?'va?d] adj. 公開(kāi)宣布的;公開(kāi)承認(rèn)的;公然的

