
2015-03-18 08:49:27  每日學(xué)英語

10 The Proof For ’1+1=2′ Is 300 Pages Long

10 為了證明1+1=2,數(shù)學(xué)家用了300多頁紙來計算

9 The Definition Of ‘Almost Surely’ Is A Mathematical Nightmare

9 對“幾乎必然”的定義是數(shù)學(xué)上的一個噩夢

8 Defining The Word ‘The’ Is Really Difficult

8 給單詞“The”下定義是一件十分困難的事兒

7 There’s No Universally Accepted Theory On How Bikes Work

7 關(guān)于自行車的工作原理,還沒有普遍認(rèn)同的理論

6 How Long Is A Piece Of String? It’s Impossible To Know

6 一根繩子有多長?這是根本不可能知道的。

5 Yawning

5 打哈欠

4 Left And Right Have Been Confusing Philosophers For Years

4 “左”與“右”的問題已困擾哲學(xué)家們多年

3 We Enjoy Things For Reasons Other Than Enjoyment

3 我們喜歡某些事物是出于理性而非快樂

2 Some Mosquitoes Bite People Because Of Their Clothes

2 一些蚊子咬人是由于衣服的緣故

1 Rock-Paper-Scissors Is The Most Serious Game In The World

1 剪刀—石頭—布是世界上最正經(jīng)的游戲
