
2015-04-02 08:33:16  每日學(xué)英語


  1,可譯為“好的”,但概念模糊:如good fish(好魚),是指品種,大小還是新鮮程度呢?

  2,勉強(qiáng)可譯為“好的”,但不搭配:如Good fire若譯為“很好的爐火”是可以理解的,但不如譯為“旺盛的爐火”。

  3,譯成“好的”反而錯(cuò)了:如good hard work不是指“一項(xiàng)好的但卻艱巨的工作”,而是指“一項(xiàng)十分艱巨的工作”。



  a good knife 一把好刀

  a good conductor 良導(dǎo)體


  1,a good soil 肥沃的土壤

  2,good oil 提純了的油

  3,a good money 真的貨幣

  4,a good river 暢通的河道

  5,good English 規(guī)范的英語

  6,Good switches move quickly. 優(yōu)質(zhì)開關(guān)動作靈活。(good引申為“優(yōu)質(zhì)的”)

  7,That engine sounds good. 那臺發(fā)動機(jī)聽起來很正常。(good 引申譯為“正常”)

  8,the rocket travels better through vacuum than it des through the air. 火箭穿過真空比穿過空氣容易。(good引申譯為“容易”)

  9,A good example of a case where electricity is changed to power is the electric streetcar. 電變?yōu)閯恿Φ牡湫屠邮请娷嚒?good example 引申譯為“典型的例子”)

  10,In the absence of an outdoor aerial this telescopic aerial will give a good picture if the transmitter signal is sufficiently strong. 在無室外天線時(shí),若發(fā)射機(jī)的信號很強(qiáng),這種拉桿天線可產(chǎn)生清晰的圖象(good picture引申譯為“清晰的圖象”)

  11,Laser possesses a series of remarkable properties, which make it a better

  light source in a number of cases. 激光有許多顯著的特性,這些特性使它在許多情況下成為一種更理想的光源。(good引申譯為“理想的”)


  Milk is good food for children. 牛奶對小孩是有益的。漢譯時(shí)引申:

  1,good gradient 平緩的坡度

  2,It is no good heating the material to such a temperature. 把材料加熱到這樣的溫度是不恰當(dāng)?shù)摹?good引申為“恰當(dāng)?shù)?rdquo;)



  1,a good chess player 高明的棋手

  2,A good human translator can do perhaps 2000 to 3000 words a day. 一個(gè)熟練的翻譯人員一天也許能翻譯兩千到三千個(gè)詞。(good引申譯為“熟練的”)


  The workers gave the machine a good checking. 工人們對機(jī)器進(jìn)行了徹底的檢查。漢譯時(shí)引申:

  1,have a good drink 喝個(gè)痛快

  2,It has been thought of making good use of the sun's energy to serve the well-being of the people. 我們早就設(shè)想過充分利用太陽能來為自己造福。(good引申譯為“充分”)

  3,This set consumes so little power that a good 12 volt car battery can still start your car after you have been watching TV for 10 hours. 本機(jī)耗電極少,因而具有12伏足電的汽車蓄電池在你看電視十小時(shí)后仍能用于開車。(good引申為“充足的”)

  4,Rivers provide good sources of hydropower. 河流具有豐富的水力資源。 (good引申譯為“豐富的”)

  5,The CE circuit is widely favored since it can be designed for good voltage and current gains. CE電路得到廣泛的使用,因?yàn)樗塬@得高電壓增益和高電流增益。(good……gains引申譯為“高……增益”)


  a car with good brakes 剎車可靠的汽車
