
2015-03-27 08:46:19  每日學(xué)英語(yǔ)


  在英文中“左耳進(jìn)右耳出”可以用“go in one ear and out the other”來(lái)表示,我們來(lái)看兩個(gè)例子:

  I told Sally it was foolish to marry that man, but it went in one ear and out the other. Now she wishes she'd listened to me. He drinks and gambles and she wants to leave him. 我告訴薩莉嫁給那個(gè)男人很愚蠢,但她對(duì)我的話(huà)真是左耳進(jìn)右耳出?,F(xiàn)在她后悔當(dāng)初沒(méi)有聽(tīng)我的。她的丈夫不僅酗酒還賭博,她想要離開(kāi)他了。

  How many times have I told you to get to work on time. But my words justgo in one ear and out the other. So I don't have any choice but to fire you. 我已經(jīng)告訴你多少次了,要按時(shí)上班。但你對(duì)我的話(huà)左耳進(jìn)右耳出。所以我只好解雇你了。
