除了“Good Bye”,怎么說再見?

2015-03-20 08:32:01  每日學(xué)英語
  1. 再見。Good-bye.

  2. 再見。Bye!

  3. 再見了。See you.

  4. 我走了。I'm off now.

  5. 我必須告辭了。I have to go.

  6. 祝你好運(yùn)。Good luck.

  7. 祝你有美好的一天。Have a nice day.

  8. 祝周末愉快。Have a nice weekend.

  9. 祝你好運(yùn)。Good luck

  10. 好好玩。Have fun.

  11. 就照這樣繼續(xù)下去。Keep it up!

  12. 不要太累了。Don't work too hard!

  13. 祝旅途愉快。Have a nice trip!

  14. 愉快地玩吧。Have a good one !

  15. 我不走不行了。I hate to run ,but...

  16. 很高興遇見你。It was nice meeting you.

  17. 請(qǐng)代我向約翰問好。Please say Hello to John for me.

  18. 晚安。Good night.

  19. 有空再來。Come again.

  20. 不要忘了帶禮物回來給我。Don't forget to bring something back for me!

  21. 放輕松一點(diǎn)。Take it easy!

  22. 希望馬上能再見到你。I hope to see you again soon!

  23. 待會(huì)打電話給我。Call me later.

  24. 小心慢走。Take care.
